Chapter 15.12


15.12.010    Adoption.

15.12.020    Modifications.

15.12.030    Appeals.

15.12.040    Building permits – Compliance with ordinances.

15.12.050    Moving buildings.

15.12.060    Local amendments to the International Building Code, 2018 Edition.

15.12.010 Adoption.

The International Building Code (IBC), 2018 Edition, as published by the International Conference of Building Officials, together with the local amendments as set forth in this chapter, shall constitute the laws of the City relating to building regulations. Where the IBC conflicts with this code this code shall prevail. An electronic copy of the IBC and referenced standards is retained at the City offices. (Ord. 22-02 § 2, 2022; Ord. 17-12 § 2(A), 2017; Ord. 16-12 § 2, 2016; Ord. 12-07 § 2, 2012)

15.12.020 Modifications.

The Building Official shall have the power to modify any of the provisions of the International Building Code adopted by this chapter upon application in writing by the owner or lessee or his duly authorized agent, when there are practical difficulties in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the code; provided, that the spirit of the code is observed, public safety secured, and substantial justice done. The particulars of the modification, when granted or allowed, and the decision of the Building Official thereon shall be entered upon the records of the Department, and a signed copy shall be furnished the applicant. (Ord. 22-02 § 2, 2022; Ord. 17-12 § 2(A), 2017; Ord. 12-07 § 2, 2012)

15.12.030 Appeals.

Whenever the Building Official disapproves an application or refuses to grant a permit applied for, or when it is claimed that the provisions of the code have been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may appeal from the decisions of the Building Official to an appeals board of five members to be appointed by the Mayor/City Manager within thirty days from the date of the decision. The appointment of the appeals board will be on a case-by-case basis with the members of said board comprised of local design professionals, contractors, inspectors or other members of the public deemed knowledgeable of the subject matter by the Mayor/City Manager. (Ord. 22-02 § 2, 2022; Ord. 17-12 § 2(A), 2017; Ord. 12-07 § 2, 2012)

15.12.040 Building permits – Compliance with ordinances.

It is established that no permit will be issued for the construction of new buildings or building within the corporate limits of the City which is inconsistent with the current comprehensive plan of the City or any City ordinances and regulations. (Ord. 22-02 § 2, 2022; Ord. 17-12 § 2(A), 2017; Ord. 12-07 § 2, 2012)

15.12.050 Moving buildings.

A.    No building of any kind or nature shall be moved to a location in the City from outside the limits of the City without approval of the Building Official, and, in the event any persons move into the City a building from a location outside the City, he or they shall not be permitted to use the building either for residential or business purposes until the Building Official has approved the building for the purpose intended.

B.    No building which is more than eight feet six inches wide, more than thirteen feet six inches above the ground, more than seventy feet zero inches total length including trailer, more than four feet zero inches in rear overhang, more than three feet zero inches in front overhang or more than the allowable road weight limitations shall be moved upon the City streets without first obtaining a moving permit. Before a moving permit may be issued, the following items must be provided: a copy of the State transport permit, proof of insurance, the proposed route and time and a bond of $1,000 (one thousand dollars) in the form of a certified check payable to the City. The moving permit must have the written approval of both the Building Official and Chief of Police or their designee. The bond will be returned less any expenses incurred by the City repairing public facilities, utilities or roadways damaged during the move. (Ord. 22-02 § 2, 2022; Ord. 17-12 § 2(A), 2017; Ord. 12-07 § 2, 2012)

15.12.060 Local amendments to the International Building Code, 2018 Edition.

The amendments to the International Building Code, 2018 Edition, as published by the International Conference of Building Officials are hereby adopted by the City of North Pole as follows:

Chapter 1, Scope and Administration. Delete this chapter, except for Sections 101.2 and 101.2.1, and replace with the 1997 Uniform Administrative Code.

Section 101.2.1, Appendices. Amend this section to read as follows:

Appendices E and H are hereby adopted.

Section 202, Definitions. Create the following new definitions:

Adaptable. The ability of certain building spaces and elements, such as kitchen counters, sinks, and grab bars, to be added or altered so as to accommodate the needs of either disabled or non-disabled persons, or to accommodate the needs of persons with different types or degrees of disability.

Conventional Industry Tolerances. Plus or minus ½ (one half) inch up to 36 (thirty-six) inches and plus or minus 1 (one) percent over 36 (thirty-six) inches. Slopes may be plus or minus 1 (one) percent.

Family Child Care Home. A licensed facility that is located within a single-dwelling unit dwelling in which personal care services are provided by the owner or tenant that normally occupies the residence on a twenty-four-hour basis.

Water Dispenser. A plumbing fixture that is connected to the potable water distribution system of the premises and manually controlled by the user for the purpose of dispensing potable drinking water into a receptacle such as a cup, glass, or bottle. Or, a freestanding apparatus that is manually controlled by the user for the purpose of dispensing potable water into a receptacle which is not connected to the potable water distribution system and supplied with potable water from a container, bottle, or reservoir.

Section 202, Definitions. Delete the following definitions and replace as follows:

Foster Care Facilities. Facilities that provide care on a 24 (twenty-four)-hour basis to more than five children 2 ½ (two and one-half) years of age or less, including children related to the staff, shall be classified as Group I-2.

Nursing homes. Facilities that provide care, including both intermediate care facilities and skilled nursing facilities, serving more than two persons and any of the persons are incapable of self-preservation.

Townhouse. A single-family dwelling unit constructed in a group of two or more attached units in which each unit extends from foundation to roof and with a yard or public way on at least two sides. Each townhouse shall be considered a separate building as recognized by a recorded lot line between such units. Each townhouse unit shall be provided with separate water, sewer, heating, and electrical services.

Section 305.2, Group E, Day Care Facilities. Revise this section as follows:

This group includes buildings and structures or portions thereof occupied by more than five children older than 2 ½ (two and one-half) years of age, including children related to the staff, who receive educational, supervision, or personal care services for fewer than 24 (twenty-four) hours per day.

Section 305.2.3. Delete this section and replace as follows:

Section 305.2.3 Family childcare homes.

Family childcare homes operating between the hours of 6:00 am and 10:00 p.m. may accommodate a total of twelve children, provided that no more than 5 children are under the age of 2 ½ (two and one-half) years. Family childcare homes as defined are classified as an (R3) occupancy and shall comply with section 907.2.10 (smoke alarms), section 915 (carbon monoxide detection) and section 1030 (emergency escape and rescue openings) for napping and sleeping rooms. Fire extinguishers shall be provided in accordance with the International Fire Code.

Section 305.3, Day Care Hours of Operation. Create a new section title to read as follows:

Day care hours of operation. A Day Care that operates between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. shall be equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system throughout, designed and installed in accordance with NFPA Standard 13 or equivalent system as approved by the Fire Chief. An approved emergency escape or rescue window meeting the requirements of IBC Section 1030 shall be provided in each sleeping or napping room. Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detection shall be installed in accordance with sections 907.2.10 and 915. Fire extinguishers shall be provided in accordance with the International Fire Code. A Family Child Care Home that operates between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. shall be equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler system throughout, designed and installed in accordance with NFPA Standard 13D or equivalent system as approved by the Fire Chief.

Section 308.2, Institutional Group I-1. Delete Sections 308.2.3 and 308.2.4 and replace with the following:

Section 308.2.3 Three to 16 persons receiving custodial care. A facility housing more than 2 (two) persons and no more than 16 persons receiving custodial care shall be classified as a Group R-4.

Section 308.2.4 Fewer than 3 (three) persons receiving custodial care. A facility with fewer than 3 (three) persons receiving custodial care shall be classified as a Group R-3 or shall comply with the International Residential Code, as amended by the City of North Pole.

Section 308.3, Institutional Group I-2. Revise the first sentence of this section to read as follows:

Institutional Group I-2 occupancy shall include buildings and structures used for medical care on a 24 (twenty-four)-hour basis for more than two persons who are incapable of self-preservation.

Section 308.3, Institutional Group I-2. Delete Section 308.3.2 and replace with the following:

Section 308.3.2 Fewer than 3 persons receiving medical care. A facility with fewer than 3 (three) persons receiving medical care shall be classified as a Group R-3 or shall comply with the International Residential Code, as amended by the City of North Pole.

Section 308.5, Institutional Group I-4, Day Care Facilities. Revise the first sentence of this paragraph to read as follows:

Institutional Group I-4 shall include buildings and structures, or portions thereof occupied by more than five persons of any age, including persons related to the staff, receiving custodial care for fewer than 24 (twenty-four) hours per day.

Section 310.4, Residential Group R-3. Delete the following in this section:

Care facilities that provide accommodations for five or fewer persons receiving care.

Section 310.4.1, Care Facilities Within a Dwelling. Delete this section in its entirety.

Section 310.5, Residential Group R-4. Delete this paragraph in its entirety and replace as follows:

Residential group R-4 occupancy shall include buildings, structures, or portions thereof for more than two but not more than 16 (sixteen) persons, excluding staff, who reside on a 24 (twenty-four) hour basis in a supervised residential environment and receive custodial care. Occupancies which include Individuals who are not capable of responding to an emergency situation or incapable of self-preservation shall be classified as an I occupancy. Group R-4 shall be classified as either, Condition 1, as specified in 310.5.1, and sprinklered throughout as required by 903.3.1.3, or Condition 2, as specified in 310.5.2, and sprinklered throughout as required by section 903.3.1.2. This group shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

Section 406.3.2, Separation. Delete Sections 406.3.2.1 through 406.3.2.2 and replace as follows:

406.3.2.1 Dwelling Unit Separation. The private garage shall be separated from all dwelling units by a one-hour fire-resistive wall assembly. The fire-resistive wall may terminate at the ceiling provided: a) the ceiling framing construction is protected by a layer of 5/8 (five eighths) inch thick type X gypsum board and the area above the ceiling is a non-habitable attic space. Garages located beneath habitable rooms or dwelling units shall be separated by an approved one-hour fire-resistive horizontal floor ceiling assembly and one-hour fire-resistive vertical wall assemblies. Penetrations of the fire-resistive assemblies shall be fire stopped with materials approved for the hourly rating. Door openings between a private garage and a dwelling shall be provided with a minimum rating of 45 (forty-five) minutes and be equipped with self-closing and self-latching doors. In addition these doors shall be provided with gasket seals on the top and sides including installation of a tight fitting threshold. Openings from a private garage directly into a room used for sleeping purposes shall not be permitted.

406.3.2.2 Ducts. Ducts in a private garage and ducts penetrating the walls or ceilings separating the dwelling unit from the garage shall be constructed of a minimum 0.019-inch (0.48mm) sheet steel (28-gauge galvanized steel) and shall have no openings into the garage. The duct shall be firestopped with materials approved for a one-hour fire-resistive assembly.

Section 506.3, Frontage Increase. Add the following sentence to the paragraph:

For the purposes of allowable area limitations, required yards shall be permanently maintained.

Table 509, Incidental Uses. Amend table by adding footnote (a) to the first two rows to read as follows:

footnote (a). Regardless of the Btu rating, psi rating or horsepower rating a one-hour separation or automatic fire-extinguishing system is required for furnace or boiler rooms providing heat for group E, R-1, R-2, I, and R-4 Occupancies.

Table 601, Fire-Resistance Rating Requirements for Building Elements. Add footnote (g) to columns IIA, IIIA, and VA.

g.    In group E Occupancies, an automatic sprinkler system may be substituted for 1-hour fire-resistance-rated-construction provided the system is designed in accordance with section 903.3.1.1. The 1-hour substitution for the fire resistance of exterior walls shall not be permitted.

Section 603.1, Allowable Materials. Add the following item to allowable materials:

1.5 Furring for exterior bearing and nonbearing wall construction provided the building is sprinklered throughout and the required fire rating of the wall is 2 (two) hours or less.

Section 708.4.2, Fireblocks and Draftstops in Combustible Construction.

Delete exception 2 in its entirety.

Revise exception 4 to read as follows:

In R-2 occupancies that do not exceed four stories in height, the attic space shall be subdivided into areas not exceeding 3,000 (three thousand) square feet.

Section 718.4, Draftstopping in Attics. Revise the second sentence as follows:

Draftstopping in attic spaces shall be installed to subdivide combustible attic spaces and combustible concealed roof spaces such that any horizontal area does not exceed 3,000 (three thousand) square feet, and the greatest horizontal dimension does not exceed 60 (sixty) feet.

Section 808.1.1.1, Suspended Acoustical Ceilings. Delete this section in its entirety and replace as follows:

Suspended acoustical ceiling systems shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of ASTM C635 and ASTM C636 and the following installation standards.

1.    A heavy duty-rated grid system shall be used in all occupancies. The perimeter wall angle shall be deemed to provide structural support for the perimeter cross-tee and main runner intersections and the edge support for the ceiling tiles provided it is secured.

2.    Exception: Intermediate duty rated systems may be used in R-3 Occupancies.

3.    Changes in the ceiling plane elevation shall be provided with structural support or additional wires capable of maintaining a positive bracing system.

4.    Cable trays and electrical conduits shall be independently supported and braced independently of the ceiling.

5.    Compression posts are not required if the distance from the plane of the suspended ceiling and the lowest structural framing elements are 24 (twenty-four) inches or less.

6.    Cross-tees, which are 8 (eight) inches or less in length and located at the perimeter of any room, do not require additional vertical 12 (twelve)-gauge support wires.

7.    A 90 (ninety)-degree cross tee return system may be used to support the cross-tee to the perimeter wall angle. Rivets, zip-it wall anchors and/or screws may be used to positively attach the cross tee to the perimeter wall angle or wall substrate in lieu of additional perimeter wires. The installation shall be in accordance with this suspended ceiling policy.

8.    Lighting fixtures seismically supported in accordance with CISCA 3-4 are not required to be positively attached to the suspended grid members.

9.    Recessed can or bullet type lighting fixtures weighing less than 20 (twenty) pounds shall be supported to the grid system and shall be positively attached to the structure above with a minimum of one 12 (twelve)-gauge wire or safety chain. Fixtures weighing more than twenty pounds shall be supported with a minimum of two 12 (twelve)-gauge wires or two safety chains attached to the fixture and secured to the structure above. These wires may be slack.

10.    Suspended acoustical ceiling systems may not be used to provide lateral support for non-bearing partitions unless: a) designed by an engineer or b) installed in accordance with an approved evaluation report recognized by the International Building Code.

11.    Ceiling mounted air terminals weighing less than 20 (twenty) pounds shall be positively attached to the ceiling suspension main runners or cross tees having the same carrying capacity as the main runners. Air terminals weighing more than twenty pounds shall be provided with a minimum of two 12 (twelve)-gauge wires, connected from the terminal to the structure above and shall be positively attached to the grid system.

12.    Corridors which are 6 (six) feet in width or less may have the seismic splay wires installed in the direction of the long axis of the corridor. These splay wires shall be spaced 12 feet on center and splayed at a 45 (forty-five)-degree angle. Splay wires are not required in the short axis of the corridor.

13.    When all ceiling tiles are replaced in an existing non-complying suspended ceiling, the lights and mechanical air terminals shall be upgraded and seismically braced prior to the new tile installation.

14.    When lighting fixtures are replaced or relocated in an existing suspended ceiling, the new lights or relocated lights shall be seismically-braced in accordance with CISCA 3-4 and this section.

15.    When mechanical ductwork or air terminals are altered or relocated in an existing suspended ceiling, those mechanical devices shall comply with the seismic requirements with CISCA and this section.

16.    When 50% (fifty) or more of the grid system is replaced or altered, the entire grid system shall be upgraded to meet the current seismic standards in accordance with CISCA 3-4.

17.    Two-inch-wide perimeter angles are not required.

Section 903.2.3, Group E. Delete this section in its entirety and replace as follows:

An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all Group E occupancies. An automatic sprinkler system shall also be provided for every portion of educational buildings below the level of exit discharge. Day care uses that are licensed to care for more than 5 persons between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. shall be equipped with an automatic sprinkler system designed and installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.3, or an approved equivalent system. The use of a firewall or fire barrier does not establish a separate building or fire area for the purpose of this section.


1.    Buildings with E occupancies having an occupant load of 49 (forty-nine) or less.

2.    Day care uses not otherwise required to have automatic sprinkler system by other provisions of the code.

Section 903.2.8, Group R. Add the following exception:

Exception: Group R Buildings and Dwellings with fewer than four dwelling units.

Section 903.2.8.4, Care Facilities. Delete this section in its entirety.

Section 903.2.11.7, Pit Sprinklers. Add a new subsection and title to read as follows:

Pit Sprinklers. Sprinklers shall be installed in the bottom of all new and existing elevator pits below the lowest projection of the elevator car but no higher than 24 (twenty-four) inches from the bottom of the pit.

Section 903.3.1.1, NFPA 13 sprinkler systems, is revised by adding a new subsection 903. to read as follows:

Elevator Hoist ways and Machine Rooms. Where the provisions of this code require the installation of automatic sprinkler systems, such installation in Elevator hoist ways and machine rooms shall be in accordance with NFPA [13, Section 8.15.5] 13-2016 and ASME A17.1 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, 2016 edition.


Sprinklers may be deleted in an elevator machine room when such room is:

1.    Separated from the remainder of the building in accordance with Section 3005.4.

2.    Smoke detection is provided in accordance with NFPA 72

3.    Notification of alarm activation is received at a constantly monitored location.

Section 903.4.2, Alarms. Amend this section by adding the following sentence to the paragraph:

Buildings equipped with a sprinkler system without an alarm system shall have at least one notification device (horn/strobe) located inside the building in a commonly occupied area to alert occupants of a sprinkler activation.

Section 907.2.3, Group E. Revise this section by adding a second paragraph to read as follows:

Rooms used for sleeping or napping purposes within a day care use for a Group E occupancy shall be provided with smoke alarms that comply with section 907.2.10 and carbon monoxide detection as specified in section 915.

Section 915.1, General. Revise the last sentence of this paragraph to read as follows:

Carbon monoxide detection shall be installed in existing buildings in accordance with Chapter 11 of the International Fire Code and this section.

Section 915.1.7, Vehicle Parking. Add this subsection and the following:

Carbon monoxide detection shall be provided where there is located any vehicle parking within 25 (twenty-five) feet of any direct air intake openings.

Section 915.3, Carbon Monoxide Detection. Add a sentence to this section to read as follows:

In new construction, all carbon monoxide detectors and alarms located within a single dwelling unit shall be interconnected in such a manner that actuation of one alarm shall activate all of the alarms within the individual dwelling unit.

Table 1006.3.3(1), Stories with One Exit or Access to One Exit for R-2 Occupancies. Remove the word “Basement” from the first row.

Table 1006.3.3(2), Stories with One Exit or Access to Other Occupancies. Revise the first row to read as follows:

First story above grade plane.

Section 1006.3.3.2, Exits From Basements. Create a new subsection and title to read as follows:

Exits from basements.

Basements in all occupancies except Group R-3, shall be provided with a minimum of at least two independent exits.


Basements used exclusively for the service of the building.

1.    Basements used exclusively for storage purposes and limited to 750 (seven hundred fifty) square feet.

2.    Basements used for private offices, maintenance rooms or laundry rooms and similar uses limited to an aggregate floor area of 500 (five hundred) square feet, provided a hard-wired smoke detector is installed in the basement and interconnected to a smoke detector located on the level of discharge as approved by the City Fire Chief or designee.

3.    Basements used for private offices, maintenance rooms or laundry rooms and similar uses which are provided with a direct exterior exit to grade shall be limited to an aggregate floor area of 750 (seven hundred fifty) square feet, provided a hard-wired smoke detector is installed in the basement and interconnected to a smoke detector on the level of exit discharge as approved by the City Fire Chief or designee.

4.    Buildings which are sprinklered throughout and contain a basement may have one exit provided:

5.1 Basements are used exclusively for storage purposes and limited to 1,500 (one thousand five hundred) square feet.

5.2 Basements are used for private offices, maintenance rooms, or laundry rooms and similar uses limited to an aggregate floor area of 1,000 (one thousand) square feet.

5.3 Basements are used for private offices, maintenance rooms or laundry rooms and similar uses and are provided with a direct exterior exit to grade shall be limited to an aggregate floor area of 1,500 (one thousand five hundred) square feet.

Section 1010.1.9.4 Locks or Latches. Add condition 7 as follows:

7.    In Groups B, F, M and S occupancies, a single thumb turn may be used in exit doors, where the occupant load is 100 (one hundred) or less, in conjunction with an approved lock set when the thumb turn requires no more than one-half turn to unlock. Hardware height shall comply with Section 1010.1.9.2. This exception does not apply when panic hardware is required or installed.

Section 1010., Manual Security Bar for Limited Use. Create a new subsection and title to read as follows:

Manual security bar for limited use. Assembly occupancies such as restaurants, taverns and lounges and B, F, M, S occupancies with an occupant load of less than 100 (one hundred) may utilize a manual security bar for the second required exit when the building is not occupied by the public. The security bar shall be pre-approved by the fire marshal before installation. The bar must be easily removed and shall not be provided with padlocks, chains or other locking devices requiring special tools or knowledge. The bar shall be identified by a contrasting color. The exit door shall be provided with a sign stating, “This door to remain unlocked during business hours.” The use of this provision may be revoked by the fire marshal for non-compliance.

Assembly occupancies with an occupant load of 300 (three hundred) or less which are provided with an approved sprinkler system throughout may install a security bar on the second required exit as specified above. The conditions and approval of the security bar installation shall be kept on file with the fire marshal. The use of this provision may be revoked by the fire marshal for noncompliance.

Section 1011.5.2, Riser Height and Tread Depth. Amend section by adding an exception No. 6 to read as follows:

Stairs or ladders used only to attend equipment are exempt from the requirements of Section 1011.

Section 1030.1, General. Revise the first sentence of the paragraph to read as follows:

In addition to the means of egress required by this chapter, provisions shall be made for emergency escape and rescue in Group R, I-1, and day care occupancies where napping or sleeping rooms are provided and in the following occupancies.

Section 1030.1. Delete exceptions 1 and 4.

Section 1030.2, Minimum Size. Delete the exception.

Section 1102.1, Design. Add the following sentence:

The design and construction of buildings or portions of buildings to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Fair Housing Act is the exclusive responsibility of the owner of the structure.

Section 1103.1, Where Required. Add the following sentence to this section:

Subject to the approval of the Building Official, areas where work cannot reasonably be performed by persons having a severe impairment (mobility, sight or hearing) need not have specific features which provide accessibility to such persons.

Section 1103.2.3, Detached Dwellings. Delete this paragraph and replace as follows:

Detached one- and two-family dwellings and three-unit dwellings, including accessory structures and their associated sites and facilities, are not required to be Accessible.

Section 1108.2.7, Assistive Listening Systems. Add the following sentence to this section:

Assistive listening systems shall be required in groups B, E, and M occupancies which contain rooms of assembly.

Section 1111.1, Signs. Delete the exception to item 1.

Section 1111.3, Other Signs. Add the following item to this section:

8.    Building directories are required for the following occupancies as defined by the building code: Groups A, B, E, I, and M greater than 6,000 (six thousand) sq. ft. or more than one story. Regardless of building size, directories shall be provided for governmental office buildings, medical care facilities, shopping malls, public transportation facilities, senior citizen housing and hotels. Directories shall be provided within or immediately adjacent to the main entrances as approved by the Building Official. Directory signage shall comply with ICC A117.1.

Section 1202.2, Roof Ventilation. Delete this section in its entirety and replace with the following:

Enclosed attics and enclosed rafter spaces formed where ceilings are applied direct to the underside of the roof rafters or trusses shall have cross ventilation for each separate space by ventilating openings protected against the entrance of snow and rain. The net free ventilation area for each space shall be not less than 1/150 (one, one hundred fiftieth) of that area of the space ventilated. One-half of this required ventilating area shall be provided in the upper one-third portion of the space to be ventilated and the remaining required ventilating area shall be evenly distributed at eave vents. A minimum continuous opening of 1 ½ (one and one-half) inches in width shall be provided at the eave vents. The openings shall be covered with corrosion-resistant metal mesh covering.

Section 1202.4.1, Ventilation Openings. Delete Sections 1202.4.1 through 1202.4.4 in their entirety and replace with the following:

Each under-floor space shall be ventilated by an approved mechanical means or by openings in exterior foundation walls. Such openings shall have a net area of not less than 0.1 (one tenth) square foot for each 150 (one fifty) square feet of under-floor area. There shall be two openings located as close to corners as practical on opposite sides to provide cross ventilation. The openings shall be covered with corrosion resistant wire mesh approximately ¼ (one quarter) inch in size. All structures with a crawl space shall have a minimum 6 (six) mil ground vapor retarder to prevent the flow of water vapor from soils into the heated building interior.

Section 1204.2, Natural Light. Delete the paragraph in its entirety and replace as follows:

Guest rooms and habitable rooms within a dwelling unit or congregate residence shall be provided with natural light by means of exterior glazed openings with any area not less than one twentieth of the floor area of such rooms with a minimum of 5 (five) square feet, except that minimum egress requirements shall govern.

Section 1208.2, Attic Spaces. Add a sentence as follows:

Attic access shall not be located in a room containing bathing facilities.

Section 1209.2.1, Floors and Wall Bases. Delete this paragraph and replace with the following:

In other than dwelling units, toilet and bathing room floors shall have a smooth, nonporous, non-absorbent surface such as non-cushioned sheet vinyl, sealed concrete or ceramic tile with sealed joints or other approved materials. Base shall be of similar materials, shall extend up the wall 4 (four) inches (127 mm) minimum, and shall be sealed to the flooring and wall surface and allowing differential movement without water penetration.

Section 1209.2.2, Walls and Partitions. Revise this section by renaming the section and delete the first paragraph to read as follows:

Walls and partitions wainscot.

Walls and partitions within 2 (two) feet (610 mm) of the front and sides of urinals, water closets, and lavatories shall have a smooth, non-porous, hard, non-absorbent surface such as non-cushioned sheet vinyl, sealed concrete, ceramic tile with sealed joints, approved plastic panels, or other approved materials, installed to a minimum height of 4 (four) feet above the finished floor and except for structural elements, the materials in such walls shall be of a type that is not adversely affected by moisture.

Delete exceptions 1 and 2 and replace as follows:


1.    Dwelling Units

Section 1209.2.2.1, Walls and Partitions Moisture Resistive Gypsum Board Application. Create a new subsection and title to read as follows:

In addition to the wainscot provisions as required by section 1210.2.2, moisture resistive gypsum board, cement board, or other approved material shall be applied to walls within two feet from the front and sides of urinals, water closets, tub, shower, lavatories, and service sinks. Moisture resistive gypsum board shall be applied on walls in the spaces as stated above in all occupancies up to a height of 4 (four) feet. Walls immediately adjacent to tub and shower areas shall be provided with moisture resistive gypsum board to a height of 7 (seven) feet above the drain inlet.

Section 1209.3.3, Single-User Toilet Rooms, Urinal Rooms, and Bathing Rooms. Add this subsection and the following:

Single-user water closets, urinals, and bathing fixtures provided according to sections 2902.1.1 exception 2, 2902.1.2, and 2902.2 exception 6, shall occupy a separate room and include the following:

1.    floor-to-ceiling walls,

2.    door equipped with stops, privacy lock from inside, and occupancy indicator outside.

3.    separate exhaust and lighting.

Chapter 13, Energy Efficiency. Delete this chapter in its entirety and refer to the International Energy Conservation Code as amended.

Section 1503.6, Protection From Falling Snow and Ice. Add a new section.

Where the accumulation of snow and/or ice on a structure creates a hazardous condition, the areas below the accumulation shall be protected from falling snow and/or ice. These areas shall include (but not be limited to) building entrances and exits, pedestrian, driveways, public right-of-way, and utility locations for gas meters, fire department connections, and electrical meters, services, and disconnects.

Section 1507.1.2, Ice Barrier. Delete this section in its entirety and replace as follows:

Where a non-energy heel truss design is utilized, an approved self-adhering polymer modified bitumen sheet shall be installed on the roof deck extending from the eave up the roof to 36 (thirty-six) inches inside the exterior wall line of the building.


Detached accessory structures that contain no conditioned floor area.

Table 1507.1.1(2), Underlayment Application. For Section 1507.2. In the first sentence, change “two units vertical” to “three units vertical.”

Section 1507.2.2, Slope. Delete this paragraph and replace as follows:

Asphalt shingles shall be used only on roof slopes of two units vertical in 12 (twelve) units horizontal or greater. Required underlayment shall be provided as follows: A roof slope of 2:12 shall be provided with an approved self-adhering polymer modified bitumen on the entire roof surface. A roof slope of 3:12 shall be provided with double underlayment in accordance with section 1507.2.8. Roof slopes of 4:12 or greater shall be provided with a single layer of underlayment in accordance with section 1507.2.8.

Section 1507.2.5, Fasteners. Add an exception to read:

Staples may be substituted for nails on new work only. They must be galvanized or stainless steel with a 1 (one) inch crown and of sufficient length to completely penetrate the shingle and roof sheathing. Staples must be straight and flush with the shingle surface.

Section 1608.4, Roof Snow Loads. Add a new section to read as follows:

In no case shall the roof design snow load be less than 50 (fifty) psf. There is no snow load duration increase allowed for wood framed or wood trussed roofs. A minimum ground snow load (Pg) of 60 (sixty) pounds per square foot shall be used in the determination of drift loads.

Section 1608.5, Sliding Snow. Create a new subsection and title to read as follows:

Metal roofs with a slope greater than 1:12 shall have barriers installed to resist the sliding action and subsequent dumping of ice and snow on persons and property. These barriers shall be constructed to specifically protect required public parking areas, public walkways, entrances, and required exit discharge.

Section 1803.1, General. Add the following sentence to the paragraph:

The effects of soil densification and differential settlement shall also be considered in the investigation, reporting, and determination of potential soil strength loss when conditions warrant, also reference Sections 1803.5.11 and 1803.5.12.

Section 1803.5.2, Questionable Soil. Add the following sentence to the paragraph:

In the event permafrost conditions are suspected, a soils investigation may be required.

Section 1804.4, Site Grading. Add the following sentence to the last paragraph:

It shall be the responsibility of the building owner to assure that discharge of roof and surface runoffs disposed of without affecting adjacent property.

Section 1804.6, Compacted Fill Material. Delete the first sentence and replace with the following:

Where footings will bear on compacted fill material, the compacted fill shall, when required by the Building Official, comply with the provisions of an approved report, which shall contain the following:

Fill material used to support building foundations and/or floor slabs shall consist of not more than five percent by weight of particles passing the No. 200 (two hundred) sieve and shall be compacted to a minimum of 95 (ninety-five) percent of maximum density. The Building Official may require that verification of compaction be submitted in the event a site inspection reveals questionable soil conditions.

Section 1805.4.2, Foundation Drain. Delete this section in its entirety.

Section 1806.2, Presumptive Load-Bearing Values. Add a third paragraph to the section to read as follows:

Footings shall bear upon in-situ, coarse-grained soils as defined in ASTM 2487 with the exception of groups SM and SC. Soils grouped in the SM and SC classifications shall be acceptable provided the footings are at a depth as required above and placed upon a minimum of 1’-6” (one foot six) of compacted, clean gravel fill.

Section 1807.1.3, Rubble Stone Foundation Walls. Delete this section and referenced tables in its entirety.

Section 1807., Seismic Requirements. Replace with:

Plain concrete foundation walls are prohibited in Seismic Design Category D.

Section 1807., Masonry Foundation Walls. Replace 1. with:

Table 1807.1.6.3(2), 1807.1.6.3(3), or 1807.1.6.3(4) for masonry walls with reinforcement. Plain masonry foundation walls are prohibited in seismic design category D.

Table 1807.1.6.3(1) Plain masonry foundation walls. Delete this section in its entirety.

Section 1807., Alternative Foundation Wall Reinforcement. Delete this section in its entirety and replace as follows:

In lieu of the reinforcement provisions for masonry foundation walls in table 1807.1.6.3(2), 1807.1.6.3(3), or 1807.1.6.3(4), alternative reinforcing bar sizes and spacing having an equivalent cross-sectional area of reinforcement per linear foot of wall shall be permitted to be used, provided the spacing of reinforcement does not exceed 48 (forty-eight) inches and reinforcing bar sizes do not exceed No.11.

Section 1809.1, General. Delete this section and replace as follows:

Shallow foundations shall be designed by a registered engineer licensed by the State of Alaska. Such design shall comply with sections 1809.2 through 1809.13.

Section 1809.2, Supporting Soils. Add the following sentence to the paragraph:

Shallow footings and foundations shall be built on unfrozen, undisturbed, non-frost susceptible soil, compacted unfrozen NSF fill, or controlled low-strength material (CLSM). Compacted fill material shall be placed in accordance with Section 1804.5. CLSM shall be placed in accordance with Section 1804.6.

Section 1809.4, Depth and Width of Footings. Delete this section in its entirety and replace as follows:

The minimum depth of footings below the undisturbed ground surface shall be 3’- 6” (three feet six inches) unless substantiated by a design prepared by a registered engineer licensed in the State of Alaska. The minimum width of footings shall be in accordance with a design prepared by a registered engineer licensed in the State of Alaska.

Section 1809.5, Frost Protection. Delete item 1 and replace with the following:

1.    The minimum depth of footings shall be 3’-6” (three feet six inches) below the ground surface.

Delete item 2 under the exceptions and replace with the following:

2.    Area of 400 (four hundred) square feet (56 m2) or less for light-framed construction.

Delete the last sentence of the paragraph and replace with the following:

Footings shall not bear on frozen soil.

Section 1809.7, Prescriptive Footings for Light Frame Construction. Delete this section in its entirety including Table 1809.7 and replace as follows:

Where a specific design is not provided, concrete footings supporting walls of light-frame single family-duplex residential construction are permitted to be constructed in accordance with the City of North Pole Standard Foundation Details SFD1-SFD8. Commercial foundation designs shall be prepared by a registered engineer licensed by the State of Alaska.

Section 1809.8, Plain Concrete Footings. Delete this section in its entirety.

Section 1809.9, Masonry-Unit Footings. Delete this section and the exception in its entirety and replace as follows:

Masonry-unit footings shall be reinforced and shall be designed by a registered engineer licensed by the State of Alaska.

Section 1809.12, Timber Footings. Add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph:

Timber footings shall be designed by a registered engineer licensed by the State of Alaska.

Section 1905.1.7 ACI 318, Section 14.1.4. Amend this section by revising paragraph 14.1.4 to read as follows: – Structures assigned to seismic design category D, E or F shall not have elements of structural plain concrete.

Section 1905.1.7 ACI 318, Section 14.1.4. Amend this section by further deleting subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c).

Section 2304.8.2, Structural Roof Sheathing. Add a new paragraph to read as follows:

Roof sheathing installed on structural supports spaced 2 (two) feet on center shall have a minimum 32/16 span rating with panel edge clips placed midway between such supports. Roof sheathing with a minimum 40/20 span rating may be applied to framing supports spaced at 2 (two) feet on center without panel edge clips.

Section 2304.8.2.1, Spaced Lumber Sheathing. Add a new subsection and exception to read as follows:

Spaced lumber sheathing installed on roofs located in seismic design category D shall be designed by a licensed engineer registered in the State of Alaska. Drawings and supporting calculations shall be submitted for review and approval. Truss design shall consider effects of spaced sheathing.


Detached residential garages, storage sheds, green houses, and other non-habitable accessory structures. A shop building or warehouse does not qualify for the exception unless designed by an Engineer licensed by the State of Alaska. Truss design shall consider effects of spaced sheathing.

Section 2305.4, Framing Connections. Create a new section and title to read as follows:

Framing connections. Framing connections shall be installed at each exterior bearing end of each truss or rafter and shall have a minimum lateral load capacity of not less than 400 pounds unless otherwise substantiated by design calculations provided by an engineer licensed in the State of Alaska.

Table 2306.2.(1), Allowable Shear. Add the following sentence to footnote (c):

Where necessitated by sheathing fastener spacing, two 2 (two)-inch nominal members fastened together in accordance with section 2306.1 to transfer design shear value between the framing members is permitted.

Table 2306.2.(2), Allowable Shear. Add the following sentence to footnote (e):

Where necessitated by sheathing fastener spacing, two 2 (two)-inch nominal members fastened together in accordance with section 2306.1 to transfer design shear value between the framing members is permitted.

Section 2306.3, Wood-Frame Shear Walls. Amend this section by adding a last sentence of the paragraph to read as follows:

Shear walls sheathed with Portland cement plaster, gypsum lath, gypsum sheathing, or gypsum board shall not be used to resist seismic forces in structures assigned to seismic design category D, E or F.

Table 2306.3(1), Allowable Shear. Add the following sentence to footnote (d):

Where necessitated by sheathing fastener spacing, two 2 (two)-inch nominal members fastened together in accordance with section 2306.1 to transfer design shear value between the framing members is permitted.

Section 2308.2.3, Allowable Loads. Amend this section by revising item 3 to read as follows:

Ground snow loads shall not exceed 60 (sixty) psf.

Section 2308.3.1, Foundation Plates or Sills. Amend this section by adding the following sentence to the end of the paragraph to read as follows:

A minimum washer of 2 (two) inch by 2 inch by 3/16 (three-sixteenth) inch is required for each sill plate bolted connection unless an alternate design is provided by a registered engineer licensed by the State of Alaska.

Section 2509.3, Limitations. Delete item 1 in its entirety.

Chapter 27, Electrical. Delete this chapter in its entirety and replace with the National Electric Code as adopted and amended by the City of North Pole.

Section 2901.1, Scope. Revise this section by deleting the reference to the International Plumbing Code and International Private Sewage Disposal Code.

Add the following note to the beginning of this paragraph:

Where reference to any Plumbing Code is made in this Code it shall be taken to mean the Uniform Plumbing Code as adopted and amended by the City of North Pole.

Table 2902.1, Minimum Number of Required Plumbing Fixtures. Revise the fourth column heading as follows:

Water Closets

Table 2902.1, Minimum Number of Required Plumbing Fixtures. Revise the seventh column heading as follows:

Drinking Fountains

Table 2902.1, Minimum Number of Required Plumbing Fixtures. Delete the footnotes to the table and replace as follows:

Add footnotes (f) and (h) in the “water closet” column heading; add footnote (h) in the “other” column heading. Add footnote (g) at row 4 under the Factory and Industrial heading and under the Bathtubs and Showers column.

a.    The fixtures shown are based on one fixture being the minimum required for the number of persons indicated or any fraction of the number of persons indicated. The number of occupants shall be determined by the International Building Code.

b.    Toilet facilities for employees shall be separate from facilities for inmates or care recipients.

c.    A single-occupant toilet room with one water closet and one lavatory serving not more than two adjacent patient rooms shall be permitted where such room is provided with direct access from each patient room and with provisions for privacy.

d.    The occupant load for seasonal outdoor seating and entertainment areas shall be included when determining the minimum number of facilities required.

e.    For business and mercantile occupancies with an occupant load of 15 (fifteen) or fewer, service sinks shall not be required.

f.    In each bathroom or toilet room, urinals shall not be substituted for more than 67 (sixty-seven) percent of the required water closets in assembly and educational occupancies. Urinals shall not be substituted for more than 50 (fifty) percent of the required water closets in all other occupancies.

g.    Emergency showers and eyewash stations shall conform to ISEA Z358.1.

h.    Floor drains shall be installed in Toilet rooms containing two or more water closets or a combination of at least one water closet and one urinal, except in a dwelling unit. Floor drains shall also be installed in commercial kitchens, laundry rooms in commercial buildings, and common laundry facilities in multi-family dwelling buildings.

Section 2902.1.1, Fixture Calculations. Number the exception and add two exceptions as follows:


1.    The total occupant load shall not be required to be divided in half where approved statistical data indicates a distribution of the sexes of other than 50 (fifty) percent of each sex.

2.    Where multiple-user facilities are designed to serve all genders, the minimum fixture count shall be calculated 100 percent, based on total occupant load. In such multiple-user facilities, each fixture type shall be in accordance with ICC A117.1 and each toilet, urinal, bath, and shower that is provided shall be located in a separate room in accordance with 1209.3.3.

3.    Distribution of the sexes is not required where single-user water closets and bathing room fixtures are provided in accordance with Section 2902.1.2.

Section 2902.1.2, Single-User Toilet and Bathing Room Fixtures. Delete this section and replace with the following:

2902.1.2 Single-user toilet and bathing room fixtures.

The plumbing fixtures in single-user toilet and bathing rooms, including family or assisted-use toilet and bathing rooms that are required by Section 1110.2.1, shall contribute toward the total number of required plumbing fixtures for a building or tenant space. Single-user toilet and bathing rooms, and family or assisted-use toilet rooms and bathing rooms shall be identified as being available for use by all persons regardless of their sex.

The total number of fixtures shall be permitted to be based on the required number of separate facilities or based on the aggregate of any combination of single-user or separate facilities.

Section 2902.2, Separate Facilities. Add the following exceptions:

5.    Separate facilities shall not be required to be designated by sex where single-user toilet rooms are provided in accordance with Section 2902.1.2.

6.    Separate facilities shall not be required where rooms having both water closets, urinals, and lavatory fixtures are designed for use by both sexes and privacy for water closets and urinals are installed in accordance with Section 1209.3.3 as amended.

Section 2902.5, Drinking Fountains. Delete sections 2902.5 and 2902.6 and replace with the following:

2902.5 Drinking fountains. Drinking fountains shall be provided according to Table 2902.1 and this section.

2902.5.1 Location. Drinking fountains shall not be required to be located in individual tenant spaces provided that public drinking fountains are located within a travel distance of 500 feet from the most remote location in the tenant space and not more than one story above or below the tenant space. Where the tenant space is in a covered or open mall, such distance shall not exceed 300 (three hundred) feet. Drinking fountains shall be located on an accessible route.

2902.5.2 Prohibited location. Drinking fountains, water coolers, and water dispensers shall not be installed in public restrooms.

2902.5.3 Small occupancies. Drinking fountains shall not be required for an occupant load of 15 or fewer.

2902.5.4 Provide high and low drinking fountains. Where drinking fountains are required, not fewer than two drinking fountains shall be provided. One drinking fountain shall comply with the requirements for people who use a wheelchair and one drinking fountain shall comply with the requirements for standing persons.


A single drinking fountain with two separate spouts that complies with the requirements for people who use a wheelchair and standing persons shall be permitted to be substituted for two separate drinking fountains.

2902.5.5 Substitution. Where restaurants provide drinking water and container free of charge, drinking fountains shall not be required in those restaurants. In other occupancies, excluding A and E occupancies, water dispensers shall be permitted to be substituted for not more than 50 (fifty) percent of the required drinking fountains. In B occupancies with fewer than 75 (seventy-five) occupants, water dispensers or sinks shall be permitted to be substituted for the required drinking fountains.

Section 3002.1, Hoistway Enclosure Protection. Add the following:

Elevator hoistway shaft enclosure walls not required to have a fire resistive rating may be constructed with glass. Such glass shall be laminated glass that passes the requirements of ANSI A17.1.

Chapter 35, Referenced Standards. Revise the following standard reference and add the code section to those listed under ICC section.

ICC A117.117: Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities


(Ord. 22-02 § 2, 2022; Ord. 17-12 § 2(A), 2017; Ord. 16-12 § 2, 2016; Ord. 12-07 § 2, 2012)