Chapter 2.44


2.44.030    Organization.

2.44.180    Regulation of personnel.

2.44.190    Employee handbook.

2.44.030 Organization.

A. The Mayor is the Chief Administrator of the City. Appointments made by the Mayor are subject to confirmation by the Council. The Council establishes City positions necessary to perform City business. Each employee is responsible to his or her direct supervisor. The City Clerk may be appointed as daily supervisor of City employees, at the discretion of the Council, upon recommendation of the Mayor.

B. The Council establishes the organization of City employees and alters the organizational structure from time to time as it deems necessary. (Ord. 85-02 § 4, 1985; Ord. 93-01 § 4, 1993; Ord. 09-22 § 4(2), 2009; Ord. 16-12 § 4, 2016)

2.44.180 Regulation of personnel.

The Mayor shall have the power, subject to Council approval, to make or amend rules and regulations relating to hiring and discharge, working conditions, hours and terms of employment, retirement and insurance plans, classification, compensation, leave and other conditions relating to the employment of City personnel. (Ord. 96-04, 1996; Ord. 97-06, 1997; Ord. 09-22 § 4(2), 2009; Ord. 16-12 § 4, 2016)

2.44.190 Employee handbook.*

The policies and procedures handbook shall govern conditions of employment. (Ord. 96-04, 1996; Ord. 97-06, 1997; Ord. 09-22 § 4(2), 2009; Ord. 16-12 § 4, 2016)

*    A copy of the employee handbook is on file in the office of the City Clerk.