Chapter 2.32


2.32.010    Meetings – Public.

2.32.020    Meetings – Private.

2.32.030    Public notice of meetings.

2.32.040    Publication.

2.32.050    Meeting incentives.

2.32.010 Meetings – Public.

Meetings of all municipal bodies shall be public as provided in AS 44.62.310. The assembly shall provide reasonable opportunity for the public to be heard at regular and special meetings. (Code 1986 § 2.20.010)

2.32.020 Meetings – Private.

A.    All meetings of the assembly, subcommittees of the assembly, boards, administrative agencies and commissions created by this code or by the assembly, shall be open to the public; provided, however, that the following excepted subjects may be discussed in a private meeting by any of the above:

1.    Matters, the immediate knowledge of which would clearly have an adverse effect upon the finances of the government unit;

2.    Subjects that tend to prejudice the reputation and character of any person, provided the person may request a public discussion;

3.    Matters which by law, municipal charter, or ordinance are required or permitted to be confidential.

B.    The following shall be discussed in a private meeting when the best interests of the borough so require:

1.    Negotiations with labor organizations representing borough employees;

2.    Discussions of contracts or pending or threatened lawsuits in which the borough has an interest.

C.    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, reorganization at the assembly to elect a presiding officer shall be in a public session.

D.    If excepted subjects are to be discussed at a meeting, the meeting must first be convened as a public meeting, and the question of holding a private meeting to discuss matters that come within the exceptions contained in subsections (A) and (B) of this section shall be determined by a majority vote of the body. The motion to convene in executive session must clearly and with specificity describe the subject of the proposed private meeting without defeating the purpose of addressing the subject in private. No subjects may be considered at the private meeting except those mentioned in the motion calling for the private meeting unless auxiliary to the main question. No action may be taken at the private meeting, except to give direction to an attorney or labor negotiator regarding the handling of a specific legal matter or pending labor negotiations. (Ord. 00-11 § 2, 2000; Ord. 95-02 § 6a, 1995; Code 1986 § 2.20.020)

2.32.030 Public notice of meetings.

Reasonable public notice shall be given of all meetings of an administrative body, board, commission, committee, subcommittee, authority, agency or other organization including subordinate units of the above groups of the borough including but not limited to assembly, school board, platting board, commissions or organizations advisory or otherwise of the borough. (Code 1986 § 2.20.030)

2.32.040 Publication.

For the purpose of giving notice of meetings, reasonable public notice is given if a statement containing the date, time and place of the meeting is published not less than 24 hours before the time of the meeting unless a different period is required or permitted by law. Except for the time period, notice shall be published as required by NABC 2.08.030(C). (Ord. 00-11 § 4, 2000; Code 1986 § 2.20.040)

2.32.050 Meeting incentives.

Subject to appropriations and in the mayor’s discretion, modest door prizes or other incentives may be offered to encourage attendance at borough public meetings. Total incentives for any meeting shall not exceed $300.00 in aggregate value of either products, services or cash awards. Incentives may only be offered to encourage attendance at informational or other meetings at which no votes will be taken or other decisions made. (Ord. 01-02 § 1, 2001)