Chapter 4.08


4.08.010    Candidates – Qualifications.

4.08.020    Nomination of candidates.

4.08.030    Acceptance of nomination by candidate.

4.08.040    Conflict of interest statement – Required.

4.08.050    Election spending.

4.08.010 Candidates – Qualifications.

A.    No person shall hold any elective office or be eligible to seek election thereto, unless he or she is:

1.    A qualified elector of the borough; and

2.    Has been a resident of the borough or of the territory annexed to the borough, or which has had a combination of residency in the borough and in the annexed territory for a period of at least one year, except that for a candidate for the office of mayor it shall be at least three years, immediately preceding his or her election; and

3.    Candidates for the assembly must also comply with the requirements provided in Section 2.04 of the Charter.

B.    A qualified elector of the borough is a person who possesses the qualifications set forth in AS 15.05.010 and has registered to vote pursuant to Chapter 7 of Title 15 of the Alaska Statutes. (Ord. 88-15 § 1, 1988; Code 1986 § 4.12.010)

4.08.020 Nomination of candidates.

A.    Nominations for elective officers shall be made by petition. Each voter signing a petition shall state on the petition his place of residence, by street and number, lot and block, post office box, or other sufficient means.

B.    Nominating petitions shall be in substantially the following form:

We the undersigned voters of the Northwest Arctic Borough, in the State of Alaska, hereby nominate and sponsor ___________ whose residence is ___________ for the office of _____________ to be voted for at the election to be held on the ____ day of _________. We individually certify that we are qualified to vote for a candidate for the office this candidate seeks.

Nominating petitions shall also contain spaces for voters to insert their present street and number, lot and block address or post office box; voter registration record address, if different, signing date and signature.

C.    Nominating petitions must be completed and filed with the borough clerk not earlier than 120 nor later than 45 days before the election. The borough clerk shall record on the petition itself and preserve the name and address of the person by whom each nominating petition is filed. All petitions in proper form with sufficient signatures, and all deficient petitions which are not withdrawn by the persons filing them, shall be preserved by the borough clerk.

D.    A nominating petition to be effective must contain the signatures of 25 qualified voters.

E.    Within four days after the filing of a nominating petition, the borough clerk shall notify the candidate named in the petition and the person who filed the petition whether or not it is in proper form and signed by 25 qualified voters. If not, the borough clerk immediately shall return it, with a statement certifying wherein the petition is deficient, to the person who filed it. A new petition for the same candidate may be filed within the time for filing petitions.

F.    A candidate’s name will appear on the ballot unless written notice of the candidate’s withdrawal is received not later than 30 days before the election. (Ord. 00-12 § 1, 2000; Ord. 90-09 §§ 2 – 4, 1990; Ord. 88-15 § 7, 1988; Code 1986 § 4.12.070)

4.08.030 Acceptance of nomination by candidate.

A.    Attached to a petition of nomination shall be an acceptance by the candidate in substantially the following form:


I hereby accept the above nomination and certify that I am qualified to serve under the laws of the State of Alaska and the Charter of the Northwest Arctic Borough and agree to serve if elected.


Signature of Candidate:___________

Date and Hour of filing:___________

Received by:___________________

(Ord. 88-15 § 8, 1988; Code 1986 § 4.12.080)

4.08.040 Conflict of interest statement – Required.

A.    No candidate’s nomination petition or filing fees for any elected municipal office may be accepted by the clerk, unless the candidate has also filed a report of financial and business interest as required by AS 39.50.010 through 39.50.200. In the event such petition or filing fee has been accepted, without such statement, the clerk shall return such items to the candidate.

B.    A write-in candidate who wins election shall execute a report of financial and business interest as required by AS 39.50.010 through 39.50.200 prior to taking oath of office.

C.    A person who has on file with the borough clerk a report of financial and business interest as required by AS 39.50.010 through 39.50.200 for the current year shall not be required to file such a statement required under subsection (A) or (B) of this section. (Ord. 88-15 § 9, 1988; Code 1986 § 4.12.090)

4.08.050 Election spending.

A.    Candidates for elected office are required to comply with AS 15.13.010 through 15.13.130 as regards to election spending.

B.    Any candidate or group required to file a report under AS 15.13.110 shall concurrently file such report with the borough clerk to be made available to the public for review. (Ord. 96-05 § 1, 1996; Code 1986 § 4.12.100)