Chapter 15.12
15.12.010 Adoption of regulations.
15.12.010 Adoption of regulations.
Alpine County adopts the Public Resource Code Section 4290 Fire Safe Regulations for State Responsibility Areas, commencing with Section 1270.00 through 1276.04, Article 5.5, Chapter 7, Division 1.5, Title 14 California Code of Regulation (CCR 14). (Minute Order 2008-03: Ord. 530 § 1, 1991)
15.12.020 Amendments.
The Fire Safe Regulations for State Responsibility Areas are amended with the following additions, deletions and modifications, made to provide mitigation practices with the same practical effect as those regulations overall towards providing defensible space:
A. Reserved.
B. To Section 1275.01, amend to read in full:
1275.01 Application.
The provisions of this article shall apply to all new parcels and to all new building construction intended for human occupancy approved by the County effective January 1, 1992, which are not connected to a private, public, or mutual water system providing adequate water supplies to meet the emergency water supply system standards set by these regulations.
To Section 1275.10, add as a new subsection:
Static water systems shall provide a minimum of 2,500 gallons of water in either buried or above ground systems. Buried systems shall be covered to sufficient depth to insure that freezing does not occur. Above ground systems, including reservoirs, ponds and tanks, will provide freeze protection of a natural or artificial nature. All static water systems will be adequately maintained to assure access to, and availability of, the required water gallonage and will be signed as provided by these regulations.
In lieu of the provision of a static water system, each new qualifying building construction project may opt to provide a monetary fee to a trust fund established for the purchase of fire agency mobile water equipment. The monetary fee for this option will be set by the Board of Supervisors by resolution and may be modified from time to time to reflect an adequate and fair portion of funding for the acquisition of such equipment, with consideration of development growth in response areas, equipment cost and availability of on-line equipment. This fee will be collected prior to the issuance of any building permit and will be refunded should a static water system, meeting the requirements, be installed prior to the issuance of the notice of occupancy for the unit.
(Ord. 676 § 1, 2007; Ord. 530 § 2, 1991)