Chapter 10.24
10.24.030 Rules for operating on snowways.
10.24.040 Yielding right-of-way.
10.24.060 Operation on private property.
10.24.070 Unlawful activities designated—Conditions for use in common areas.
10.24.080 Attachment to other vehicles prohibited.
10.24.090 Parking and obstruction prohibited where.
10.24.100 Violation—Penalty—Exemptions.
10.24.110 Speed limits—Blue Lakes Road.
10.24.120 All-terrain vehicles—Burnside Lake Road.
10.24.010 Title for citation.
This chapter shall be known and may be referred to as the “Alpine County snowmobile ordinance.” (Ord. 690 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2009: Ord. 442 §1, 1984)
10.24.020 Definitions.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated in this section, unless the context clearly requires that another meaning be intended:
A. “Operator” means and includes every person who operates or is in actual physical control of the operation of a snowmobile.
B. “Owner” means and includes every person, other than a lienholder or other person having a security interest only, holding record title to a snowmobile, and entitled to the use or possession thereof.
C. “Oversnow vehicle” means any motor vehicle designed to travel over ice or snow, including, but not limited to, snowmobiles and snow grooming equipment.
D. “Person” means and includes an individual, partnership, association, corporation, or any other body or group of persons.
E. “Roadway” means and includes those portions of any road, highway, street, lane or parking lot improved, designed or ordinarily used for travel or parking of wheeled motor vehicles which is cleared and maintained by snow removal equipment.
F. “Snowmobile” means a motor vehicle designed to travel over ice or snow in whole or in part on skis, belts or cleats.
G. “Snowway” means a roadway closed to wheeled vehicular traffic during winter snow conditions and specifically groomed and packed for the use of pedestrians, persons on skis, snowmobiles and other oversnow tracked vehicles, and, unless otherwise precluded by state law, three- and four-wheeled all-terrain vehicles. (Ord. 690 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2009: Ord. 532 §§ 1 (part), 2, 1991; Ord. 442 § 3, 1984)
10.24.030 Rules for operating on snowways.
Every person operating an oversnow vehicle upon a publicly maintained and packed snowway shall ride as near to the right-hand side of the snowway as practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or vehicle proceeding in the same direction. Persons operating snowmobiles upon a snowway shall not ride more than single file, except on such paths as may be set aside for the exclusive use of snowmobiles. (Ord. 690 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2009: Ord. 532 § 1 (part), 1991: Ord. 442 § 7, 1984)
10.24.040 Yielding right-of-way.
Oversnow vehicles entering any intersection shall yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians and persons proceeding by nonmotorized or motorized means, and when operating on a snowway shall yield the right-of-way to all such pedestrians. Pedestrians on snowways shall not proceed more than two abreast and shall stay as near the right side of the snowway as practical. It is unlawful for any pedestrian or motorized or nonmotorized vehicle to deliberately attempt to obstruct the normal traffic flow of automobiles or other over-the-snow vehicles upon a roadway. (Ord. 690 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2009: Ord. 532 § 1 (part), 1991: Ord. 442 § 8, 1984)
10.24.050 Hours of operation.
Use of oversnow vehicles between the hours of ten p.m. and six a.m. shall be limited to the purpose of traveling from one specific destination to another. No oversnow vehicle may be operated between the hours of ten p.m. and six a.m. in a manner that repeats a route, involves excessive noise or extended trips. This limitation does not apply to packing and grooming of snowways and trails. (Ord. 690 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2009: Ord. 532 § 1 (part), 1991: Ord. 442 § 6, 1984)
10.24.060 Operation on private property.
Oversnow vehicles may not be operated upon private property without the consent of the owner or tenant thereof. (Ord. 690 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2009: Ord. 442 § 5, 1984)
10.24.070 Unlawful activities designated—Conditions for use in common areas.
A. It is unlawful for any person to operate an oversnow vehicle upon a snowway in any of the following ways:
1. At a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard for weather, visibility, traffic on and the surface and width of the snowway, and in no event in excess of fifteen miles per hour within developed or congested areas;
2. In violation of California motor vehicle traffic laws, such as, but not necessarily limited to, right-of-way at intersections, direction of traffic, stopping at stop signs, yielding at intersections and to emergency vehicles, pedestrian right-of-way, and applicable manufacturer’s equipment requirements;
3. In a careless, reckless or negligent manner so as to endanger a person or property;
4. On a roadway maintained by snow removal equipment, except to cross such highway at an angle of approximately ninety degrees to the direction of the roadway and at a place where no obstruction prevents a quick and safe crossing;
5. For the purpose of trespassing or of violating Section 602 of the Penal Code;
6. Without a lighted headlight and a lighted taillight between the hours of sunset to sunrise;
7. With any mechanical parts which violate any California or federal laws;
8. When such operator, because of age, immaturity, physical or mental condition or physical or mental disability, is incapable of operating a snowmobile safely.
B. Oversnow vehicles may not be operated on private property without the consent of the owner or tenant thereof.
C. Oversnow vehicles may use common areas only as follows:
1. To directly travel to and from any specific location within Bear Valley and to connect to other areas; provided, that such travel across common areas and/or open space shall be the shortest safe route to and from the closest groomed road.
2. On the established trails listed in subsections (C)(2)(a) and (b) of this section that pass through open space and/or common area specifically as shown on the map attached to the ordinance codified in this section as Exhibit A-1. Oversnow vehicle travel on these trails is only permitted within the established trail and is not permitted off trail or in any area adjacent to the trail.
a. Trail connecting Bear Valley Road to Creekside Drive that passes through Parcel E—Open Space.
b. Trail that passes through common area connecting the Monty Wolf (aka Monte Wolfe) Road to Quaking Aspen Road.
3. For snowway and trail packing and grooming operations as follows:
a. On the trail connecting Bear Valley Road to Creekside Drive that passes through Parcel E—Open Space (see Exhibit A-1 as referenced in subsection (C)(2) of this section).
b. On ski trails and for ski area operation and maintenance in areas that have been approved by the county for such use. County approval may be granted by a license, easement, agreement or other form as may be approved by the board of supervisors.
4. For emergency response purposes.
D. Except as specifically allowed in subsection C of this section, oversnow vehicles are prohibited from using common areas and open space as follows:
1. For recreational purposes within the common areas and open space;
2. At speeds in excess of fifteen miles per hour;
3. In a manner dangerous to any person or property;
4. If propelled in any manner by wheels or tires. (Ord. 690 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2009: Ord. 542 § 1, 1992; Ord. 532 § 1 (part), 1991: Ord. 442 § 4, 1984)
10.24.080 Attachment to other vehicles prohibited.
No person riding upon a snowmobile shall attach, or allow to be attached, to a snowmobile upon which he is riding, or to himself, any other vehicle or person. This shall not be construed to prohibit the attachment of properly constructed trailers or cabooses. (Ord. 690 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2009: Ord. 442 § 9, 1984)
10.24.090 Parking and obstruction prohibited where.
A. No person shall park an oversnow vehicle or other vehicle on the packed portion of any snowway, except that snowmobiles may only be parked in the following designated areas in accordance with this section:
1. Along the designated edges of the groomed portions of Bear Valley Road from the seasonal road closure north of No Name Road to Orvis Road. Snowmobiles may only be parked in this location within ten feet of the edge of the groomed snowway and at no time shall any snowmobile be parked so as to block a twenty-foot-wide emergency travel way down the middle of the snowway.
2. No snowmobile parking shall be permitted on the right (east) side of Bear Valley Road from the seasonal road closure north of No Name Road to Orvis Road from seven p.m. Monday to seven a.m. Tuesday and from seven p.m. Wednesday to seven a.m. Thursday.
3. No snowmobile parking shall be permitted on the left (west) side of Bear Valley Road from the seasonal road closure north of No Name Road to Orvis Road from seven p.m. Tuesday to seven a.m Wednesday and from seven p.m. Thursday to seven a.m. Friday.
4. Along the designated edges of Quaking Aspen Road from the entrance to Parking Lot C to Fremont Road. Snowmobiles may only be parked in this location within ten feet of the edge of the groomed snowway and at no time shall any snowmobile be parked so as to block a twenty-foot-wide emergency travel way down the middle of the snowway.
5. No snowmobile parking shall be permitted on the right (north) side of Quaking Aspen Road from the entrance to Parking Lot C to Fremont Road from seven p.m. Monday to seven a.m. Tuesday and from seven p.m. Wednesday to seven a.m. Thursday.
6. No snowmobile parking shall be permitted on the left (south) side of Quaking Aspen Road from the entrance to Parking Lot C to Fremont Road from seven p.m. Tuesday to seven a.m. Wednesday and from seven p.m. Thursday to seven a.m. Friday.
B. No person shall park a snowmobile or oversnow vehicle on any portion of a plowed roadway. (Ord. 690 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2009: Ord. 600 § 1, 1997: Ord. 532 § 1 (part), 1991: Ord. 442 § 10, 1984)
10.24.100 Violation—Penalty—Exemptions.
A. Violation of any part of this chapter is an infraction and shall be punishable by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars.
B. This chapter is violated whenever a person does any act forbidden by it or fails to do any act required by it; however, the provisions of this chapter shall not apply to motorized vehicles used by public agencies or by public or private telephone, electric, gas, water and sewer utility companies or districts. (Ord. 690 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2009: Ord. 442 § 11, 1984)
10.24.110 Speed limits—Blue Lakes Road.
A. Blue Lakes Road—Snowmobile Speed Limits. The board of supervisors does hereby determine and declare that the speed limit most appropriate to facilitate orderly movement of snowmobile traffic on Blue Lakes Road is as follows:
1. Pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 38310, the prima facie speed limit for off-highway vehicles within fifty feet of any campground, campsite, or concentration of people or animals shall be fifteen miles per hour. Said speed limit shall be from the staging area of the Blue Lakes Snowmobile Park and continue 0.1 mile south along Blue Lakes Road.
2. From 0.1 mile to 1.1 mile on Blue Lakes Road, the speed limit for the off-highway vehicles in the residential zone, including the entrance to Blue Camas Road, shall be thirty-five miles per hour.
3. From 1.1 mile marker, approximately twelve miles, to Lower Blue Lake shall be forty-five miles per hour.
4. The public works director or his/her designee, in consultation with the sheriff, shall place and maintain, or cause to be placed and maintained, speed limit, speed advisory, and mileage signs, or suitable plates affixed to or near existing signs, which indicate speeds and distances both in common standards of measure, as specified in Section 12302 of the Business and Professions Code, to carry out the provisions of this section.
B. Exceptions to Section Provisions. The provisions of this section shall not apply to emergency vehicles and such vehicles as may be authorized for emergency response and search-and-rescue operations.
C. Violation—Authority and Penalty.
1. Any regularly employed and salaried deputy of the sheriff’s office in the county or law enforcement employee duly authorized by the sheriff will have the authority to issue citations pursuant to this chapter.
2. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor/infraction and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding six months, or both such fine and imprisonment. (Ord. 690 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2009: Ord. 683 §§ 1, 2, 3, 2008)
10.24.120 All-terrain vehicles—Burnside Lake Road.
It is unlawful for any person to operate a three- or four-wheeled all-terrain vehicle upon Burnside Lake Road during winter closure. (Ord. 690 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 2009)