Chapter 4.22


4.22.010    Disposal of personal property.

4.22.010 Disposal of personal property.

Each department shall report to the Mayor any items of personal property that are obsolete, surplus, or otherwise of no current value to the functions of the department. Items may be disposed of in the following manner:

A. Items with a value of $1,000 or less, which have some value, can be given to the Houston Fire Department Auxiliary or can be sold after submitting a request for disposal to the Mayor.

B. Items with a value of $2,000 or less which are found to be noneconomically repairable or are no longer useful in the department for which they were purchased will be placed on a list and submitted to the Mayor for authorization of disposal. Other departments within the City will be given first choice on any item that may be usable in their department.

C. The Mayor may dispose of personal property that is valued at not more than $10,000 upon such notice and terms that the Mayor considers reasonable, taking into consideration the value of the article, the reason for disposal, and the general preference for disposal by competitive bid.

D. The Mayor may recommend that the Council authorize the disposal of personal property valued at more than $10,000. After receipt of the recommendation, the Council by resolution may direct sale of such property under such terms and conditions that the Council requires.

E. In cases where there is no response by bid, or if all bids offered to the City fall below the minimum acceptable price on items or lots of surplus personal property offered for sale by the City, the Mayor may sell such surplus personal property at a negotiated sale on lots or items valued at $10,000 or less; provided, that without City Council approval no sale is made equal to or lower than the first lower bid below the minimum acceptable price set by the City.

F. Before the City sells any surplus personal property with a value of $10,000 or more, such property shall be advertised for sale in a newspaper of general circulation in the City at least two weeks in advance of such sale, and other notice shall be given if necessary to adequately inform prospective buyers to give them an opportunity to submit bids.

G. The notice advertising the sale shall state if the sale will be by sealed bid or outcry auction. If the sale is to be by sealed bid, the notice of sale shall state the latest day and hour bids will be accepted by the City, and a designated time and place the bids will be opened in public. If the sale is by outcry auction, the notice advertising the sale shall state the location, the day and the hour the sale will commence. In both cases the advertised notice of sale shall state the time limits allowed the successful bidder to remove purchased personal property from City property.

H. The City may repeatedly reject all bids and advertise and give notice again. The City shall sell such surplus personal property to the highest responsible bidder for cash. In case of a tie, the City may require the bidders tying to submit another sealed bid, or may divide the sale among two or more tying, always selling to the highest responsible bidder for cash. (Ord. 02-17 § 3, 2002)