Chapter 1.20


1.20.010    Recognition of the Inupiaq language.

1.20.020    Perpetuation of the Inupiaq language.

1.20.010 Recognition of the Inupiaq language.

As a matter of public policy, the borough recognizes the Inupiaq language as the language of the original people of the borough and their descendants. The Inupiaq language expresses the unique values, history and culture of the vast majority of the people living in the borough and is key to their sense of identity and self-worth. (Ord. 00-04 § 1, 2000)

1.20.020 Perpetuation of the Inupiaq language.

It is the policy of the borough to encourage and perpetuate the use of the Inupiaq language in the everyday life of the people of the borough, and wherever feasible, in the official actions of the borough. Accordingly, it is the policy of the borough to encourage and support the instruction of the Inupiaq language in borough schools under the direction of the school district. Oaths of office shall, where feasible, be administered in both Inupiaq and English. Where in the judgment of borough officials it is feasible, borough publications shall be written in both Inupiaq and English. It is further the policy of the borough to encourage all the residents of the borough and the borough’s contractors and employees to become familiar with, and where feasible, to learn the Inupiaq language. (Ord. 00-04 § 1, 2000)