Chapter 13.32


13.32.010    Purpose.

13.32.020    Definitions.

13.32.030    Prohibited activities.

13.32.040    Enforcement.

13.32.050    Violation—Penalty.

13.32.010 Purpose.

A. The purpose of this chapter is to establish rules and regulations for the efficient operation of the Bear Valley transfer station and to protect the public safety. This chapter will apply within the jurisdiction of county service area #1, as established by the Alpine County board of supervisors.

B. The Bear Valley transfer station is operated under a use permit issued by Alpine County and under a facility permit issued by the California Integrated Waste Management Board and is subject to regulation by those agencies. The cost of operation of the transfer station is provided through an assessment of the single-family residences and secondary dwelling units within the jurisdiction of county services area #1. (Ord. 679 § 1 (part), 2007; Ord. 565 § 1, 1994)

13.32.020 Definitions.

For the purposes of this chapter:

Single-family dwelling, secondary dwelling, multiple-family dwelling, and commercial are as defined in Chapter 18.08 and elsewhere in this code.

“Hazardous waste” is as defined by state law, rule and regulation, and include, but are not limited to: paint, solvents, oils, batteries, paint thinners, cleaning fluids, antifreeze, pesticides, insecticides.

“Recyclable materials” is as defined by state law, rule and regulation and as designated in the Source Reduction and Recycling Element adopted by Alpine County submitted to the California Integrated Waste Management Board under the requirements of Assembly Bill 939.

“Residential household solid waste” means various materials disposed of by single-family dwellings and second-family dwelling occupants through normal household activities, and excluding household hazardous waste, construction debris, fixtures, furniture, carpeting, vehicle parts, tires, rocks, dirt, cement, stumps, natural vegetation, animal carcasses and similar materials.

“Condominium solid waste” means various materials disposed of by occupants of multiple-family dwellings through normal occupancy activities, and excluding household hazardous waste, construction debris, fixtures, furniture, carpeting, vehicle parts, tires, rocks, dirt, cement, stumps, natural vegetation, animal carcasses and similar materials.

“Commercial solid waste” means various materials disposed of by commercial operators resulting from commercial and industrial activities, including, but not limited to, construction debris, fixtures, furniture, vehicle parts, tires, food waste, packaging, and excluding household hazardous waste, rocks, dirt, cement, stumps, natural vegetation, animal carcasses and similar materials.

“Natural vegetation” means naturally occurring vegetation materials, including pine needles, leaves, branches, bark, grasses, shrubs and brush, and specifically excluding tree stumps, milled lumber of any nature, any naturally occurring material that has been treated, any materials utilized in construction and other types of solid waste defined in this section.

“Bear Valley transfer station” means thirty-yard, metal drop-box, transportable facility located on Creekside Road, Bear Valley for disposal of household solid waste, excluding household hazardous waste.

“Recycling facilities” means facilities, i.e., bins, huts, containers, provided for the collection and transport of recyclable materials, located at transfer site in Bear Valley and at other appropriate locations throughout the Bear Valley community, as determined by county.

“Burn pile site” means specific site which may be designated from time to time by county for the incineration of natural vegetation, as defined in this section, for the purposes of fuel load reduction in compliance with California Public Resources Code Section 4291. (Ord. 679 § 1 (part), 2007; Ord. 565 § 2, 1994)

13.32.030 Prohibited activities.

A. The right to deposit solid waste in the Bear Valley transfer station is restricted to participants in the transfer station assessment and their guests and others in lawful occupancy of the improved property, specifically single-family dwellings and secondary dwellings, located within the jurisdiction of Alpine County service area #1, upon which the assessment is levied. Commercial operators, condominium owners and their guests or occupants, and persons living outside of the boundaries of Alpine County service area #1, are specifically prohibited from depositing solid waste, of any type or nature, in the Bear Valley transfer station.

B. No person authorized to utilize the Bear Valley transfer station shall deposit or dispose of any materials other than household solid waste, as defined in this chapter, in the Bear Valley transfer station.

C. Disposal or deposit of household hazardous waste, or any hazardous waste as defined by state or federal law, in the Bear Valley transfer station, recycling facilities or anywhere within the boundaries of Alpine County service area #1, unless under the direct supervision of a program in conformance with state law, is specifically prohibited.

D. Disposal, deposit, leaving or abandonment of any waste materials of any type or nature by anyone around or near the Bear Valley transfer station, or within the jurisdiction of Alpine County service area #1, is prohibited.

E. Disposal, deposit, leaving or abandonment of any waste materials other than natural vegetation at, around or near a burn pile area which may be designated by county, or within the jurisdiction of Alpine County service area #1, is prohibited. The right to deposit natural vegetation materials at any county-designated burn site is specifically limited to the residents of county service area #1 for purposes of fuel load reduction in compliance with California Public Resources Code Section 4291.

F. Participation in recycling programs available through facilities provided to the Bear Valley community is available to all residents and commercial operators within the jurisdictional boundaries of Alpine County service area #1, under the terms and conditions set forth by the program operators and the county. Special event, temporary and seasonal operators may apply to the board of directors of county service area #1 for the authorization to participate in the recycling opportunities available at the Bear Valley transfer station or may be required to provide recycling programs independently through the county special use permit process, depending on the type and volume of materials anticipated. (Ord. 679 § 1 (part), 2007; Ord. 565 § 3, 1994)

13.32.040 Enforcement.

The Alpine County sheriff’s department will provide enforcement of the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 565 § 4, 1994)

13.32.050 Violation—Penalty.

Violation of this chapter is a misdemeanor, subject to the provisions set forth in Chapter 1.16 of this code. Every person giving information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person for a violation of this chapter is entitled to a reward therefor. The amount of the reward for each such arrest and conviction will be fifty percent of the fine levied against and collected from the person who violated the provisions of this chapter. The amount of collected fine to be paid under this provision will be paid prior to any distribution of the fine that may be prescribed by law. Any penalty effected under the provisions of this chapter will be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any fine or penalty provided by state and/or federal law. (Ord. 565 § 5, 1994)