Chapter 15.50


15.50.010    Water service.

15.50.020    Rates, fees and charges.

15.50.030    Rules and regulations.

15.50.040    Additional conditions of service.

15.50.050    Prohibited acts.

15.50.060    Truck water services.

15.50.010 Water service.

(a) Every legal owner of record of an occupied or habitable dwelling in the city shall subscribe to piped water services as provided by the municipal utility within one year after the piped water service is made accessible to the real property.

(b) The person in whose name the real property is listed on the municipal tax roll as owner shall be presumed to be the legal owner of record, and shall be directly responsible for any and all subscription payment obligated for piped water service. Only the owner or the owner’s designee in writing shall be permitted to subscribe to piped water services. The owner shall remain ultimately responsible to pay all charges for service.

(c) Piped water service is accessible to the real property at that point in time when a main line has been installed on any street in a manner to approximately parallel for a main-line length of ten feet or more along any boundary of the same real property. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

15.50.020 Rates, fees and charges.

Water service will be provided only at the rates, fees and charges established by the tariff schedules unless another rate, fee or charge is provided by special contract negotiated by the board and approved by the council by ordinance. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

15.50.030 Rules and regulations.

Customers accepting water service thereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations established by the board and by the requirements set forth in this chapter, including alterations and amendments which may be made from time to time. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

15.50.040 Additional conditions of service.

(a) The utilities manager may refuse to permit any person to connect to a water main, or to be served directly or indirectly by water from the Nome joint utilities, and may refuse to accept a water main for operation and maintenance purposes, unless the main was constructed and installed pursuant to a written agreement with the Nome joint utilities, or unless the Nome joint utilities can otherwise assure itself that the main was constructed and installed in compliance with the applicable requirements and specifications of the Nome joint utilities.

(b) The Nome joint utilities will maintain and repair all mains and all service connections that have been accepted for maintenance and operation by the utility but will not be responsible for maintaining and repairing the water extension or for damage to the service connection caused by freezing.

(c) Customers are responsible for all frozen water connections and extensions from the main to the premises.

(d) The customer shall keep the thaw wire exposed and its location marked, if necessary, and shall maintain access to the thaw wires at all times.

(e) A properly identified employee of the public utilities shall have access to the premises of a customer at all reasonable times for the purpose of turning the water service on or off, reading meters, testing or inspecting the customer’s facilities or equipment, or installing or repairing, removing or exchanging facilities or equipment of the Nome joint utilities. In the event that a customer refuses such access to the premises, the utility manager may discontinue water service. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

15.50.050 Prohibited acts.

It is unlawful for any person:

(a) Other than an authorized employee of the Nome joint utilities, to turn on or off any water service or water main;

(b) Other than an authorized employee of the Nome joint utilities or a member of a fire department in connection with official duties, to connect to, turn on, or turn off any fire hydrant located on the municipal water system without first obtaining a permit from the utilities manager and agreeing to pay those charges established by tariff or established on the permit;

(c) To connect to, interfere with or alter meters, valves, bypasses or other facilities of the Nome joint utilities used in connection with rendering water service; or to permit such a connection, interference, or alteration by any other person except an authorized agent or employee of the Nome joint utilities;

(d) To allow a premises or facility which is served by the Nome joint utilities to be connected to another water system, including a private well or other on-property facility, or to have the service from another system readily available to the premises or facility in such a manner that the integrity of the Nome joint utilities water service may be jeopardized. Notwithstanding the prohibitions of this section, standby service may be permitted by the utilities manager to facilities, such as hospitals, medical clinics and government facilities, that receive water service through two-inch or larger service connections, if it is determined that the failure of the water supply would be detrimental to the public health, welfare or security, and if prior to commencement of service that the customer receiving such a permit provides and installs at his own expense a backflow preventer or the reduced pressure principle type;

(e) To allow a cross-connection to be constructed between any portion of the municipal water system or any portion of any customer water facilities and any possible source of contaminated water, including but not limited to, fire sprinkler systems;

(f) To sell any of the water furnished by the Nome joint utilities unless the person holds a valid certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission for retail sale of water and has executed a contract with the Nome joint utilities for bulk or wholesale supply of water; or

(g) To furnish or provide water with or without charge to another premises located in an area where a service connection or turn-on could be supplied by the Nome joint utilities upon application. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

15.50.060 Truck water services.

(a) Any person who delivers water for valuable consideration to one or more places of residence or premises, shall be deemed selling water to the public, and shall be subject to the rules and regulations prescribed by the health officer of the city to ensure safe and sanitary water, well or other sources, delivery equipment, receptacles and other facilities. (Ord. O-15-07-03 § 2, 2015; Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)