Chapter 4.03
4.03.010 General fiscal policy.
4.03.020 City accounting organization.
4.03.040 City Council approval of excess expenditures and liabilities.
4.03.060 City use of debt and financing.
4.03.010 General fiscal policy.
A. All general government current operating expenditures are to be paid for from current and from excess revenues. The City will avoid budgetary and accounting procedures that balance the current budget at the expense of meeting future years’ obligations. The use of one-time revenues for ongoing operations will not be encouraged.
B. After initial presentation of the Mayor’s proposed budget estimate, the City Council may by amendment elect to adopt or amend the budget to expend general funds accumulated in prior years; however, it is unwise and not encouraged to allow unassigned general fund balances to be less than either ten percent of budgeted operational expenditures or $550,000 (five hundred fifty thousand dollars) at any given time during the year, whichever is greater.
C. If it becomes apparent that revenue shortfalls or extraordinary expenses will create a deficit, efforts will be made first to reduce the deficiency by managing expenditures. On an exception basis and not depleting the fund balance to an inappropriate level, the use of existing reserve funds may be recommended to cover the revenue shortfall.
D. The City’s annual operating budget is to reflect known salary and benefit adjustments.
E. All budgetary procedures will conform to existing State law and City Code.
F. The budget will endeavor to improve productivity, lower cost, enhance service, and further communication with the public. (Ord. 17-01 § 2, 2017)
4.03.020 City accounting organization.
A. The annual City budget is organized to reflect the organizational accounting structure of the City which is: fund, department, category, item, as designated by the City chart of accounts, with the exception of grant funds.
B. The budget will be presented at the program level for approval by the City Council and will be managed by the administration at the category level. All funds or departments showing expenditures in the salaries and benefits program shall list the number of FTEs allocated.
C. The City financial statements and annual audit should reflect the organizational structure of the City and comply with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). (Ord. 17-01 § 2, 2017)
4.03.030 Budget procedures.
A. Pursuant to the Charter, the Mayor shall prepare and submit to the City Council a balanced annual budget estimate and budget message for all funds.
1. The general fund annual budget shall be balanced in a manner wherein current costs will be funded by revenues expected to be received by the City in the calendar budget year. Revenues expected to be received cannot include taxes, fees or other sources that do not already exist in the code.
2. Each fund or department that has expenditures in the salaries and benefits category is required to list the full-time equivalents (FTEs) as part of the budget presentation. Council shall appropriate the number of FTEs for each fund or department.
B. The City Accountant under the direction of the Mayor shall compile the budget estimate for all funds, based upon detailed departmental estimates and work programs.
1. The budget estimate shall cover and appropriate for all expenditures of money, including contracts, bond construction, debt service funds, special assessment construction funds and restricted funds.
2. When the City Council is considering the budget estimate, department heads and such other officials as may be interested shall appear and be free to criticize the budget or any of its items. (Ord. 17-01 § 2, 2017)
4.03.040 City Council approval of excess expenditures and liabilities.
A. The City Accountant shall not permit without City Council approval, during any budget year, an expenditure or contract or incurring of any liability in excess of the amount appropriated for each department, with the following exceptions:
1. The payment of accrued leave when an employee resigns or is terminated.
2. The payment of a voter approved bond or assessment payment.
3. The City Accountant is authorized to accept grants of restricted funds from asset forfeiture programs without City Council preapproval so long as there is no financial obligation placed upon the City. Examples of such grants are asset forfeiture proceeds under State, Federal or local law.
4. The proceeds of such restrictive grants shall be held in a trust account separate from the general treasury and not be included in the general fund. (Ord. 17-01 § 2, 2017)
4.03.050 Budget amendments.
A. The Council may approve amendments to the budget at any time through a budget amendment ordinance (BAO). Amendments include intradepartmental and interdepartmental transfers.
B. The Council may approve individual amendments to the budget through an ordinance with an accompanying fiscal note. (Ord. 17-01 § 2, 2017)
4.03.060 City use of debt and financing.
A. Under Alaska law, the City may issue general obligation bonds, revenue bonds, and assessment bonds. General obligation bonds may be issued without limitation upon approval by a majority of City voters. There are no constitutional or statutory debt limitations under Alaska law, but the voters must approve all debt to exceed five years in duration.
B. Debt financing will not be considered appropriate for current operation or maintenance expenses or for any recurring purposes.
C. When the City does obtain debt financing on behalf of or benefiting a third party (such as a special assessment district) such debt will be issued in conformance with existing City priorities and policies and with all cost of issuance and administration fully reimbursed. (Ord. 17-01 § 2, 2017)