Title 17


17.04    General Provisions

17.08    Rules of Construction and Definitions

17.12    Zoning Districts Generally–Special Development

17.16    AR Agricultural Residential District (Two-Acre Lot Area)

17.20    R1-12 Single-Family Residence District (Twelve Thousand Square Feet Lot Area)

17.24    R1-7 Single-Family Residence District (Seven Thousand Square Feet Lot Area)

17.28    MH-MF factured Home-Multifamily District

17.32    R-2 Two-Family Residence District

17.36    MFR Multiple-Family Residence District

17.40    C Commercial District

17.44    I Industrial District

17.48    Route 66 Overlay

17.49    Airport Protection Overlay Zoning District

17.50    PAD Planned Area Development District

17.52    Home Occupations and Child Care–Summary Table of Uses Permitted in Zoning Districts

17.56    Density Schedule

17.60    District Development and Uses Generally

17.64    Modular Homes Design Guidelines

17.68    Conditional Use Permits

17.72    factured Home Park

17.76    Recreational Vehicle Parks

17.80    Signs

17.84    Parking Requirements

17.88    Nonconforming Buildings, Structures, Uses and Lots

17.92    Landscaping and Buffering

17.96    Preservation of Historic Sites and Structures

17.100    Board of Adjustment

17.104    Planning and Zoning Hearing Officer

17.108    Zoning Text Amendments and Zoning Map Amendments

17.112    Compliance, Enforcement and Penalties