Sec. 7-130 Definitions.
(a) Camp. For the purposes of this section the term “camp” means to use real property for living accommodation purposes such as sleeping activities, or making preparations to sleep, including the laying down of bedding for the purpose of sleeping, or storing personal belongings, or making any fire, or using any tents or shelter or other structure or vehicle for sleeping or doing any digging or earth breaking or carrying on cooking activities. The above-listed activities constitute camping when it reasonably appears, in light of all the circumstances, that the participants, in conducting these activities, are in fact using the area for living accommodation purposes regardless of the intent of the participants or the nature of any other activities in which they may also be engaging, no matter how temporary.
(b) Public property means any public school, park, playground, street, sidewalk, right-of-way, highway, alleyway, wash, bike path, trail, transit stop or facility, natural park, preserve or land whether improved or unimproved, or attraction, structure, facility, parking lot, or property open for public use.
(Ord. No. 1957, § 1, 1-7-25)
Sec. 7-131 Camping prohibited on public property.1
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to use a public street, alley, lane, parkway, or other right-of-way, whether such right-of-way has been dedicated to the public, in fee or by easement, for lying, sleeping, remaining in a sitting position thereon, except in the case of a physical emergency or the administration of medical assistance.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to set up, use or maintain any temporary structure, tent, bag, vehicle, camper or any other thing for the purpose of camping, lodging, sleeping, cooking, or starting or maintaining a campfire, or establishing a temporary place of rest, on any public property within the city limits.
(c) It shall be unlawful for any person to sleep in or upon any public building, alley, sidewalk, public way, or any federal, state, county or municipal designated trailhead, or any property owned, operated or managed by any local, state or federal agency or department or any Indian tribe, or any other public place or facility within the corporate limits of the city.
(d) This section does not apply to temporary structures or camps set up by a government agency or City of Kingman approved relief workers during a disaster or emergency situation.
(e) This section does not apply if a permit has been issued by the city parks department for activities at city parks or making a fire in a grill or barbecue pit provided by the city for such use.
(Ord. No. 1957, § 1, 1-7-25)
Sec. 7-132 Camping on residential property.
(a) No person shall camp on residential property unless that person has permission from the property owner or lawful tenant of that property.
(1) Camping on residential property shall not be permissible for any length of time exceeding fourteen (14) consecutive days, and subject to the following conditions:
(2) Frequency may not exceed five (5) times per calendar year, with a minimum of thirty (30) day intervals between each fourteen (14) day period.
(3) No property owner or lawful tenant may charge rental or other fees of a person camping on their property.
(4) Camping on residential property must meet the same setbacks applicable to a primary residence.
(5) Camping on residential property may only be on an improved lot and behind a sight-restricted fence.
(6) Camping on residential property is not intended as a substitute for permanent housing.
(b) It is a violation of this chapter if any person camping on residential property shall accumulate, discard, or leave behind garbage, debris, unsanitary or hazardous materials, sewage, drug paraphernalia, or syringes on such residential property.
(c) It shall be unlawful for any property owner of any residential property, or any manager, renter, lessee or agent thereof, to knowingly permit any person to violate this section.
(d) This section shall not apply to legally permitted campgrounds operated or controlled by private persons or government agencies.
(Ord. No. 1957, § 1, 1-7-25)
Sec. 7-133 Camping on commercial property.
(a) No person shall camp on commercial property, unless the property is a legally established and licensed campground, trailer, RV or mobile home park maintained and operated in accordance with the City of Kingman zoning code or unless the person is the legally authorized driver or passenger of a commercial vehicle with sleeping facilities parked at a legally authorized truck stop.
(Ord. No. 1957, § 1, 1-7-25)
Sec. 7-134 Blocking or impeding city sidewalks.
(a) No person shall block or impede continuous pedestrian use of the sidewalk.
(b) Nothing in this section is meant to impair an individual’s constitutional right to free speech.
(Ord. No. 1957, § 1, 1-7-25)
Sec. 7-135 Enforcement actions.
(a) Prior to issuing a citation or making an arrest for this section, a peace officer shall give a person violating this article a reasonable opportunity to relocate.
(b) No person shall be arrested for a violation of any provision in this article unless such person continues to engage in such conduct after warning by any police officer, an authorized representative of the government entity managing or responsible for such public property, or the property owner, manager, renter, lessee or agent thereof, as the case may be, or unless such property is conspicuously posted, warning of the provisions of this section, and designating such violation thereof as a misdemeanor.
(c) This article shall not apply to the ordinary and permitted uses of improved residential lots subject to and in conformity with the land development code of the city, nor shall this section be interpreted to limit the use of such lots by the owners thereof for any lawful purpose.
(d) This article shall not be construed to limit the normal activities or designated uses of the public parks of the city.
(Ord. No. 1957, § 1, 1-7-25)
Sec. 7-136 Penalty.
(a) A violation of this article is a Class 1 misdemeanor.
(Ord. No. 1957, § 1, 1-7-25)
Sec. 7-137 Disposal of abandoned property.
Any camping equipment, gear, personal belongings, vehicles, or structures used by a person in violation of this article shall be removed from the public property within twenty-four (24) hours of the issuance of a citation or warning. Any property remaining after twenty-four (24) hours from the issuance of the citation or warning shall be deemed abandoned. After twenty-four (24) hours, if the property has not been removed, the city shall seize and destroy any hazardous and bulky items, debris, and other trash. Any remaining property shall be stored by the city for a total of fourteen (14) days. Written notice shall be left at the site where the property was seized, or given directly to the owner of the property, explaining where the seized property is located, how to retrieve such property, and how to contest the destruction of the property. If a person fails to retrieve the abandoned property or fails to request a hearing concerning said destruction within fourteen (14) days of its collection, such property shall be destroyed at the expense of the violator.
(Ord. No. 1957, § 1, 1-7-25)
Code reviser’s note: Ordinance 1957 adds this section as 7-130. It has been editorially renumbered, along with subsequent sections in this article, to avoid duplication of numbering.