Chapter 17.68


17.68.010    Intent.

17.68.020    Permitted primary uses and structures.

17.68.030    Permitted accessory uses and structures.

17.68.040    Conditional uses.

17.68.010 Intent.

The CO district is intended to include lands designated for conservation that are intended to remain in their natural state. The primary use of these lands will be for the enhancement and protection of existing fish and wildlife habitats, as well as preservation of historic sites. Acceptable uses in this district would include parks whose recreation activities and facilities would be passive in nature. “Passive” is defined as those activities which include wildlife viewing, nature walks, educational and interpretive uses and other uses that do not change the character of the land or disrupt fish and wildlife. Passive activities would be secondary to habitat protection, enhancement, and historic preservation. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)

17.68.020 Permitted primary uses and structures.

The use is permitted by right in the district and is subject only to the general standards throughout this title (and any specific use standards indicated). Permitted uses requiring specific use standards are permitted by right; provided, that the specific use standards set forth for that use are met. The community development director or designee shall review proposed permitted uses against applicable specific use standards in accordance with Section 17.12.110, Zoning clearance review. See Table 17.16.040-1. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)

17.68.030 Permitted accessory uses and structures.

The use is permitted by right as an accessory to an established primary permitted use on that lot. See Table 17.16.040-1. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)

17.68.040 Conditional uses.

The use is permitted only when a conditional use permit has been issued in accordance with Section 17.12.090, Conditional use permits. See Table 17.16.040-1. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)