Chapter 2.30


2.30.010    General statement of policy.

2.30.020    Appointment and term.

2.30.030    Eligibility.

2.30.040    Notice of available positions.

2.30.050    Absence from meetings.

2.30.060    Board, committee, commission, board organization, officers, minutes, finances, and city assistance.

2.30.070    Removal of members.

2.30.010 General statement of policy.

The city council, in prescribing the provisions of this chapter, hereby states its recognition of the enormous value of direct, active participation by citizens in their government, and of the willing, capable assistance citizens render toward the operation and development of their own community. [Ord. 2010-126 § 1 (Exh. A)].

2.30.020 Appointment and term.

All members of any city board, committee or commission shall be appointed by a majority vote of the city council for a term of four years. This chapter shall not apply to ad hoc boards, committees, or commissions, which are established, from time to time, by the city council, or to regional boards, committees or commissions. [Ord. 2010-126 § 1 (Exh. A)].

2.30.030 Eligibility.

Only residents of the city shall be eligible to serve on city boards, committees and commissions. Any person appointed to or selected for a city board, committee or commission shall be a voting member thereof. For purposes of this section, a resident of the city is any person eligible to register to vote in municipal elections. Members of each city board, committee, and commission shall not be a relative of any member of the city council. Relatives are those holding a familial relationship by blood, marriage or adoption, such as: spouse, mother, father, brother, sister, child, parent of spouse, grandmother, grandfather, grandchild, cousin, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, brother-in-law or sister-in-law. [Ord. 2010-126 § 1 (Exh. A)].

2.30.040 Notice of available positions.

A. The city clerk shall, in accordance with California Government Code Section 54970, inform the public of all available positions on any boards, committees or commissions of the city on or before December 31st of each year. The city clerk shall also, in accordance with California Government Code Section 54974, inform the public of positions which may be vacant from time to time by posting notice in City Hall, in the Aliso Viejo Public Library and other places as directed by the city council, not earlier than 20 days before and not later than 20 days after the vacancy occurs.

B. All city residents desiring appointment to any board, commission or committee shall submit an application and resume to the city clerk. Such applications shall remain valid for two years from the date submitted to the city clerk. [Ord. 2011-136 § 2; Ord. 2010-126 § 1 (Exh. A)].

2.30.050 Absence from meetings.

The absence, without cause, of a member of a city board, committee or commission from three consecutive meetings or from one-third of the total of the regularly scheduled meetings of the board, committee or commission on which such member serves during any calendar year shall be deemed to constitute the resignation of such member and the position shall automatically become vacant. [Ord. 2010-126 § 1 (Exh. A)].

2.30.060 Board, committee, commission, board organization, officers, minutes, finances, and city assistance.

A. Each board, committee, and commission of the city shall adopt rules and regulations to govern its procedures and shall by majority vote of a quorum of its members set the time and place of its regular meetings.

B. The members of each board, committee, and commission shall also elect by majority vote of a quorum of its members a chairperson and a vice-chairperson. A majority of the regular members of each board, committee, and commission shall constitute a quorum. A new chairperson and vice-chairperson shall be elected by the members of the board, committee or commission at the first meeting in January of each year. The chairperson shall call the meeting to order at the appointed time, preside over the meeting, announce the business before the board, committee, or commission in its proper order, state and put all questions properly brought before the board, committee, or commission, preserve order and decorum, decide all questions of order, and authenticate, by his or her signature, all acts, orders, and proceedings of the board, committee, or commission. The vice-chairperson shall temporarily serve as, and perform all duties of, the chairperson in the absence of the chairperson.

C. Minutes of each board, committee and commission meeting shall be filed by the secretary of the board, committee or commission with the city clerk. The city manager may designate a city employee to serve as the secretary of the board, committee or commission.

D. The city council shall have the authority to budget and appropriate to each board, committee, and commission such sums, if any, which the city council determines are appropriate to carry out the purposes of the board, committee or commission.

E. Each board, committee and commission of the city may request and obtain from the city manager and city staff advice and information for the purpose of carrying out its duties. [Ord. 2010-126 § 1 (Exh. A)].

2.30.070 Removal of members.

The city council, by a majority vote, shall have the authority to remove any member of any board, committee or commission from office whenever, in its discretion, the best interests of the city shall be served thereby. [Ord. 2010-126 § 1 (Exh. A)].