Chapter 18.60
18.60.020 Permitted uses and structures.
18.60.030 Conditional uses and structures.
18.60.040 Dimensional requirements.
18.60.050 Performance standards.
18.60.010 Intent.
The commercial district is intended to provide for a mixture of commercial uses that will strengthen and expand the core community. (Ord. O-08-09-01 § 2 (part), 2008)
18.60.020 Permitted uses and structures.
The following uses and their accessory uses are permitted in commercial districts:
(a) Retail and wholesale businesses.
(b) Offices.
(c) Churches.
(d) Restaurants, taverns, and entertainment establishments.
(e) Hospitals, medical and dental clinics.
(f) Hotels and motels.
(g) Public and governmental buildings and uses.
(h) Incidental, small-scale manufacturing, processing, and storage of goods for wholesale or retail sale on the premises.
(i) Residential use of the upper floor above a commercial use.
(j) Funeral homes.
(k) Service stations.
(l) Clubs or fraternal, religious or philanthropic associations and union halls.
(m) On-premises dwelling for owner or caretaker of commercial use.
(n) Parks and playgrounds.
(o) Schools.
(p) Museums and cultural centers.
(q) Interpretative area or visitor’s center.
(r) Recreational facilities.
(s) Fire station and emergency medical aid station.
(t) Outdoor storage, including junk, as an accessory use to any permitted or conditional use.
(u) Boat marinas and docks.
(v) Marine transportation and port facilities.
(w) Navigation aids and facilities.
(x) Personal service businesses.
(y) Warehousing and storage.
(z) Transportation facilities, including bus and taxi operations.
(aa) Helicopter landing pad. (Ord. O-08-09-01 § 2 (part), 2008)
18.60.030 Conditional uses and structures.
The following uses are permitted with a conditional use permit in commercial districts:
(a) Day care houses and facilities.
(b) Halfway houses.
(c) Single-family, duplex, and multifamily dwellings.
(d) Home occupations and businesses.
(e) Public utility facilities or structures.
(f) Snow dumpsites and storage sites.
(g) Vehicle and equipment repair facilities.
(h) Mobile homes and mobile home parks.
(i) Residential use of the upper floor above a commercial or industrial use.
(j) Youth correctional facility.
(k) Private storage, including junk, or small warehouse associated with residential use/home occupations.
(l) Crew camps, provided the following safeguards are addressed, in addition to other conditions that the planning commission finds necessary as they relate to the specific request:
(1) The use is tied to a specific and identified project;
(2) The term of the permit is limited to the earlier of completion of the project or five years following the issuance of the building permit for the crew camp; and
(3) A detailed schedule for deconstruction and removal is provided with the permit application, and updated on or before each anniversary date of the issuance of the conditional use permit. (Ord. O-24-11-02 § 4, 2024; Ord. O-08-09-01 § 2 (part), 2008)
18.60.040 Dimensional requirements.
The following dimensional requirements shall apply to all uses in the commercial district unless approved by variance as provided in Chapter 18.140 NCO:
(a) Lot Size. The minimum lot area shall be five thousand square feet.
(b) Building Setbacks.
(1) Buildings shall be set back ten feet from all dedicated rights-of-way.
(2) Buildings shall be set back five feet from all other lot boundary lines.
(3) Buildings shall be set back at least ten feet from the top bank of any drainage ditch.
(4) Buildings shall be set back at least ten feet from a closed drainage system. (Ord. O-08-09-01 § 2 (part), 2008)
18.60.050 Performance standards.
All development shall be subject to the following performance standards:
(a) Drainage. The development shall provide a drainage system that is designed to deposit all runoff into either an engineered drainage system or into a natural drainage in conformance with the city’s drainage management plan.
(b) Site Development Standards. All development on lands in this zoning district shall conform to the following:
(1) Development activities shall not adversely impact other properties by causing damaging alteration of surface water drainage, surface water ponding, slope failure, erosion, or siltation. The property owner and developer shall take such steps, including installation of culverts or buffers, or other methods, as necessary to comply with this requirement.
(2) Upon completion of earthwork operations, all exposed slopes, cleared, filled, and disturbed soils shall be given sufficient protection to prevent subsequent erosion.
(3) Drainage will be stabilized using best management practices and approved by the city. (Ord. O-08-09-01 § 2 (part), 2008)