Chapter 2.20


2.20.010    Appointment of officers.

2.20.015    Appointment by special counsel.

2.20.020    Prohibitions.

2.20.030    Oath of office.

2.20.040    Conflicts of interest.

2.20.050    Salaries of officials.

2.20.010 Appointment of officers.

The borough clerk, attorney, treasurer and police chief are appointed by the mayor. Officers serve at the pleasure of the appointing authority. Appointments by the mayor are subject to confirmation by the assembly. (Code 1986 § 2.20.080)

2.20.015 Appointment by special counsel.

A.    Special legal council may be identified and appointed by the majority vote of the assembly to provide the assembly with an opinion, investigation or advice regarding any issue identified by the assembly. Upon appointment, the borough attorney shall expeditiously retain such special counsel upon terms authorized by the assembly.

B.    If the assembly cannot identify an attorney, the assembly may by majority vote direct the borough attorney to solicit proposals from qualified attorneys to provide legal services to the assembly. Upon receipt of the proposals, the assembly president and vice president shall select a proposal to submit to the full assembly for approval and appointment. (Ord. 96-06 § 1, 1996)

2.20.020 Prohibitions.

No person may be appointed to or removed from municipal office or in any way favored or discriminated against with respect to a municipal position because of his race, color, sex, creed, national origin or, unless otherwise contrary to law, because of his political opinions or affiliations. (Code 1986 § 2.20.090)

2.20.030 Oath of office.

A.    All officers elected or appointed before entering upon the duties of office shall affirm in writing the following oath and affirmation:

I _________ do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and state of Alaska and the laws and ordinances of the Northwest Arctic Borough, state of Alaska, and that I will honestly, faithfully and impartially perform the duties of the office of __________. So help me God.

B.    The oath is filed with the borough clerk. (Code 1986 § 2.20.060)

2.20.040 Conflicts of interest.

A member of the governing body shall declare a substantial financial interest the member has in an official action and ask to be excused from a vote on the matter. The presiding officer shall rule on the request for abstention (excusal). The decision of the presiding officer on the request may be overridden by the majority vote of the assembly. An employee or official of the borough, other than an assembly member, may not participate in an official action in which he has a substantial financial interest under AS 29.20.010. (Code 1986 § 2.20.100)

2.20.050 Salaries of officials.

The assembly may fix by ordinance the salaries of elected and appointed officials. Per diem payments or reimbursements for expenses are not compensation under this section. Commissions, boards and committees as appointed by the assembly, or elected, shall be compensated $100.00 a day for each meeting day attended. (Ord. 86-15 § 1, 1986; Code 1986 § 2.20.070)