Chapter 15.30


15.30.010    Rates, fees and charges.

15.30.020    Rules and regulations.

15.30.030    Additional conditions of service.

15.30.040    Prohibited acts.

15.30.010 Rates, fees and charges.

Electric service will be provided only at the rates, fees and charges established by the tariff schedules unless another rate, fee or charge is provided by a special contract negotiated by the board and approved by the council by ordinance. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

15.30.020 Rules and regulations.

Customers accepting electric service thereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations established by the board and by the requirements set forth in this chapter, including alterations and amendments which may be made from time to time. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

15.30.030 Additional conditions of service.

(a) Electric service may be refused to any applicant who has not complied with pertinent national, state and local construction, building and safety codes, regulations and ordinances relating to the installation and maintenance of electrical wiring and equipment. Upon request the applicant or customer shall furnish to the utilities manager a certificate of approval from the authority having jurisdiction to secure compliance with the building and safety codes, regulations and ordinances prior to connection being made or electric service being furnished to the applicant or customer.

(b) The Nome joint utilities may refuse or discontinue service to a premises if the installation has load characteristics that may cause excessive voltage fluctuations, loss of service or damage to the facilities of the public utilities or other customers. The Nome joint utilities may require as a condition of service that the customer install, at his own expense, equipment which will eliminate undesirable load characteristics, that include, but are not limited to, an unbalanced load between phases, unacceptable variations from the unity power factor, and unusual demand fluctuations produced by the customer’s equipment. Installation of electric welders or motors larger than five horsepower must be coordinated with the utilities manager prior to installation.

(c) A properly identified employee of the public utility shall have access to the premises of a customer at all reasonable times for the purpose of reading meters, testing or inspecting the customer’s load and equipment, or installing, repairing, removing or exchanging equipment belonging to the public utility. In the event that a customer refuses such access to the premises, the utility manager may discontinue electric service. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

15.30.040 Prohibited acts.

It is unlawful for any person:

(1) To connect to, interfere with, or alter the connector, meters, seals or other municipal facilities used in connection with rendering electric service, or permit connection to, interference with, or alteration by any person other than an authorized agent or employee of the Nome joint utilities, except as otherwise provided at Chapter 15.40. In addition to the penalties provided by law, any person engaging in any activities prohibited by this subsection shall pay for any damage to municipal property, caused or permitted directly or indirectly by that person;

(2) To cause the electrical system on any premises or facility which is served by the Nome joint utilities to be connected to another electrical system, except to standby power which has been installed to serve that premises or facility and is connected through a double throw switch sufficient to prevent backfeed into the municipal electrical system, except as otherwise provided at Chapter 15.40;

(3) To sell any of the electric energy furnished by the Nome joint utilities unless the person holds a valid certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission for retail distribution of electric energy, and has executed a contract with the Nome joint utilities, or is accepting service under a tariff schedule which specifically authorizes the resale of electricity, unless such service is being furnished unmetered to rental units where the cost of electricity is included in the rental charge. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)