Chapter 15.04


15.04.010    Fire Zones–Inner (No. 1)

15.04.020    Fire Zones–Outer (No. 2)

15.04.030    Moving of Buildings

15.04.040    International Codes Adopted

15.04.042    Amendment

15.04.044    Repealer–Exception

15.04.050    Enforcing Officer–Powers As a Police Officer

15.04.070    Fees

15.04.080    Enforcement Procedures

15.04.090    Violation–Penalty

15.04.010 Fire Zones–Inner (No. 1)

The inner, or No. 1, fire zone of the city shall be that portion of the territory of the city which is enclosed within the following boundaries:

Beginning at the intersection of the southerly right-of-way line of Fourth Street and the easterly right-of-way line of Woodrow Avenue; thence southerly along the easterly right-of-way line of Woodrow Avenue extended to the intersection of the southwesterly right-of-way line of Second Street; thence along the southwesterly right-of-way line of Second Street to the south boundary line of the alley between Second and First Streets; thence southerly on the one-sixteenth line of Section 24, Township 19 North, Range 15 East, G&SRB&M, to the intersection of the main line tracks of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad; thence easterly along said main line tracks to the intersection of the midsection line of Section 30, Township 19 North, Range 16 East, G&SRB&M; thence northerly on the midsection line to the south property line of Railroad Street; thence easterly to the intersection of the easterly side of the road known as County Road, or Old Trails National Highway; thence northeasterly to the intersection of the southerly right-of-way line of Fourth Street; thence westerly along the south right-of-way line of Fourth Street to the intersection of the easterly line of Woodrow Avenue, which is a point on the midsection line of Section 24, Township 19 North, Range 15 East, G&SRB&M, said point being the point of beginning.

(Prior code § 5-1)

15.04.020 Fire Zones–Outer (No. 2)

The outer or No. 2, fire zone of the city is that portion of the city not included within the boundaries of the inner fire zone. (Prior code § 5-2)

15.04.030 Moving of Buildings

No wood frame buildings shall be moved from without the inner fire zone to a point within the inner fire zone.

No buildings of any type shall be moved until a permit has been obtained from the city inspector. The fee for a permit for moving buildings as referred to in this section shall be ten dollars ($10.00) regardless of the value or size of the building.

Persons moving buildings shall be responsible for any damage done in connection with any such moving. Any person desiring to move a building shall post a one thousand dollar ($1,000.00) surety bond with the city clerk. (Ord. 734 (part), 1997: prior code § 5-3)

15.04.040 International Codes Adopted

The 2018 International Building Code, including Appendix K; 2018 International Residential Code, including Appendix Q and Appendix K; 2018 International Mechanical Code; 2018 International Plumbing Code; 2018 International Fuel Gas Code; 2017 National Electrical Code; 2018 International Property Maintenance Code; and the 2018 International Existing Building Code are adopted by the City of Winslow, State of Arizona, for regulating and governing the matters set forth therein, and all subsequent revisions, additions, insertions, deletions, or amendments by the International Code Council of such codes are also hereby adopted.

The following International Building Codes are amended as indicated herein:

A.    The 2018 International Building Code is amended as follows:

Chapter 1 Scope and Administration

Part 1 – Scope and Application

Section 101 Scope and General Requirements

[A] 101.1 Title. These regulations shall be known as the Building Code of the City of Winslow, hereinafter referred to as "this code."

[A] 101.4 Referenced Codes. The other codes listed in Sections 101.4.1 through 101.4.10, and referenced elsewhere in this code shall be considered to be part of the requirements of this code to the prescribed extent of each such reference.

[A] 101.4.1 Gas. The provisions of the 2018 International Fuel Gas Code, as amended, shall apply to the installation of gas piping from the point of delivery, gas appliances and related accessories as covered in this code. These requirements apply to gas piping systems extending from the point of delivery to the inlet connections of appliances and the installation and operation of residential and commercial gas appliances and related accessories.

[A] 101.4.2 Mechanical. The provisions of the 2018 International Mechanical Code, as amended, shall apply to the installation, alterations, repair and replacement of mechanical systems, including equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances, including ventilating, heating, cooling, air-conditioning and refrigeration systems, incinerators, and other energy-related systems.

[A] 101.4.3 Plumbing. The provisions of the 2018 International Plumbing Code, as amended, shall apply to the installation, alteration, repair and replacement of plumbing systems, including equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances, and where connected to a water or sewage system and all aspects of a medical gas system. Any references to a plumbing code or gas code within "The City Building Code" shall mean the International Plumbing Code or International Fuel Gas Code, as applicable.

[A] 101.4.4 Property Maintenance. The provisions of the 2018 International Property Maintenance Code, as amended, shall apply to existing structures and premises; equipment and facilities; light, ventilation, space heating, sanitation, life and fire safety hazards; responsibilities of owners, operators and occupants; and occupancy of existing premises and structures.

[A] 101.4.5 Fire prevention. The provisions of the 2018 International Fire Code, as amended, shall apply to matters affecting or relating to structures, processes and premises from the hazard of fire and explosion arising from the storage, handling or use of structures, materials or devices; from conditions hazardous to life, property or public welfare in the occupancy of structures or premises; and from the construction, extension, repair, alteration or removal of fire suppression, automatic sprinkler systems and alarm systems or fire hazards in the structure or on the premises from occupancy or operation.

[A] 101.4.8 Electrical. The provisions of the 2017 National Electrical Code, as amended, shall apply to the installation of electrical systems, including alterations, repairs, replacement, equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings, and appurtenances thereto.

[A] 101.4.9 Residential. The provisions of the 2018 International Residential Code, as amended, shall apply to the construction, alteration, movement, enlargement, replacement, repair, equipment, use and occupancy, location, removal and demolition of detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses not more than three stories above-grade in height with a separate means of egress and their accessory structures. Such dwellings and townhouses shall be designated as R-3 occupancies.

[A] 101.4.10 Existing Buildings. The provisions of the 2018 International Existing Building Code, shall apply to the repair, alteration, change of occupancy, addition and relocation of existing buildings.

Exception: Buildings not previously occupied, a building or portion of a building that has not been previously, legally occupied or used for its intended purpose in accordance with the laws in existence at the time of its completion shall comply with the provisions of the international building code or international residential code, as applicable, for new construction.

Part 2 – Administration and Enforcement

[A] Section 103 Code Compliance Agency

Section 105 Permits

[A] 105.2 Work Exempt From Permit

Exemptions from permit requirements of this code shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of this code or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction. Permits shall not be required for the following:


1. One-story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided that the floor area is not greater than 120 square feet (11 m2).

2. Oil derricks.

3. Retaining walls that are not over 4 feet (1219 mm) in height measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, unless supporting a surcharge or impounding Class I, II or IIIA liquids.

4. Water tanks supported directly on grade if the capacity is not greater than 5,000 gallons (18 925 L) and the ratio of height to diameter or width is not greater than 2:1.

5. Sidewalks and driveways not more than 30 inches (762 mm) above adjacent grade, and not over any basement or story below and are not part of an accessible route.

6. Painting, papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, counter tops and similar finish work.

7. Temporary motion picture, television and theater stage sets and scenery.

8. Prefabricated swimming pools accessory to a Group R-3 occupancy that are less than 24 inches (610 mm) deep, are not greater than 5,000 gallons (18 925 L) and are installed entirely above ground.

9. Swings and other playground equipment accessory to detached one- and two-family dwellings.

10. Window awnings in Group R-3 and U occupancies, supported by an exterior wall that do not project more than 54 inches (1372 mm) from the exterior wall and do not require additional support.

11. Nonfixed and movable fixtures, cases, racks, counters and partitions not over 5 feet 9 inches (1753 mm) in height.

[A] 105.6 Suspension or Revocation

The building official is authorized to suspend or revoke a permit issued under the provisions of this code wherever the permit is issued in error or on the basis of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information, or in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any of the provisions of this code or reasonable and continuous progress has not been made to complete the construction; or the continuance of any work becomes dangerous to life or property.

It shall be unlawful to proceed with any work for which a permit was issued after notice of suspension or revocation is served on the permit holder, the owner or the person having responsible charge of the work. Reinstatement of a suspended permit shall be by written notice from the building official authorizing the work to resume, with or without conditions. Revoked permits shall be cancelled, and the permit fee shall not be refunded.

Section 107 Submittal Documents

[A] 107.1 General

Submittal documents consisting of construction documents, statement of special inspections, geotechnical report and other data shall be submitted in two or more sets with each permit application. The construction documents shall be prepared by a registered design professional where required by the statutes of the jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed. Where special conditions exist, the building official is authorized to require additional construction documents to be prepared by a registered design professional. Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes governing the regulation of Registered Design Professionals (i.e., architects and engineers), all commercial occupancies for new construction, additions, alterations, or repairs within the City of Winslow shall be prepared by an Arizona Registered Design Professional in good standing when:

1. the total square footage of any building exceeds 3,000 square feet, or

2. the total occupancy of the building exceeds twenty (20) persons, or

3. Any structure member required for the project exceeds fourteen (14) feet in length.

The Arizona Registered Design Professional of Record must provide the seal upon all working drawings. Drawings not prepared by the Registered Design Professional of Record may be annotated as such, but the seal shall be affixed to all drawings in the construction working drawings set to indicate that coordination of the entire project has been done by the Registered Design Professional.

Section 109 Fees

[A] 109.4 Work Commencing Before Permit Issuance

Any person who commences any work on a building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system before obtaining the necessary permits shall be subject to the following:

1. First offence – 2 times the permit fee plus any additional investigative and legal fees.

2. Second offence – 3 times the permit fee plus any additional investigative and legal fees.

3. Third offence – 5 times the permit fee plus any additional investigative and legal fees.

[A] 109.5 Related Fees

The payment of the fee for the construction, alteration, removal or demolition for work done in connection to or concurrently with the work authorized by a building permit shall not relieve the applicant or holder of the permit from the payment of other fees that are prescribed by law. Re-inspection fees may be assessed for each inspection or reinspection when the portion of work for which the inspection was scheduled is not complete or when corrections from a previous inspection are not made, other events which may require the imposition of a re-inspection fee are:

1. Failure to have the inspection record on the job site when the inspector arrives.

2. The approved plans are not on the job site for the inspector to review.

3. Failure to provide access to the job site or area to be reviewed by the inspector.

[A] 109.6 Refunds

The building official is authorized to establish a refund policy. The applicant may receive up to 80% refund for the building permit fee (not including the plan review fee) if no work has begun and no inspections have been performed and the permit has not expired. No refund of the plan review fee is authorized.

Section 113 Board of Appeals

[A] 113.1 General

In the absence of an appointed board of appeals, all appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the building official relative to the application of this code shall be heard and decided by the Construction Hearing Officer. The Construction Hearing Officer shall be appointed by the applicable governing authority and shall hold office at their pleasure. The Construction Hearing Officer shall adopt rules of procedure for conducting business.

Chapter 2 Definitions

Section 202 Definitions

Sleeping Room. A room or space intended or usable for sleeping purposes have and code compliant emergency escape window or door a smoke detector, having a level of privacy such as a door meeting all code requirements for habitable space and generally located in a dwelling unit as a point of destination. Sleeping rooms also include similar rooms such as offices, sewing rooms, studies, libraries, and dens that have the potential of the same character and function as a bedroom.

Chapter 4 Special Detailed Requirements Based on Occupancy and Use

Section 406 Motor-Vehicle-Related Occupancies

406.3.2.1 Dwelling Unit Separation

The private garage shall be separated from the dwelling unit and its attic area by means of gypsum board, not less than 5/8-inch (15.9 mm) in thickness, applied to the garage side. Garages beneath habitable rooms shall be separated from all habitable rooms above by not less than a 5/8-inch (15.9 mm) Type X gypsum board or equivalent and 5/8-inch (15.9 mm) gypsum board applied to structures supporting the separation from habitable rooms above the garage. Door openings between a private garage and the dwelling unit shall be equipped with either solid wood doors or solid or honeycomb core steel doors not less than 1 3/8 inches (34.9 mm) in thickness, or doors in compliance with Section 716.2.2.1 with a fire protection rating of not less than 20 minutes. Doors shall be self-closing and self-latching.

Chapter 10 Means of Egress

Section 1011 Stairways

1011.7.3 Enclosures Under Interior Stairways

The walls and soffits within enclosed usable spaces under enclosed and unenclosed stairways shall be protected by 1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction or the fire-resistance rating of the stairway enclosure, whichever is greater. Access to the enclosed space shall not be directly from within the stairway enclosure.

Chapter 16 Structural Design

Section 1607 Live Loads

TABLE 1607.1









One- and two-family dwellings




Habitable attics and sleeping areask

40 psf


Habitable attics with fixed stairs

40 psf


B.    The 2018 International Residential Code is amended as follows:

Part I Administrative

Chapter 1 Scope and Administration

Section R101 Scope and General Requirements

R101.1 Title. These provisions shall be known as the Residential Code for One- and Two-family Dwellings of the City of Winslow, and shall be cited as such and will be referred to herein as “this code.”

Section R103 Department of Building Safety

Section R104 Duties and Powers of the Building Official

R104.10 Modifications

Section R105 Permits

R105.2 Work Exempt From Permit

Exemption from permit requirements of this code shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of this code or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction. Permits shall not be required for the following:


One-story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses and similar uses, provided the floor area is not greater than 200 square feet.

Retaining walls that are not over 4 feet (1219 mm) in height measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, unless supporting a surcharge.

Water tanks supported directly upon grade if the capacity does not exceed 5,000 gallons (18 927 L) and the ratio of height to diameter or width does not exceed 2 to 1.

Sidewalks and driveways.

Painting, papering, tiling, carpeting, cabinets, counter tops and similar finish work.

Prefabricated swimming pools that are less than 24 inches (610 mm) deep.

Swings and other playground equipment.

Window awnings supported by an exterior wall that do not project more than 54 inches (1372 mm) from the exterior wall and do not require additional support.

R105.6 Suspension or Revocation

The building official is authorized to suspend or revoke a permit issued under the provisions of this code wherever the permit is issued in error or on the basis of incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information, or in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any of the provisions of this code or reasonable and continuous progress has not been made to complete the construction, or the continuance of any work become dangerous to life or property.

It shall be unlawful to proceed with any work for which a permit was issued after notice of suspension or revocation is served on the permit holder, the owner or the person having responsible charge of the work. Reinstatement of a suspended permit shall be by written notice from the building official authorizing the work to resume, with or without conditions. Revoked permits shall be cancelled and the permit fee shall not be refunded.

R108.4 Related Fees

The payment of the fee for the construction, alteration, removal or demolition for work done in connection to or concurrently with the work authorized by a building permit shall not relieve the applicant or holder of the permit from the payment of other fees that are prescribed by law. Re-inspection fees may be assessed for each inspection or reinspection when the portion of work for which the inspection was scheduled is not complete or when corrections from previous inspections are not made, other events which may require the imposition of a re-inspection fee are:

1. Failure to have the inspection record on the job site when the inspector arrives.

2. The approved plans are not on the job site for the inspector to review.

3. Failure to provide access to the job site or area to be reviewed by the inspector.

R108.5 Refunds

The building official is authorized to establish a refund policy. The applicant may receive up to 80% refund for the building permit fee (not including the plan review fee) if no work has begun and no inspections have been performed and the permit has not expired. No refund of the plan review fee is authorized.

R108.6 Work Commencing Before Permit Issuance

Any person who commences work requiring a permit on a building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system before obtaining the necessary permits shall be subject to the following:

1. First offence – 2 times the permit fee plus any additional investigative and legal fees.

2. Second offence – 3 times the permit fee plus any additional investigative and legal fees.

3. Third offence – 5 times the permit fee plus any additional investigative and legal fees.

Section R112 Board of Appeals

R112.1 General

In the absence of an appointed board of appeals, all appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by the building official relative to the application of this code shall be heard by the Construction Hearing Officer. The Construction Hearing Officer shall be appointed by the applicable governing authority and shall hold office at their pleasure. The Construction Hearing Officer shall adopt rules of procedure for conducting business.

Part II – Definitions

Chapter 2 Definitions

Section R202 Definitions

SLEEPING ROOM. A room or space intended or usable for sleeping purposes having an escape window, a smoke detector, having a level of privacy such as a door meeting all code requirements for a habitable space and generally located in a dwelling unit as a point of destination. Sleeping rooms also include similar rooms such as offices, sewing rooms, studies, libraries, exercise rooms and dens that have the potential of the same character and function as a bedroom.

Part III – Building Planning and Construction

Chapter 3 Building Planning

Section R301 Design Criteria

R301.2 Climatic and Geographic Design Criteria.

Buildings shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of this code as limited by the provisions of this section. Additional criteria shall be established by the local jurisdiction and set forth in Table R301.2.

TABLE R301.2(1)



Ground Snow Load: 30 psf

Wind Speed: 115 (Special Wind Region)

Wind Exposure Category: C

Weathering: Moderate

Frost Depth: 18 inches.

Termite: Moderate to Heavy

Ice Barrier: Recommended but not required.

Flood Hazard: Revised FEMA Flood Maps 2016, Winslow Municipal Code Chapter 15.16

Mean Annual Temp: 54.4

R301.5 Live Load

The minimum uniformly distributed live load shall be as provided in Table R301.5.

TABLE R301.5




Habitable attics and attics served with fixed stairs


Sleeping rooms


R302 Fire-Resistant Construction

R302.1 Exterior Walls

Construction, projections, openings and penetrations of exterior walls of dwellings and accessory buildings shall comply with Table R302.1(1); or dwellings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section P2904 shall comply with Table R302.1(2).

Section R302 Fire-Resistant Construction

R302.6 Dwelling-Garage Fire Separation

The garage shall be separated as required by Table R302.6. Openings in garage walls shall comply with Section R302.5. Attachment of gypsum board shall comply with Table R702.3.5. The wall separation provisions of Table R302.6 shall not apply to garage walls that are perpendicular to the adjacent dwelling unit wall.


TABLE R302.6




From the residence and attics

Not less than 5/8-inch Type X gypsum board or equivalent applied to the garage side

From habitable rooms above the garage

Not less than 5/8-inch Type X gypsum or equivalent

Structure(s) supporting floor/ceiling assemblies used for separation required by this section

Not less than 5/8-inch Type X gypsum or equivalent

Garages located less than 3 feet from a dwelling unit on the same lot

Not less than 5/8-inch Type X gypsum or equivalent applied to the interior side of exterior walls that are within this area

For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm.

R302.6.1 Attic Access Openings

The attic access opening supports, and lid shall be of noncombustible material.

Section R309 Garages and Carports

Section R313 Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems

R313.2 One- And Two-Family Dwellings Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems

An automatic residential fire sprinkler system may be installed in one-and-two-family dwellings. Arizona Revised Statute 9-807 prohibits the City from adopting any ordinance that mandates fire sprinklers in newly constructed one-and-two-family dwellings.

Chapter 4 Foundations

Section R403 Footings

R403.1.1 Minimum Size

The minimum width, W, and thickness, T, for concrete footings shall be in accordance with Tables R403.1(1) through R403.1(3) and Figure R403.1(1) or R403.1.3, as applicable. The footing width shall be based on the load-bearing value of the soil in accordance with Table R401.4.1. Footing projections, P, shall be not less than 4 inches (102 mm) and shall not be less than 8 inches (203 mm). Footing thickness and projection for fireplaces shall be in accordance with Section R1001.2. The size of footings supporting piers and columns shall be based on the tributary load and allowable soil pressure in accordance with Table R401.4.1. Footings for wood foundations shall be in accordance with the details set forth in Section R403.2, and Figures R403.1(2) and R403.1(3). Footings for precast foundations shall be in accordance with the details set forth in Section R403.4, Table R403.4, and Figures R403.4(1) and R403.4(2).

Chapter 6 Wall Construction

Section R601 General

R602.10 Wall Bracing

R602.10.8.2 Connections to Roof Framing

Top plates of exterior braced wall panels shall be attached to rafters or roof trusses above in accordance with Table R602.3(1) and this section. Where required by this section, blocking between rafters or roof trusses shall be attached to top plates of braced wall panels and to rafters and roof trusses in accordance with Table R602.3(1). A continuous band, rim or header joist or roof truss parallel to the braced wall panels shall be permitted to replace the blocking required by this section. Blocking shall not be required over openings in continuously sheathed braced wall lines. In addition to the requirements of this section, lateral support shall be provided for rafters and ceiling joists in accordance with Section R802.8 and for trusses in accordance with Section R802.10.3. Roof ventilation shall be provided in accordance with Section R806.1.

1. For Seismic Design Categories A, B, and C, blocking between the rafters or roof trusses shall be provided. Where the distance from the top of the braced wall panel to the top of the rafters or roof trusses above is between 9 1/4 inches (235 mm) and 15 1/4 inches (387 mm), blocking between rafters or roof trusses shall be provided above the braced wall panel in accordance with Figure R602.10.8.2(1).


Chapter 11 [RE] Energy Efficiency

Section N1102 (R402) Building Thermal Envelope

N1102.1.2 (R402.1.2) Insulation and Fenestration Criteria

[Table N1102.1.2 (R402.1.2) is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following]:

Table N1102.1.2 (R402.1.2)
























































4 except Marine









10.2 ft


5 and Marine 4





19 or 13+5g




10.2 ft







19 or 13+5g




10.4 ft


7 and 8









10.4 ft


a. R-values are minimums. V-factors and SHGC are maximums. R-19 insulation shall be permitted to be compressed into a 2 X 6 cavity.

b. The fenestration V-factor column excludes skylights. The solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) column applies to all glazed fenestration.

c. The first R-value applies to continuous insulation, the second to framing cavity insulation; either insulation meets the requirement.

d. R-5 shall be added to the required slab edge R-values for heated slabs.

e. There are no solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) requirements in the Marine Zone.

f. Or insulation sufficient to fill the framing cavity, R-19 minimum.

g. "13+5" means R-13 cavity insulation plus R-5 insulated sheathing. If structural sheathing covers 25% or less of the exterior, R-5 sheathing is not required where structural sheathing is used. If structural sheathing covers more than 25% of exterior, structural sheathing shall be supplemented with insulated sheathing of at least R-2.


Chapter 20 Boilers and Water Heaters

Section M2005 Water Heaters

Water heaters shall be installed in accordance with Chapter 28, the manufacturer’s instructions and the requirements of this code. Water heaters installed in an attic shall comply with the requirements of Section M1305.1.2. Gas-fired water heaters shall comply with the requirements in Chapter 24. Domestic electric water heaters shall comply with UL 174. Oil-fired water heaters shall comply with UL 732. Solar thermal water heating systems shall comply with Chapter 23 and SRCC 300. Solid fuel-fired water heaters shall comply with UL 2523. Water heaters shall be capable of being removed without first removing a permanent portion of the building or any other appliance.


Chapter 24 Fuel Gas

Section G2415 (404) Piping System Installation

G2415.12 (404.12) Minimum Burial Depth

Underground piping systems shall be installed a minimum depth of 12 inches (305 mm) below grade for metal piping and 18 inches (457 mm) below grade for plastic piping.

Appendix Q Tiny Houses

Section AQ101 General

AQ101.1 Scope.

This appendix shall be applicable to tiny houses used as single dwelling units. Tiny houses shall comply with this code except as otherwise stated in this appendix. Tiny houses shall be placed on a permanent foundation in compliance with this code. All Tiny Houses having a frame and axle shall be considered recreational vehicles and shall be placed in an authorized recreational vehicle park.

C.    The 2018 International Plumbing Code is amended as follows:

Chapter 1 Scope and Administration

Part 1 Scope and Application

Section 101 General Requirements

[A] 101.1 Title. These regulations shall be known as the Plumbing Code of the City of Winslow, hereinafter referred to as "this code."

Part 2 Administration and Enforcement

Section 103 Department of Plumbing Inspection

Section 106 Permits

[A] 106.1 Where Required

[A] 106.6 Fees

[A] 106.1.1 Annual Permit

The fees for all plumbing work shall be as indicated in the fee schedule, as adopted in City of Winslow Ordinance Number 637, Schedule of Rates, Fees and Charges.

[A] 106.6.3 Fee Refunds

Refunds shall be in accordance with 2018 IBC [A] 109.6, as adopted and amended by the City of Winslow.

Section 109 Means of Appeal

[A] 109.1 Application for Appeal

Any person shall have the right to appeal a decision of the code official to the board of appeals. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted thereunder have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of this code do not fully apply, or an equally good or better form of construction is proposed. The application shall be filed on a form obtained from the code official within 20 days after the notice was served. In the absence of an appointed Board of Appeals, all appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the Building Official relative to the application of this code shall be heard and decided by the Construction Hearing Officer. The Construction Hearing Officer shall be appointed by the applicable governing authority and shall hold office at their pleasure. The Construction Hearing Officer shall adopt rules of procedure for conducting business.

Chapter 3 General Regulations

Section 305 Protection of Pipes and Plumbing System Components

305.4 Freezing

305.4.1 Sewer Depth

Building sewers that connect to a private sewage disposal system shall be approved by the Navajo County Health Department prior to the installation. Building sewers that connect to city approved sewer shall be a minimum of twelve (12) inches below grade.

Section 312 Tests and Inspections

312.3 Drainage and Vent Air Test

All plumbing system piping shall be tested with either water or air. An air test shall be made by forcing air into the system until there is a uniform gauge pressure of 5 psi (34.5 kPa) or sufficient to balance a 10-inch (254 mm) column of mercury. This pressure shall be held for a test period of not less than 15 minutes. Any adjustments to the test pressure required because of changes in ambient temperatures or the seating of gaskets shall be made prior to the beginning of the test period.

Chapter 7 Sanitary Drainage

Section 703 Building Sewer

703.7 Building Sewer Location

All nonmetallic sewer piping shall be installed with a plastic covered No. 12 AWG Type UF tracer wire to the top of the piping with a minimum of 10 mil tape. The building sewer wire shall be green in color.

D.    The 2018 International Fuel Gas Code is adopted, as follows:

Chapter 1 Scope and Administration

Part 1 Scope and Application

Section 101 (IFGC) Scope and General Requirements

101.1 Title. These regulations shall be known as the Fuel Gas Code of the City of Winslow, hereinafter referred to as "this code."

Part 2 Administration and Enforcement

Section 106 (IFGC) Permits

[A] 106.1 Where Required

[A] 106.6 Fees

[A] 106.6.2 Fee Schedule

The fees for work shall be as indicated in the fee schedule, as adopted in City of Winslow Ordinance Number 637, Schedule of Rates, Fees and Charges.

[A] 106.6.3 Fee Refunds

Refunds shall be in accordance with 2018 IBC 109.6 as amended by the City of Winslow.

Section 109 Means of Appeal

[A] 109.1 Application for Appeal

A person shall have the right to appeal a decision of the code official to the board of appeals. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted thereunder have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of this code do not fully apply, or an equally good or better form of construction is proposed. The application shall be filed on a form obtained from the code official within 20 days after the notice was served. In the absence of an appointed Board of Appeals, all appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the building official relative to the application of this code shall be heard and decided by the Construction Hearing Officer. The Construction Hearing Officer shall be appointed by the applicable governing authority and shall hold office at their pleasure. The Construction Hearing Officer shall adopt rules for conducting business.

Chapter 3 General Regulations

Section 303 (IFGC) Appliance Location

303.3 Prohibited Locations

Appliances shall not be located in sleeping rooms, bathrooms, toilet rooms, storage closets or surgical rooms, or in a space that opens only into such rooms or spaces, except where the installation complies with one of the following:

1. The appliance is a direct-vent appliance installed in accordance with the conditions of the listing and the manufacturer’s instructions.

2. Vented room heaters, wall furnaces, vented decorative appliances, vented gas fireplaces, vented gas fireplace heaters and decorative appliances for installation in vented solid fuel-burning fireplaces are installed in rooms that meet the required volume criteria of Section 304.5.

3. The appliance is installed in a room or space that opens only into a bedroom or bathroom, and such room or space is used for no other purpose and is provided with a solid weather-stripped door equipped with an approved self-closing device. Combustion air shall be taken directly from the outdoors in accordance with Section 304.6.

4. A clothes dryer is installed in a residential bathroom or toilet room having a permanent opening with an area of not less than 100 square inches (0.06 m2) that communicates with a space outside of a sleeping room, bathroom, toilet room or storage closet.

Chapter 4 Gas Piping Installations

Section 403 (IFGC) Piping Materials

403.4.3 Copper and Copper Alloy

Copper and brass, threaded copper, brass, and aluminum piping shall not be used in the City of Winslow.

Chapter 6 Specific Appliances

E.    The 2018 International Mechanical Code is amended as follows:

Chapter 1 Scope and Administration

Part 1 Scope and Application

Section 101 Scope and General Requirements

101.1 Title. These regulations shall be known as the Mechanical Code of the City of Winslow, hereinafter referred to as "this code."

Part 2 Administration and Enforcement

Section 106 Permits

[A] 106.1 Where Required

[A] 106.5 Fees

[A] 106.5.2 Fee Schedule

The fees for mechanical work shall be as indicated in the fee schedule, as adopted in City of Winslow Ordinance Number 637, Schedule of Rates, Fees and Charges.

[A] 106.5.3 Fee Refunds

Refunds shall be in accordance with 2018 IBC 109.6 as amended by the City of Winslow.

Section 108 (IFGC) Violations.

Violation penalties shall be in accordance with 2018 IBC 114.4 as amended by the City of Winslow.

Section 109 Means of Appeal

[A] 109.1 Application for Appeal

A person shall have the right to appeal a decision of the code official to the board of appeals. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted thereunder have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of this code do not fully apply, or an equally good or better form of construction is proposed. The application shall be filed on a form obtained from the code official within 20 days after the notice was served. In the absence of an appointed Board of Appeals, all appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the building official relative to the application of this code shall be heard and decided by the Construction Hearing Officer. The Construction Hearing Officer shall be appointed by the applicable governing authority and shall hold office at their pleasure. The Construction Hearing Officer shall adopt rules for conducting business.

F.    The 2017 National Electric Code is amended as follows:

Chapter 1 General

Article 110 Requirements for Electrical Installations

110.5 Conductors

Conductors used to carry current shall be of copper only. When the conductor material is not specified, the material and the sizes given in this code shall apply to copper conductors. The use of aluminum wire shall be approved for feeders and service entrance conductors only and shall not be used for branch circuit wiring.

110.7 Wiring Integrity

Completed wiring installations shall be free from short circuits, ground faults, or any connections to ground other than as required or permitted elsewhere in this Code. All equipment rated at 1,000 amperes or more shall be tested for insulation breakdown, mechanical integrity, and workmanship prior to the equipment being energized. A certified high potential voltage test (hi-pot) shall be performed and a certificate issued to the Building Official. This test shall be performed in the presence of a Building inspector and conducted by a testing firm approved by the Building Official.

Said test shall be performed for a period of one (1) minute, the application of 60 hertz alternating potential of 1000 volts plus twice the rated phase to phase voltage of the equipment.

This test shall be performed between all phases to ground, phase to phase, and neutral if isolated.

Chapter 2 Wiring and Protection

Article 210 Branch Circuits

210.5 Identification for Branch Circuits

(D) Color Code

Where branch circuits requiring a neutral are installed in raceways, the colors of the branch circuits connected to the same system shall conform to the following established color code.




Phase A

Phase B

Phase C























Chapter 3 Wiring Methods and Materials

Article 300 General Requirements for Wiring Methods and Materials

Part I General Requirements

300.1 Scope

(D) Special Requirements

The following requirements shall apply to all work except R-3 and R-4 occupancies (as defined in the (International Building Code) and U and S occupancies accessory to R-3 and R-4.

1. All wiring shall be installed in Ridged, IMC, EMT, PVC9 (below top of slab) MC, AC or steel flexible metal conduit as permitted by this code.

2. Existing energized wiring may remain if it is lawfully installed to code and no hazard exists.

3. Conductors shall not be smaller than No. 12 copper.

4. Unused conduit, conductors and cables located above accessible ceilings and in accessible walls shall be removed.

G.    The 2018 International Property Maintenance is amended as follows:

Chapter 1 Scope and Administration

Part 1 Scope and Application

Section 101 General

101.1 Title. These regulations shall be known as the International Property Maintenance Code of the City of Winslow, hereinafter referred to as "this code."

Part 2 Administration and Enforcement

Section 103 Department of Property Maintenance Inspection

Section 106 Violations.

For Violations refer to Section 8.20 "Nuisances" of the Winslow Municipal Code.

Section 107 Notices and Orders.

For Notices and Orders refer to Section 8.20 "Nuisances" of the Winslow Municipal Code.

Section 111 Means of Appeal.

For Appeals refer to Section 8.20 "Nuisances" of the Winslow Municipal Code.

Chapter 3 General Requirements

Section 302 Exterior Property Areas

302.4 Weeds

Premises and exterior property shall be maintained free from weeds or plant growth in excess of 6 inches. Noxious weeds shall be prohibited. Weeds shall be defined as all grasses, annual plants and vegetation, other than trees or shrubs provided; however, this term shall not include cultivated flowers and gardens.

Upon failure of the owner or agent having charge of a property to cut and destroy weeds after service of a notice of violation, they shall be subject to prosecution in accordance with Section 106.3 and as prescribed by the authority having jurisdiction. Upon failure to comply with the notice of violation, any duly authorized employee of the jurisdiction or contractor hired by the jurisdiction shall be authorized to enter upon the property in violation and cut and destroy the weeds growing thereon, and the costs of such removal shall be paid by the owner or agent responsible for the property.

(Ord. 1423 § 1, 2024)

15.04.042 Amendment

Any section of the codes as adopted which refers to the name of the jurisdiction are amended to provide that the jurisdiction is the City of Winslow, State of Arizona. Any provision in the codes referring to the date which the code shall be in effect shall be December 1, 2006. (Ord. 1004 § 2, 2006)

15.04.044 Repealer–Exception

All ordinances or parts of ordinances referring to the previously adopted uniform codes are hereby repealed in their entirety except for the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings and subsequent additions, insertions, deletions, or changes thereto which shall remain in full force and effect. (Ord. 1004 § 3, 2006)

15.04.050 Enforcing Officer–Powers As a Police Officer

The city inspector is authorized and directed to enforce all of the provisions of the building code. For this purpose he shall have the powers of a police officer. (Prior code § 5-5)

15.04.070 Fees

See schedule of rates, fees and charges, City Ordinance No. 637. (Ord. 1144 (part), 2011: prior code § 5-7)

(Manual, Amended, 11/02/2000)

15.04.080 Enforcement Procedures

For purposes of enforcing this chapter, the City inspection or other designated City employee shall follow the general guidelines set forth in Sections 8.20.085 and 8.20.090. (Ord. 1293 § 3, 2017)

15.04.090 Violation–Penalty

Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter or who shall fail to comply therewith, or who shall violate or fail to comply with any order made thereunder, shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), imprisonment for a period not to exceed six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each and every day that a violation or failure to perform continues shall be a separate offense punishable as herein described. (Ord. 1293 § 4, 2017)