Chapter 1.12


1.12.010    Recognition and cooperation.

1.12.010 Recognition and cooperation.

A.    The borough recognizes the villages within the borough’s boundaries as Native American tribes which are organized under terms of the Federal Indian Reorganization Act, as amended (25 USC 476 and 477), as bodies politic and corporate eligible for borough funding, grants and contracts. The borough also recognizes the villages within the borough’s boundaries as Native American tribes which are organized under traditional forms of government as bodies politic, similarly eligible for borough funding, grants and contracts.

B.    Authority to Cooperate with Units of Local Government and Federal and State Agencies.

1.    In performing a duty imposed upon it, or in exercising a power conferred upon it, the borough may cooperate, by agreement or otherwise, with a unit of local government or a state agency of this or another state or of another country, or with the United States, or with a United States governmental agency, or with a Native American tribe or an agency of a Native American tribe. This power includes power to provide jointly for administrative officers.

2.    With regard to a Native American tribe, the power described in subsection (A)(1) of this section includes the power of the executive departments of the borough to enter into agreements to ensure that the borough or an agency of the borough does not interfere with or infringe on the exercise of any right or privilege of a Native American tribe or members of a tribe held or granted under any federal treaty, executive order, agreement, statute, policy or any other authority. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to modify the obligations of the United States to a Native American tribe or its members or the rights of the tribe under federal or tribal law.

C.    Within the context of this chapter, “Native American tribe” means an entity defined as a “tribe” in federal legislation and includes specifically the villages within the boundaries of the borough organized under the terms of the Federal Indian Reorganization Act or as traditional councils which are federally recognized and eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Native Americans because of their status as Native Americans. (Ord. 89-13am § 1, 1989; Code 1986 § 2.90.010)