Chapter 11.06


11.06.005    Established.

11.06.010    Responsibilities.

11.06.020    Organization.

11.06.030    Chairman – Authority.

11.06.040    Committees.

11.06.050    Meetings.

11.06.005 Established.

The borough community and economic development commission (CEDC) is established in order to identify resources available, and to establish and implement strategies and plans to enable the residents of the borough to improve their community and economic conditions. (Ord. 19-07 § 5, 2019; Ord. 02-04 § 4, 2002)

11.06.010 Responsibilities.

The community and economic development commission shall be responsible for the following:

A.    To review and comment on all aspects of community and economic development and taxation that come before the assembly and the planning commission;

B.    To identify and promote services designed to encourage community and economic development to local communities and business within the borough;

C.    To collect and distribute information relevant to the borough;

D.    To coordinate between government of all levels, businesses, and the borough residents in implementing community and economic development activities;

E.    The CEDC shall present to the assembly an annual request for funding of the activities of the commission. (Ord. 19-07 § 5, 2019; Ord. 02-04 § 4, 2002)

11.06.020 Organization.

The commission shall be organized as follows:

A.    Membership. Membership shall include:

1.    One member nominated from each of the following: Northwest Arctic Borough; NANA Regional Corporation; Teck Cominco Alaska, Inc.; a utility representative; a financial or professional business; a regional higher education organization; a tribal representative of a tribal organization; and two members owning an ongoing private business within the borough.

2.    The mayor shall appoint the members of the commission from among those nominated that the mayor finds appropriate to serve on the commission. Commission members serve at the pleasure of the mayor.

3.    The Northwest Arctic Borough mayor and assembly president, and the regional Representative and Senator to the State Legislature, may participate in commission meetings as ex officio nonvoting members.

B.    Meetings. Regular meetings of the commission shall be held a minimum of four times a year in person or by teleconference. Such meetings shall be scheduled by the chair and are subject to the Open Meetings Act.

C.    Other than ex officio members, upon request each member of the commission shall receive compensation at the rate established by NABC 2.80.060 for each meeting day of the commission attended. Compensation shall be paid at the rate established by NABC 2.80.060 per day of attendance at a convention, conference or similar gathering. Compensation does not include per diem which may be paid separately. (Ord. 18-09 § 5, 2018; Ord. 07-06 § 1, 2007; Ord. 07-02 § 1, 2007; Ord. 04-01 § 1, 2004; Ord. 03-07 § 1, 2003; Ord. 02-04 § 4, 2002)

11.06.030 Chairman – Authority.

The chairman shall preside at all meetings of the commission. The chairman has the authority to create, appoint, and discharge committees, subject to the approval of the commission, call meetings, and retains the right and the responsibility to partake in the deliberations and voting on all matters. In the absence of the chairman, the vice-chairman has these authorities. (Ord. 02-04 § 4, 2002)

11.06.040 Committees.

Committees of the commission may be established by the chairman, subject to the committee and its membership being approved by the commission. All committee meetings are subject to compliance with the Open Meetings Act. (Ord. 02-04 § 4, 2002)

11.06.050 Meetings.

A.    Regular meetings of the commission shall be held at least four times, in each quarter of the year. Date, time and place of each meeting shall be at the call of the chair.

B.    Special meetings of the commission may be called by the commission, by the chairman or by the vice-chairman in his or her absence, or by written request of any three members.

C.    Each commissioner shall be entitled to one vote on all matters brought to the board. All voting shall be recorded.

D.    A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of a majority of members of the commission.

E.    All meetings of the commission shall be open to the public and reasonable notice of such meetings shall be provided.

F.    Meeting minutes shall be prepared to provide a complete record of actions by the commission. Minutes shall be validated by the signatures of the chairman. (Ord. 02-04 § 4, 2002)