Chapter 10.24


10.24.010    Northwest Arctic Borough regional transportation planning organization.

10.24.020    Functions.

10.24.030    Organization.

10.24.040    Meetings.

10.24.050    Staff.

10.24.010 Northwest Arctic Borough regional transportation planning organization.

The Northwest Arctic Borough regional transportation planning organization (NABRTPO) is hereby established as a public forum where regional transportation leaders will consider multi-modal transportation projects that affect the entire region. The purpose is to create a common perspective, prioritization, and unified voice on transportation projects and issues that affect the entire region. The organization will address specific transportation projects as well as long-range regional transportation planning. (Ord. 22-01 § 1, 2022)

10.24.020 Functions.

As an advisory body, the NABRTPO will perform the following functions:

A.    Review and make recommendations on regional transportation issues;

B.    Select and prioritize regional transportation projects;

C.    Establish a process to evaluate and rank regional projects;

D.    Communicate project recommendations to local, state, and federal officials;

E.    Develop and update long-range regional transportation plans;

F.    Review and advise government agencies and transportation providers on planning issues with regional significance; and

G.    Serve as a regional public forum for transportation issues. (Ord. 22-01 § 1, 2022)

10.24.030 Organization.

A.    The NABRTPO policy committee will be organized as follows:

1.    One member nominated from each of the following organizations: Northwest Arctic Borough, NANA Regional Corporation, Maniilaq Association, Northwest Arctic Borough school district, and the city of Kotzebue.

2.    One village representative from each of the following areas: (a) Kivalina and Noatak; (b) Kiana, Noorvik, and Selawik; (c) Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnak; (d) Buckland and Deering.

3.    The mayor, the assembly president, DOTP&F representative, and the regional representative and senator currently serving in the Alaska State Legislature may participate in NABRTPO meetings as ex officio nonvoting members.

B.    When appointing NABRTPO members, the mayor and assembly will consider the following: the ability and character of members to represent the borough as a whole, the necessary expertise to identify transportation needs, identify available resources, and to establish and implement a regional transportation strategy and plan to meet those needs.

C.    Other than ex officio members, upon request, each member will receive compensation at the rate established by NABC 2.80.060 for each meeting day of the commission attended unless that member otherwise receives compensation from their member organization. Compensation will be paid at the rate established by NABC 2.80.060 per day of attendance at a convention, conference, or similar gathering. Compensation does not include per diem which may be paid separately. (Ord. 22-01 § 1, 2022)

10.24.040 Meetings.

A.    The NABRTPO should meet at least three times per year to review and establish annual priorities for transportation projects and conduct other organization business.

B.    All meetings of the NABRTPO and any technical subcommittees will be open to the public and subject to public notice as provided in law. (Ord. 22-01 § 1, 2022)

10.24.050 Staff.

The staff from member agencies or contracted consultants will coordinate the administration of the NABRTPO. (Ord. 22-01 § 1, 2022)