Chapter 4.05


4.05.010    Fiscal year.

4.05.020    Annual budget.

4.05.030    Appropriations.

4.05.040    Repealed.

4.05.050    Approval of use of City funds.

4.05.055    Capital account.

4.05.060    Reserve funds.

4.05.070    Repealed.

4.05.080    Records.

4.05.090    Reports.

4.05.100    Repealed.

4.05.010 Fiscal year.

The fiscal year of the City of Houston shall be the first day of July each year to the thirtieth day of June of the following year. (Ord. 09-05 § 4, 2009; Ord. 16-02 § 5, 2016)

4.05.020 Annual budget.

A. The Mayor shall submit a comprehensive operating budget to the Council, with an accompanying message and proposed ordinance for appropriations to be disbursed, no later than the first regular meeting in May of each year.

B. Budget preparation shall begin at the department level with each department head and committee chair to submit, before the thirtieth of March each year, a preliminary budget for the department.

C. The Council shall hold at least one public hearing on the budget ordinance.

D. The Council will adopt the annual budget before the thirtieth of June each year.

E. The approved annual operating budget shall be the approved spending plan of the City and shall be managed by the Mayor or designee.

F. The budget of the City includes the following departments:

1. Administration.

2. Public Works/Road Department.

3. Fire and Rescue.

4. Parks Service/Visitor Center.

G. A separate section of the annual budget should be labeled “Capital Projects” and reflect projected operating costs of new capital projects. (Ord. 23-09 § 4, 2023; Ord. 23-04 § 4, 2023; Ord. 09-05 § 4, 2009; Ord. 12-12 § 4, 2012; Ord. 16-02 § 5, 2016)

4.05.030 Appropriations.

The Council must make all appropriations by noncoded ordinance. Within a departmental budget, the Mayor may transfer part or all of any appropriation among line items, as necessary up to 10 percent of the departmental budget. (Ord. 23-04 § 4, 2023; Ord. 09-05 § 4, 2009; Ord. 10-04 § 4, 2010; Ord. 12-12 § 4, 2012; Ord. 16-02 § 5, 2016)

4.05.040 Lapse of appropriations.

Repealed by Ord. 12-12. (Ord. 09-05 § 4, 2009; Ord. 10-04 § 4, 2010)

4.05.050 Approval of use of City funds.

Except for petty cash and approved appropriations, no City funds may be disbursed. (Ord. 09-05 § 4, 2009; Ord. 10-04 § 4, 2010; Ord. 16-02 § 5, 2016)

4.05.055 Capital account.

The Council shall establish a separate interest-bearing capital account. As determined by the City’s Capital Improvement Plan and a majority vote of the Council, this account shall be used for:

A. Acquisition of new assets.

B. Replacing existing assets.

C. Investment in projects.

This account shall be funded primarily by the sales, lease or use of lands to which the City has title, as well as from the sale of timber, gravel or other resources taken or extracted from the land. Additional funding may be determined by Council. (Ord. 12-12 § 4, 2012; Ord. 16-02 § 5, 2016)

4.05.060 Reserve funds.

The Council shall establish a separate interest-bearing account and it shall be known as a “Reserve Fund.” The Reserve Fund balance goal shall be one-quarter of the current budgeted FY year expenditures. This fund may be used upon majority vote of the Council to:

A. Meet unforeseen or emergency expenses.

B. Make up budget shortfalls.

C. Transfer funds that are above the Reserve Fund goal by 15 percent for that current fiscal year expenditures are to be transferred to a nonrecurring revenues fund. (Ord. 23-04 § 4, 2023; Ord. 09-05 § 4, 2009; Ord. 12-12 § 4, 2012; Ord. 16-02 § 5, 2016)

4.05.070 Motor Pool Fund.

Repealed by Ord. 12-12. (Ord. 09-05 § 4, 2009)

4.05.080 Records.

The City keeps all financial documents in accordance with the adopted records retention schedule. (Ord. 09-05 § 4, 2009; Ord. 16-02 § 5, 2016)

4.05.090 Reports.

A. The Treasurer prepares a monthly report of City finances for the Council. The monthly report shows balances in each fund. The Treasurer shall also prepare monthly up-to-date budget reports for each department for the Mayor and Council. The report shall be approved by the Mayor before submission to the Council.

B. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual report for the Mayor’s use in budgeting for the coming fiscal year. (Ord. 09-05 § 4, 2009; Ord. 16-02 § 5, 2016)

4.05.100 Collection of problem accounts and checks.

Repealed by Ord. 16-02. (Ord. 09-05 § 4, 2009)