
A. Airport Influence Area

The Airport influence Area is described to include the following parcels:

Parcel 1

All of Sections 1, 2 & 3, Township 14 North, Range 02 West, Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Yavapai County, Arizona.

Parcel 2

All of Sections 5 & 6, Township 14 North, Range 01 West, Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Yavapai County, Arizona.

Parcel 3

All of Sections 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 34, 35 & 36, Township 15 North, Range 02 West, Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Yavapai County, Arizona.

Parcel 4

All of Sections 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, 30, 31 & 32, Township 15 North, Range 01 West, Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Yavapai County, Arizona.

B. Traffic Impact Analysis Format

1.    Introduction and Summary

a.    Purpose of Report and Study Objectives

b.    Executive Summary

i.    Site Location and Study Area

ii.    Development Description

iii.    Principal Findings

iv.    Conclusions

v.    Recommendations

2.    Proposed Development

a.    Site Location (vicinity map)

b.    Land Use and Intensity

c.    Proposed Development Details

d.    Site Plan (readable version must be provided)

e.    Access Geometrics

f.    Development Phasing and Timing

3.    Study Area Conditions

a.    Study Area

i.    Area of Significant Traffic Impact

ii.    Influence Area

b.    Land Use

c.    Existing Land Use

d.    Anticipated Future Development

e.    Site Accessibility

f.    Existing and Future Area Roadway System

4.    Analysis of Existing Conditions

a.    Physical Characteristics

b.    Roadway Characteristics

c.    Traffic Control Devices

d.    Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities

e.    Traffic Volumes

i.    Peak Periods (2 hour minimum, and others as required)

ii.    Daily,

iii.    Morning, and

iv.    Afternoon

f.    Level of Service

Morning Peak Hour, Afternoon Peak Hour (and others as required)

g.    Safety

h.    Data Sources

5.    Projected Traffic

a.    Site Traffic Forecasts (each horizon year)

Trip Generation

Mode Split

Pass-by Traffic (if applicable)

Trip Distribution

Trip Assignment

b.    Non-Site Traffic Forecasting (each horizon year)

c.    Projections of Non-site Traffic (Methodology for the projections shall receive prior City approval)

d.    Total Traffic (each horizon year)

6.    Traffic and Improvement Analysis

a.    Site Access

b.    Level of Service Analysis

Without Project (for each horizon year including any programmed improvements)

With Project (for each horizon year, including any programmed improvements)

c.    Roadway Improvements

Improvements Programmed to Accommodate Non-site Traffic

Additional Alternative Improvements to Accommodate Site Traffic

d.    Traffic Safety

Sight Distance

Acceleration/Deceleration Lanes, Left-Turn Lanes

Adequacy of Location and Design of Driveway Access

Pedestrian Considerations

Speed Considerations

Traffic Control Needs

Traffic Signal Needs (base plus each year in 5-year horizon)

7.    Conclusions

8.    Recommendations

Site Access

Roadway Improvements



9.    Appendices

Traffic Volume Counts

Capacity Analyses Worksheets

Traffic Signal Needs Studies

Collision Data and Summaries

10.    Figures and Tables

11.    Site Location

Site Plan

Existing Transportation

Existing Peak Hour Turning Volumes

Collision Diagram(s)

Estimated Site Traffic Generation

Directional Distribution of Site Traffic

Site Traffic

Non-Site Traffic

Total Future Traffic

Projected Levels of Service

Recommended Improvements

(For Sec. 1, many of the items may be documented within the text. For other categories, the items shall be included in figures and/or tables.)

C. Low Water Use Plant List – Prescott Management Area



This list was compiled by the Department in cooperation with experts from the Desert Botanical Garden, Arizona Department of Transportation, and various nurserymen and landscape specialists from the Prescott AMA. Individuals wishing to add low water use plants to this list or delete plants from the list may submit information to the director of the Department of Water Resources for consideration. The director will amend the list as appropriate.



Botanical Name

Common Name

Abies concolor

White Fir

Ailanthus altissima

China Tree of Heaven

Albizia julibrissim


Betula papyrifera

Paper Birch

Buchichiton populneum

Ottle Tree

Cedrus deodara

Deodra Cedar

Celtis occidentalis


Cupressus glabra

Arizona Cypress

Elaegnus augustifolia

Russian Olive

Fraxinus velutina

Arizona Ash

Fraxinus velutina glabra

Modesto Ash

Gleditsia tricanthos, var. Moraine

Moraine Locust

Gleditsia tricanthosinerus

Thornless Honey Locust

Juniperus drepaeanna pachyphlaia

Alligator Juniper

Juniperus scopulorum

Rock Mountain Juniper

Koellreuteria poniculata

Golden RainTree

Malus spp.

Flowering Crab

Morus Kingan

Kingan Fruitless Mulberry

Picea Canadensis

White Spruce

Pinus cembroedes edulis

Pinyon Pine

Pinus Halepensis

Pine, Bristlecone

Pinus ponderosa

Ponderosa (Western Yellow) Pine

Prunus padus

Mayday Tree

Quercus emoryii

Emory Oak

Quercus gambelli

Gambell’s Oak

Robinia pseudocacia

Black Locust

Sequoiadendron gigantium

Giant Sequoia

Thuya occidentialis pyramidalis

American Pyramid Arbor Vitae

Tilia tomentosa

Silver Linden

Ulmus americans

American Elm

Efimus pumila

Chinese Elm




Botanical Name

Common Name

Acacia greggii


Acer grandidentatum

Big Tooth Maple

Berberis mentorensis

Mentor Barberry

Berberis atropupurea

Red Leaf Barberry

Berberis repens

Creeping Mahonia

Buxux microphylla koreana

Korean Boxwood

Caragnan arborescens

Siberian Peashrub

Ceratoides lanata


Cercis occidentalis

Western Redbud

Cerocarpus ledifolius

Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany

Chrysothamnus spp.


Cotoneaster congestus

Pyrenees Cotoneaster

Cotoneaster horizontalis

Creeping Cotoneaster

Cotoneaster divaricata

Spreading Cotoneaster

Cornus stolonifera

Red-osifer Dogwood

Continus coggygria

Smoke Tree

Cowania mexicana




Fallugia paradoxa

Apache Plume

Hedera helix

English Ivy

Heteromeles arbutifolia

Toyon/Christmas berry

Hibicus syriacus

Rose of Sharon

Holodiscus dumosus

Bush Rockspiera



Kolwitzia amabilis

Beauty Bush

Lonicera Clavey’s Dwarf

Clavey’s Dwarf Honeysuckle

Mahonia aquifolium

Oregon Hollygrape

Philadelphus lemoninea


Photoinia serrulata

Chinese Photinia

Physocarpus monogynus


Prunus virginiana demissa

Western Chokecherry

Pyracantha coccinea lalandei

Lalandei Firethorn Pyracantha

Rhus trilobata

Skunkbush Sumac

Rhus glaba

Smooth Sumac

Rosa arizona

Arizona Rose

Rosa rugosa

Rugosa Rose

Sambucus spp.


Senecio longilobus

Threadleap Groundsel/Mescal bean

Sophora secundiflora

Texas Mountain Laurel

Spirea trichocarpa

Korean Spirea

Syringa vulgaris

Common Lilac

Tamarix parviflora

Salt Cedar

Taxux species

Japanese Yew

Yucca baccata

Indian Banana

Yucca glauca



(Common and/or Botanical Names not specified)



Botanical Name






Anacyclus depressus


Baptiaia australis


Bearded lfis


Cleome spinosa




Cortaderia selloana












Kniphofia livaria






Marrubium vulgare




Oenothera berlandieri


Pholmis fruticosa


Portulaca grandiflora




Tithonia rotundifolia








D. Planning and Zoning Commission Bylaws



A.    The name of this organization shall be: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION City of Prescott, Arizona (hereinafter called Commission).



A.    The Commission is responsible for acting in accordance with the provisions of the Prescott City code, Title I, chapters 6 and 13, applicable City Council Resolutions regulating same, and the Prescott Zoning Code as adopted pursuant to Title X of the Prescott City Code, for the purpose of taking action and making recommendations on all matters which properly come within the purview of the Commission.



A.    Members shall be appointed by the Mayor and the Prescott City Council.

B.    The Commission shall consist of seven (7) members who shall be residents of the City of Prescott.

C.    Members shall serve for a four-(4) year staggered term, with terms to expire in March of the respective year, and may continue to serve until their successors are duly appointed.



A.    Commission members may resign from their appointed post for any reason. It is suggested that thirty-(30) days’ written notice be given. Vacancies shall be filled by the City Council only for the unexpired term of the commission member creating the vacancy. Commission members shall serve without compensation.

B.    Members will be terminated in the event of excessive absences, as more particularly set forth in Prescott City Code Section 1-6-2.



A.    The City Council shall appoint a Chairman and Vice-chairman in March of each year and shall prescribe their duties, as in its discretion seem required.

B.    The Secretary shall be appointed by the Community Development Director.


Duties of Officers

A.    The Chairman shall:

1.    Preside at all meetings.

2.    Coordinate the agenda with the Community Development Director.

3.    Coordinate with the Community Development Director to provide current information on Planning and Zoning regulations, City Council actions and Planning and Zoning policies.

B.    The Vice-chairman shall assume the duties of the Chairman in his/her absence.

C.    The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings, send out required notices for all meetings, compile agendas, keep records, files and indexes, perform the clerical work of the Commission and any other duties assigned by the Community Development Director.


Legal Counsel

A.    The Prescott City Attorney shall be the legal counsel for this Commission.



A.    All meetings and hearings of the Commission shall be subject to the Arizona Open Meeting Law. Parliamentary authority shall be Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.

B.    Regular Meetings will be held on the second (2nd) Thursday and last Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m. unless a different date and time is designated by the Chairman of the Commission.

C.    Special meetings will be held at the call of the Chairman with appropriate notice.

D.    The quorum shall be four (4) Commission members.

E.    Agenda format:

1.    Call to order

2.    Recording of members present/absent and staff in attendance

3.    Regular action items

4.    Public hearings

5.    Discussion items

6.    Adjournment

F.    If an item is being considered by the Commission for the first time, it shall not be voted upon at the initial meeting if there is an objection to a vote by one Commission member.


Field Inspections

A.    The Community Development Department shall provide staff accompaniment for Commission members who wish to conduct field inspections to personally examine properties, which will be considered by the Commission.



A.    Amendments to these Bylaws may be made by a two-thirds 2/3rds vote of the Commission following a fourteen (14) day written notice of proposed changes.

B.    Exceptions are those articles that are established by Ordinance and may not be changed without action of the Prescott City Council.

PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Prescott this 29th day of July, 2010.






Thomas Menser, Chairman






















Thomas A. Guice


Gary D. Kidd

Community Development Director


City Attorney

E. Board of Adjustment Amended Bylaws


The name of this Board shall be: the BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, City of Prescott, Arizona.


The Board is responsible for acting in accordance with the provisions of the Arizona Revised Statutes Section 9-462 et seq. and the City Code Title I, Chapter 7, and the Land Development Code of the City of Prescott for the purpose of taking action on all matters which properly come within the purview of the Board.


A.    Members shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the City Council, in accordance with City Code and Council policy.

B.    The Board shall consist of seven (7) members to serve without compensation, who shall be residents of the City of Prescott, each to be appointed by the City Council for a term of three (3) years. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner. Terms shall expire in March of the respective year. (Ord. 364, 12-45; amd. Ord. 737, 8-23-65; amd. Ord. 4737-1034, eff. 04-13-2010).


A.    Board members may resign from their appointed post for any reason. It is requested that thirty (30) days written notice of resignation be given to the Chairman of the Board.

B.    If any member shall be absent for more than two (2) consecutive meetings without notifying the Chairman or the Community Development Director, or shall be absent for more than thirty percent (30%) of all meetings during any one twelve-month period for any reason, he or she shall thereupon automatically cease to hold membership on the Board of Adjustment without any further action being taken by either the Board or the City Council. It shall be the responsibility of the Chairman of the Board to so notify the City Council immediately upon the creation of a vacancy pursuant to this Section. Meetings as used in this Section shall include all regular and special meetings, study sessions and field inspections. (City Code, Section 1-7-6/Ord. 2278, 6/25/91)

Officers and their Duties

A.    The City Council shall appoint a Chairman and Vice-chairman in March of each year and such other officers as it deems necessary and shall prescribe the duties of said officers; the Chairman of the Board of Adjustment shall have the power to administer oaths and to take evidence. (Ord. 364, 12-10-45; amd. Ord. 4737-1034, eff. 04-13-2010).

B.    The Chairman shall:

(1)    Preside at all meetings.

(2)    Coordinate agenda with Planning and Zoning Division.

(3)    Coordinate with the Community Development Director to provide the Board current information about planning and zoning regulations, policies, and City Council actions.

(4)    Review and sign all minutes of Board meetings.

C.    The Vice-chairman shall act for the Chairman in his/her absence.

D.    The Secretary, who shall be appointed by the Community Development Director, shall keep a record of proceedings of all meetings, send out all meeting notices required, compile agenda, records, files, indexes, and shall perform the clerical work of the Board. The Secretary shall not be a member of the Board.

E.    The Prescott City Attorney shall be legal counsel for the Board.


A.    All meetings and hearings of the Board shall be subject to the Arizona Open Meeting Law.

B.    Each member of the Board will be expected to make individual field inspections to examine the properties for which variances, conditional use permits and appeals are requested; and, if there should be a need for a group field inspection, staff will notify Board members by phone or in writing.

C.    Regular Board meetings will be held on the third Thursday of every month.

D.    Changes in the date of field inspection meetings may be made by the Chairman or four (4) members of the Board. Special meetings may be held on call of the Chairman or four (4) members of the Board.

E.    Voting: A majority of the total members of the Board (4) must vote for a request for approval. Members shall only refrain from voting due to a substantial conflict of interest, as defined in A.R.S. Section 38-502, and shall state that fact for the record. The Chairman may request a show of hands to clarify the vote.

F.    Agenda Format

(1)    Call to order

(2)    Recording of members present/absent, staff, and public in attendance

(3)    Approval of the minutes

(4)    Administering oath

(5)    Other items, such as variances, conditional use permits, appeals, parking requirements, screening plans, etc.

Code of Ethics

(A)    Board of Adjustment members occupy positions of public trust. Board members shall strictly adhere to both the letter and the spirit of the laws of the State of Arizona pertaining to conflicts of interest and open meetings.

(B)    Board members shall refrain from making use of special knowledge or information before it is made available to the general public.

(C)    Board members shall refrain from using their influence as members of the Board in attempts to secure favorable municipal action for themselves, friends, immediate family members, or business associates.

(D)    Board members shall be disqualified from participation in any manner in the decision of the Board when such action will violate sections A through C of this Article.

(E)    A member of the Board shall not initiate, permit or consider ex parte communications, or consider other communications made to the Board member outside the presence of a quorum of the Board, concerning a pending or impending matter or proceeding before the Board of Adjustment. This policy does not prohibit:

(1)    Ex parte communications to determine from the applicant or a member of the public a factual matter which does not deal with the merits or issues of a particular matter.

(2)    Communications with City Staff, Council or members of other City boards or commissions.

(3)    Communications with a disinterested third party, who is neither opposed nor in favor of the particular matter, in order to seek advice or comments from said disinterested party.


Amendments to these By-laws shall be made by a majority vote of the full Board.

These By-laws have been presented to the Board. All By-laws dated previous to July 15, 2010 are null and void.

Approved on the 15th day of July, 2010 by a quorum of Board of Adjustment members.




E. Calvin Fuchs



Chairman of the Board of Adjustment












Thomas A. Guice


Community Development Director





















Gary D. Kidd, City Attorney



F. Prescott Preservation Commission Amended By-Laws


A.    The name of this organization shall be: PRESCOTT PRESERVATION COMMISSION, City of Prescott, Arizona.


A.    The Commission is responsible for acting in accordance with the provisions of the City Code: Title I, Chapter 22, Title III, Chapter 9 and Title X, and in accordance with City Council policies as adopted by the City Council, for the purpose of taking action on all matters which properly come within the purview of the Commission. (Amended: March 14, 1997, January 23, 2004).


A.    Members shall be appointed by the Mayor and City Council in accordance with Title I, Chapter 22 of the City Code. Members may continue to serve until their successors are duly appointed. (Ord. 4449, 1-11-2005; amd. Ord. 4739-1036, eff. 04-13-2010).

B.    The Commission shall consist of seven (7) members who shall be residents of the City of Prescott. The members of the Commission shall serve staggered terms of three (3) years, with terms to expire in March of the respective year. All members of the Commission shall have a demonstrated interest, experience or knowledge in at least one of the following: history, architectural history, architecture, historic interiors, historic architecture, planning, archaeology, historic archaeology, real estate, historic preservation, law, or another historic preservation related field. To the extent available in the community, at least two (2) members of the Commission should be professionals from the disciplines of architecture, history, architectural history, planning, archaeology, or related historic preservation disciplines such as cultural geography or cultural anthropology. (Amended September 14, 2001).

C.    Members shall serve without compensation.

D.    Absences: if any member shall be absent for more than two (2) consecutive meetings without notifying the chairman or the Community Development Director or shall be absent for more than thirty percent (30%) of all meetings during any one 12-month period for any reason, he or she shall thereupon automatically cease to hold membership on the Prescott Preservation Commission, without any further action being taken by either the Commission or the City Council. It shall be the responsibility of the Chairman of the Commission to so notify the City Council immediately upon the creation of a vacancy pursuant to this section. Meetings as used in this section shall include all regular and special meetings, study sessions and field inspections. (Ord. 4072, 1-23-2001; amd. Ord 4739-1036, eff. 04-13-2010).


A.     Commission members may resign from their appointed post for any reason. It is suggested that thirty (30) days written notice be given.

B.    Members must comply with the requirements of Council policy as set forth. Amended by Ordinance 4739-1036, eff. 04-13-2010).

C.    The Council, by a majority vote, shall have the authority to remove any member of the Prescott Preservation Commission from office whenever, in its discretion, the best interest of the City shall be served thereby. This authority to remove members shall not apply to the member from the district property owners’ committee. (Ord. 1461, 8-11-1980).

Duties of Officers

A.    The City Council shall appoint a chairman and vice-chairman in March of each year and shall prescribe their duties. (Ord. 1461, 8-11-1980; amd. Ord. 4739, eff. 04-13-2010).

B.    The Chairman shall

(1)     Preside at all meetings

(2)     Coordinate agenda with Planning and Zoning Office

(3)    Coordinate with Community Development Director to provide current information on preservation regulations, City Council actions and Planning and Zoning policies. (Amended March 14, 1997).

C.    The Vice-Chairman shall act for the Chairman in his/her absence.

D.    The Secretary, who shall be appointed by the Community Development Director, shall keep a record of proceedings of all meetings, send out all meeting notices required, compile agenda, records, files, indexes and shall perform the clerical work of the Commission. (Amended March 14, 1997).

E.    The City Attorney shall be legal counsel.


A.    All meetings and hearings of the Commission shall be subject to the Arizona Open Meeting Law. Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised will prevail. Meetings of the Prescott Preservation Commission shall be held at least once each month, provided, however, that special meetings may be called at any time by the chairman or by four (4) members of the said commission. (Ord. 1668, 2-27-1984).

B.    Regular meetings will be held on the second Friday of every month at 8:00 A.M. The day and time of the meeting may be changed by a majority vote of the Commission.

    (Amended March 14, 1997 and December 14, 2003).

C.    Special meetings may be called by the chairman or vice-chairman and one (1) other Commission member. (Amended September 14, 2001).

D.    A Quorum will consist of four (4) members. (Amended September 14, 2001).

E.     Agenda format (Amended March 14, 1997).

(1)    Call to order

(2)    Recording of members present/absent and staff attendance

(3)    Approval of minutes

(4)    Design review applications

(5)    Establishment of districts

(6)    Other agenda items

(7)    Recent communications

(8)    Adjournment


A.    Amendments to these by-laws may be made by a majority vote of the full Commission except that articles of these by-laws which are established by ordinance or resolution may not be changed unless authorized by City Council action.


A.    Prescott Preservation Commission members occupy positions of public trust. Commission members shall strictly adhere to both the letter and the spirit of the laws of the State of Arizona pertaining to conflicts of interest and open meetings.

B.    Commission members shall comply with the provisions of Title 38, Chapter 3, Article 8 of the Arizona Revised Statutes. (Amended March 14, 1997).

Approved on the 9th day of July, 2010, by a Quorum of the Prescott Preservation Commissioners.






Elisabeth Ruffner, Chairman



Prescott Preservation Commission
























Thomas A. Guice



Gary D. Kidd

Community Development Director



City Attorney











Date: ________________________



Date: __________________

G. Title XIV, Chapter 1, Prescott City Code, Off-Site Improvements


14.1.1 /    Applicability Of Chapter: (amended. Ordinance. 3469, effective. 2-22-96; amended. Ordinance 3652, effective 8-21-97)

A.    This Chapter shall apply:

1.    When a new building is being constructed.

2.    When an addition to an existing building is being constructed and the addition is valued at fifty percent (50%) or more of the building’s value prior to the addition.

3.    When an interior or exterior remodeling is done, and the value of that remodeling is fifty percent (50%) or more of the building’s value prior to the remodeling.

4.    When there is any change in use or change in allowed use for which any City approvals are required.

B.    This Chapter shall not apply to a structure which is zoned solely for single-family residential purposes.

C.    Subsections 14.1.2(A), (C), (E) and (F) shall not apply to a property which is scheduled for those improvements in accordance with a Capital Improvement Plan as adopted by the City Council.

14.1.2 /    Off-Site Improvements Required:

A.    Asphalt concrete surfacing, grading, and aggregate base of a roadway or alleyway.

B.    Traffic control devices and signalization.

C.    Construction or repair of concrete sidewalks abutting the property.

D.    Installation of fire hydrants to service the property.

E.    Construction or repair of curb and gutter which abuts the property.

F.    Dedication of right-of-way.

G.    Completion of traffic area impact studies, or financial contribution towards the cost thereof.

H.    Utility upgrades to adequately service the property.

I.    On-site and/or off-site drainage facilities or improvements.

14.1.3 /    Determination of Extent of Off-Site Improvements: (amended Ordinance. 3684, effective 11-27-97)

A.    The improvements required by Sections 14.1.2(A), (B), (G) and (I) shall be determined based upon an individualized determination to be made by the Public Works Director that the required improvement (or proportionate amount thereof) is related both in nature and extent to the proposed use of the property.

B.    The improvements required by Section 14.1.2 (F) shall be determined based upon an individualized determination that the required dedication is related both in nature and extent to the proposed use of the property, said determination to be made pursuant to a traffic impact analysis. The Public Works Director shall determine whether or not a traffic impact analysis is required; in the event that such an analysis is required, it shall be paid for by the property owner, and shall be performed by an independent third party acceptable to the Public Works Director.

C.    In the event that the traffic impact analysis required pursuant to Section 14.1.3 (B) determines that right-of-way dedication is not required, then and in that event the City of Prescott shall be responsible for paying for the actual cost of said analysis.

D.    Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 14.1.3(B), right-of-way dedication may be accepted by the City if the property owner voluntarily agrees to dedicate said right-of-way without the necessity of obtaining a traffic impact analysis.

14.1.4 /    Approval of Off-Site Improvements

A.    Approval of off-site improvement plans consisting of designed and engineered plans shall be prerequisite to the issuance of a building permit. Off-site improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the plans approved by the Public Works Director and in accordance with “The Standard Detail Drawings and Uniform Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction”, as defined in Title VIII, Chapter 5 of the City Code.

B.    When off-site improvements are waived and a cash deposit is made in lieu thereof in accordance with Section 14.1.5 of this Chapter, the submittal of off-site improvement plans consisting of designed and engineered plans are not required as a prerequisite to the issuance of a building permit or the issuance of an occupancy permit by the Building Official.

14.1.5 /    Completion of Off-Site Improvements

A.    Completion of the required off-site improvements is a prerequisite to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy by the Building Official, unless an earlier completion date is required as a condition of City approval in accordance with Section 14.1.1(A)(iv). Improvements will be considered complete when they have been inspected and accepted by the Public Works Director, who shall certify in writing to the Building Official that the required off-site improvements have been constructed in accordance with the approved plans.

B.    If the Public Works Director determines, in his sole discretion, that off-site improvements are applicable, but should not be constructed by the property owner, the Public Works Director may waive actual construction of said improvements and require, in their place, a deposit in cash by, or on behalf of, the applicant or property owner, in an amount estimated by the Public Works Director to cover the costs of the installation of such off-site improvements. All such sums deposited shall be used to defray the cost of any required off-site improvements, and when thus installed the portion of such deposit exceeding the cost of said installation shall be refunded, without interest, to the person making the deposit. Payment of the foregoing sums shall be required prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy by the Building Official, unless an earlier date is set forth as a condition of City approval in accordance with Section 14.1.1(A)(iv).

14.1.6 /    Exceptions:

Where the construction alterations or additions consist solely of the installation or replacement of mechanical equipment, or the alterations or additions do not constitute a change in use and will not generate additional traffic, off-site improvements are not a requirement under this Chapter.

14.1.7 /    Non-Conforming Lot Resulting From Dedication Of Right-Of-Way:

When dedication is required by this Chapter and the resultant lot or parcel of land whose lot area or street frontage becomes less than that required by the Zoning Code, said lot or parcel of land shall hereafter be deemed to be a legal lot or parcel of land under the Zoning Code from which the dedication was obtained.

14.1.8 /    Compatibility With Subdivision Regulations:

The provisions of Title XIV are not intended to conflict with or waive any of the provisions of Title XII entitled “Subdivisions” of the City Code, Prescott, Arizona.

14.1.9 /    Civil Violation:

Violation of any provision of this Chapter shall be a civil violation and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 1-3-2 for each day that the violation continues.

H. Adopting Resolution, Amending Resolutions and Ordinances



Adopted July 8, 2003



Amended previous resolution on March 30, 2004


Sections amended:



Table 2.3, Use Table



Table 3.11, Specially Planned Communities



Table 6.2.3, Off-Street Parking and Loading



Section 9.10.9(a)(2)(v)(1), Subdivision Plat Review, Preliminary Plats, Preliminary Plat Requirements, Utility Layout






Amended previous resolutions on November 9, 2004


Sections amended:



Table 2.3, Use Table



Section 2.4, adding Section 2.4.45, Transitional Housing (Residential Use Categories)



Section 6.2.2(A), Off-Street Parking and Loading; Applicability; New Development



Section 6.5.2(D), Landscaping and Screening; Applicability



Section 6.8.3(A), (B) and (C), Hillside Development Standards; Residential Density Allocation and Maximum Site Disturbance



Table 6.8.3, Hillside Residential Density



Section 10.2.5, Nonconforming Uses; Destruction or Demolition



Section 10.3.3, Nonconforming Structures; Destruction or Demolition



Section 11.1.3(B)(3), Residential Use Categories; Assisted Living; Examples



Section 11.1.3, (adding) Section 11.1.3(E), Transitional Housing


Table 11.2.5, General Terms




RESOLUTION # 3647 (continued on next page)


Amended previous resolutions on December 21, 2004


Sections amended:



Section 1.9.2, Reliance Upon Previous Code



Section 1.9.3, Conditional Uses



Section 1.9.4, Special Uses



Section 3.8.3(C)(4), Density and Dimensional Standards; Townhouse Dwellings



Section 3.8.3(F)(2), Density and Dimensional Standards; Side



Section 4.5.4(C), District Standards; Maximum Allowable Floor Area



Section 5.3.2, Applicability



Table 6.12.5(A), Freestanding Sign Standards



Table 6.12.5(B), Canopy or Wall Signs



Section 7.4.7(C)(3), Easements



Section 7.4.7(C)(6), Easements



Section 7.4.8(A), Water Supply



Section 7.4.8(C), Water Supply

RESOLUTION # 3647 (continued from previous page)



Section 7.4.9(A), Sanitary Sewers



Section 7.4.10(C), Drainage



Section 7.6.2(B), Release of Financial Assurance



Section 7.6.2(D), Release of Financial Assurance






Amended previous resolutions on April 25, 2008



“The April 2006 Amendments to the City of Prescott Land Development Code dated July 1, 2003,” declared to be a public record






Amended previous resolutions on February 13, 2007


“The February 2007 Amendments to the City of Prescott Land Development Code dated July 1, 2003,” declared to be a public record






Amended previous resolutions on March 27, 2007



“The March 2007 Amendments to the City of Prescott Land Development Code dated July 1, 2003,” declared to be a public record




ORDINANCE # 4683-0926


Adopted on November 25, 2008, amended Title X


Sections amended:



Title X, Land Development Code, Table 6.2.9



Section 6.4.3, Permit Requirements



Section 6.4.7, Design Considerations (omitted);



Section 6.4.7, reserved (intentionally left blank)



Section 6.11.3(A)(1)(b), Security Lighting



Table 6.12.5(C), Special Events




ORDINANCE # 4700-0943


Amended previous resolutions on May 12, 2009


Sections amended/added:



Table 2.3, Use Table (Hotels/Motels, Dormitories, Schools)



Section 2.5.13, Mobile Food Vendors (added)



Section 6.2.5(C), Compact Parking



Section 7.4.5(B)(4), Flag Lot Dimensions




ORDINANCE # 4716-1013


Adopted on September 8, 2009


Sections amended/added:



Table 6.2.3, Off Street Parking Requirements, Workforce Housing (added)



Section 11.1.3(D)(3), Examples Workforce Housing (added)



Table 11.2, Terms Defined; Area Median Income and Workforce Housing (added)




ORDINANCE # 4763-1114


Adopted on October 12, 2009


Sections amended:



Title X, Land Development Code; Amendments to the Land Development Code



Section 9.1.6(A)(B)(C)(1 through 6)(D through H) Area/Neighborhood Meetings



Section 9.1.8(B)(3), Posted Notice



Section 9.1.10, Required Public Meetings



Section 9.1.11, Required Public Hearings



Section 9.1.11(A), Notice of Public Hearings



ORDINANCE # 4764-1115


Adopted on October 12, 2009



Sections amended:



Title X, Land Development Code; Amendments to the Land Development Code



Section 4.9.4(C)(1 through 3)(3 a through d), Parking and Loading



Section 6.2.2(C), Applicability; Change of Use



Section 6.6.2(D), Downtown Business District



Section 6.2.10(D), Fees In-Lieu of Parking



Table 11.2, Terms Defined; In-Lieu Parking Fee




RESOLUTION # 4049-1119


Adopted on October 12, 2009



Adopting an In-Lieu Parking Fee for the Downtown Business District




ORDINANCE #4786-1137 (continued on next page)


Adopted on March 22, 2011


Sections amended/added:



Title X, Land Development Code; Amendments to the Land Development Code



Section 2.3, Use Table



Section 2.4.17 (A through C), Community Residence for the Disabled, Family and Transitional (Residential Use Categories, Community Residences)



Section 2.4.18, Congregate Living Facilities (Residential Use Categories; Congregate Living)



Section 2.4.19, Day Care Centers (Public, Civic and Institutional Use Categories, Day Care)



Section 2.4.20, Day Care, Home-Based (Accessory Use Categories, Day Care)



Section 2.4.21, Duplex Dwellings (Residential Use Categories, Household Living)



Section 2.4.22, Electrical Generation Plants, other than Solar or Wind Power (Public, Civic and Institutional Use Categories, Major Utility Use)



Section 2.4.23, Golf Courses (Public, Civic and Institutional Use Categories, Parks and Open Space Use)



Section 2.4.24, Golf Driving Ranges (Retail, Service and Business Use Categories, Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor)



Section 2.4.25, [omitted Group Homes (Residential Use Categories)]



Section 2.4.25, Greenhouse/Nursery Center, Retail (Retail Service and Business Use Category, Retail Sales and Service)

ORDINANCE #4786-1137 (continued from previous page)



Section 2.4.45, [omitted Transitional Housing (Residential Use Categories)]



Section 2.4.45, Self-Storage or Mini-Storage (Industrial Use Categories; Self-Service Storage)



Section 2.4.46(A)(B), Senior Family Homes (Residential Use Categories, Household Living)


Section 11.1.3(A)(1 through 3), Assisted Living; (Characteristics, Accessory Uses, Examples)



Section 11.1.3(C)(1 through 3), Community Residences for the Disabled



Section 11.1.3(D), Congregate Living



Section 11.1.3(E), [omitting 11.1.3(E) Transitional Housing]



Section 11.1.3(E), Household Living



Section 11.2, Terms Defined; (adding Community Residence for the Disabled; omitting Crisis Center; striking “Developmental” from Developmental Disability; omitting Group Home, Halfway House; striking “Residential” from Residential Treatment Center; adding Senior Family Home; omitting Supervisory Care Center; adding Temporary Shelter)




ORDINANCE #4840-1238


Adopted on September 11, 2012


Sections amended/added:



Title X, Land Development Code; Amendments to the Land Development Code



Section 6.12.8, Changeable Copy Sign Standards (added)



Section 6.12.9, Prohibited Signs (renumbered from 6.12.8; omitting 6.12.8(E))



Section 6.12.10, Sign Measurement (renumbered from 6.12.9)



Section 6.12.11, Construction and Maintenance Standards (renumbered from 6.12.10)



Section 6.12.12, Visibility Obstructions (renumbered from 6.12.11)



Section 6.12.13, Illumination (renumbered from 6.12.12)



Section 6.12.14, Sign-Related Definitions (renumbered from 6.12.13; adding Sign, Changeable Copy; omitting Sign, Reader Panel)




ORDINANCE #4866-1404 (continued on next page)


Adopted on September 19, 2013


Sections amended/added:



Section 6.12.13, Illumination (renumbered from 6.12.12)



Section 6.12.14, Sign-Related Definitions (renumbered from 6.12.13; adding Sign, Changeable Copy; omitting Sign, Reader Panel)



Section 2.4.7, Assisted Living and Nursing Homes (Residential Use Categories; Assisted Living)



Section 2.4.17, Community Residence, Small and Large (Residential Use Categories, Congregate Living)



Section 2.4.18, [omitting Congregate Living Facilities (Residential Use Categories; Congregate Living)]



Section 2.4.18, Day Care Centers (Public, Civic and Institutional Use Categories, Day Care) (renumbered from 2.4.19)



Section 2.4.19, Day Care, Home-based (Accessory Use Categories, Day Care) (renumbered from 2.4.20)

ORDINANCE #4866-1404 (continued from previous page)



Section 2.4.20, Duplex Dwellings (Residential Use Categories, Household Living) (renumbered from 2.4.21)



Section 2.4.21, Electrical Generation Plants, other than Solar or Wind Power (Public, Civic and Institutional Use Categories, Major Utility Use) (renumbered from 2.4.22)



Section 2.4.22, Golf Courses (Public, Civic, and Institutional Use Categories, Parks and Open Space Use) (renumbered from 2.4.23)



Section 2.4.23, Golf Driving Ranges (Retail, Service and Business Use Categories, Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor) (renumbered from 2.4.24)



Section 2.4.24, Greenhouse/Nursery Center, Retail (Retail, Service and Business Use Category, Retail Sales and Service) (renumbered from 2.4.25)


Section 2.4.25, Hazardous Waste Facilities (Industrial Use Category, Waste-related) (renumbered from 2.4.26)



Section 2.4.26, Junkyards (Industrial Use Category, Waste-related) (renumbered from 2.4.27)



Section 2.4.27, Kennels, Veterinary Clinics with or without Kennels, Animal Shelters and Animal Training Facilities (Retail, Service, and Commercial Use Categories; Retail Sales and Service, Personal Service-Oriented) (renumbered from 2.4.28)



Section 2.4.28, Landscape Contractor’s Storage Yard (Industrial Use Categories, Industrial Sales and Service Use) (renumbered from 2.4.29)



Section 2.4.29, Manufactured Housing (Residential Use Categories, Household Living) (renumbered from 2.4.30)



Section 2.4.30, Manufactured Home Parks (Residential Use Categories, Household Living) (renumbered from 2.4.31)



Section 2.4.31, Mining and Extractive Uses (Industrial Use Categories, Manufacturing and Production) (renumbered from 2.4.32)



Section 2.4.32, Multi-family Dwellings (Residential Use Categories, Household Living) (renumbered from 2.4.33)



Section 2.4.33, Nurseries, Wholesale (Other Use Categories, Agriculture Use) (renumbered from 2.4.34)



Section 2.4.34, Outdoor Storage or Production (Industrial Use Categories, Manufacturing and Production) (renumbered from 2.4.35)



Section 2.4.35, Patio Homes (Residential Use Categories, Household Living) (renumbered from 2.4.36)



Section 2.4.36, Petroleum or Chemical Refining or Production (Industrial Use Categories, Manufacturing and Production) (renumbered from 2.4.37)



Section 2.4.37, Private Clubs or Lodges (renumbered from 2.4.38)



Section 2.4.38, Racetracks, Animal (Retail, Service and Business Use Categories, Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor) (renumbered from 2.4.39)



Section 2.4.39, Racetracks, Motor Vehicle (Retail, Service and Business Use Categories, Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor) (renumbered from 2.4.40)



Section 2.4.40, Radio or Television Broadcast Studios (Retail, Service and Business Categories; Office) (renumbered from 2.4.41)



Section 2.4.41, Recreational Vehicle (RV) Parks (Retail, Service and Business Categories; Retail Sales and Service, Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor) (renumbered from 2.4.42)



Section 2.4.42, Recycling Collection Centers (Industrial Use Categories, Waste-Related Use) (renumbered from 2.4.43)



Section 2.4.43, Recreational Vehicle (RV) Storage Yards (Retail, Service and Business Categories, Self-Service Storage) (renumbered from 2.4.44)

ORDINANCE #4866-1404 (continued from previous page)



Section 2.4.44, Self-Storage or Mini-storage (Industrial Use Categories; Self-service Storage) (renumbered from 2.4.45)



Section 2.4.45, Service Stations, Self Service and Full Service, Convenience Stores (Retail, Service and Business Categories; Vehicle Service, Limited) (renumbered from 2.4.47)



Section 2.4.46, [omitting Senior Family Homes (Residential Use Categories, Household Living)]


Section 2.4.46, Shooting/Archery Range, Outdoor (Retail, Service and Business Use Categories, Recreation and Entertainment, Outdoor) (renumbered from 2.4.48)



Section 2.4.47, Single-Family Dwellings (Residential Use Categories, Household Living) (renumbered from 2.4.49)



Section 2.4.48, Swimming Pools, Commercial & Residential (renumbered from 2.4.50)



Section 2.4.49, Telecommunications Facilities (Public, Civic and Institutional Use Categories, Utilities) (renumbered from 2.4.51)



Section 2.4.50, Townhouses (Residential Use Categories, Household Living) (renumbered from 2.4.52)



Section 2.4.51, Utility Installation and Service, Public or Private Public (Public, Civic and Institutional Use Categories; Utilities) (renumbered from 2.4.53)



Table 6.2.3, Off-Street Parking Requirements (adding Boarding House, Community Residence, Large, Community Residence, Small; omitting Congregate Living, Foster Homes; striking “or Boarding House” from Fraternity/Sorority or Boarding House; renaming “Hotels, Inns, Motels” to be Motels or Hotels)



Section 11.1.3(A), Assisted Living



Section 11.1.3(B), Accommodations



Section 11.1.3(C), [omitting Community Residences for the Disabled]



Section 11.1.3(C), Congregate Living (renumbered from 11.1.3(D))



Section 11.1.3(D), Household Living (renumbered from 11.1.3(E))



Table 11.2.5, General Terms (adding Assisted Living; omitting Cabin; renaming “Casita or Cottage” to be Cabin, Casita or Cottage; omitting Cottage; adding Community Residence, Large, Community Residence, Small; omitting Community Residence for the Disabled, Foster Home, Foster Home, Group; adding Nursing Home, Related; omitting Senior Family Home; adding Single Housekeeping Unit, Transient Occupancy)




ORDINANCE #4869-1407


Adopted on October 8, 2013


Sections amended/added:



Title X, Land Development Code; Amendments to the Land Development Code



Table 11.2.5, General Terms (adding Hospital or Trauma Center)




ORDINANCE #4873-1411


Adopted on November 26, 2013


Sections amended/added:



Title X, Land Development Code; Amendments to the Land Development Code



Table 11.2.5, General Terms (adding Hospital or Trauma Center)




ORDINANCE #4925-1463


Adopted on March 24, 2015


Sections amended/added:


Title X, Land Development Code; Amendments to the Land Development Code



Table 2.3, Permitted Use Table (Community Residences)



Section 2.4.17, Community Residence, Family and Transitional (Residential Use Categories)



Table 6.2.3, Off-Street Parking Requirements (Community Residence)



Section 11.1.3.C(1), Congregate Living



Section 11.1.3.D(1), Household Living



Table 11.2.5, General Terms (Community Residence, Disability, Family; omitting Single Housekeeping Unit)




ORDINANCE #4966-1504


Adopted on March 1, 2016


Sections amended/added:



Section 10.2.6, Cessation of a Nonconforming Use




ORDINANCE #4982-1520


Adopted on June 6, 2016


Sections amended/added:



Article 6, General Development Standard



Article 7, Subdivision and Land Split Standards



Article 8, Review Bodies



Article 9, Administration and Procedures



Article 11, Definitions




ORDINANCE #5007-1545


Adopted on October 11, 2016


Sections amended/added:



Table 11.2.5, General Terms (Community Residence)




ORDINANCE #5010-1548


Adopted on November 15, 2016


Sections amended/added:



Section 4.9.3, Density and Dimensional Standards




ORDINANCE #5013-1551


Adopted on November 8, 2016


Sections amended/added:



Section 2.3, Use Table (Accommodations)



Table 11.2.5, General Terms (Vacation Rental)




ORDINANCE #5015-1553


Adopted on November 15, 2016


Sections amended/added:



Section 6.12.5, Permitted Signs



Section 6.12.6, Comprehensive Sign Plan Standards



Section 6.12.9, Prohibited Signs



Section 6.12.10, Sign Measurement



Section 6.12.14, Sign-Related Definitions




ORDINANCE #5041-1581


Adopted on July 25, 2017


Sections amended/added:



Section 3.11, Specially Planned Community (SPC)



Section 3.12, Manufactured Home Floating District (-MH)



Section 4.13, Specially Planned Community (SPC)




ORDINANCE #2019-1703


Adopted on November 19, 2019


Sections amended/added:



Section 6.5, Landscaping and Screening