Chapter 7.35


7.35.010    Voting without loss of pay.

7.35.020    Offenses against election laws.

7.35.010 Voting without loss of pay.

(a) If a qualified voter does not have sufficient time outside of his working hours to vote at a municipal or other local election, he may, without loss of pay, take off as much working time as, when added to his voting time outside of his working hours, enables him to vote.

(b) An employer who refuses to allow an employee time off for the purpose of voting or who, after allowing the time off, deducts the time from the wages of the employee, upon conviction, is punishable by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars.

(c) An employee who has two consecutive hours in which to vote, either between the opening of the polls and the beginning of his regular working shift, or between the end of his regular working shift and the closing of the polls is considered to have sufficient time outside of his working hours within which to vote. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

7.35.020 Offenses against election laws.

(a) A person who hinders, delays, prevents or obstructs a person from qualifying himself to vote or from lawfully voting at a local election, or votes at a place where or at a time when he is not lawfully entitled to vote, or does any unlawful act to secure an opportunity to vote, for himself or for any other person, or who, by or through force, threat, intimidation, bribery, reward or offer, unlawfully votes himself or procures another to vote, or prevents or induces another to refrain from exercising his right of suffrage, or induces an officer of an election to do any unlawful act or omit to do his duty in any manner, or who, directly or indirectly, in any manner fraudulently changes or has changed the returns or the true lawful result of an election or attempts to do the same, or who delays, has delayed, or connives at the delay of election returns in any manner or attempts to do so, upon conviction of such a violation, is punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars plus any surcharge required to be imposed by AS 12.55.039 nor less than one hundred dollars plus any surcharge required to be imposed by AS 12.55.039.

(b) Every officer of an election who neglects to perform or violates any duty imposed upon him or knowingly does any unauthorized act with the intent to affect the election or its result, or who permits, makes or connives at any false count or certificate of election, or who conceals, withholds, destroys or wilfully delays the returns of election, or connives at the same being done, or who aids, counsels or procures any person to do or attempt to do any act made a violation in this section, upon conviction, is punishable by a fine of not less than two hundred dollars plus any surcharge required to be imposed by AS 12.55.039 nor more than five hundred dollars plus any surcharge required to be imposed by AS 12.55.039. (Ord. O-99-11-3 § 9, 1998: Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)