Chapter 18.40
18.40.020 Principal permitted uses.
18.40.040 Area, lot width, and yard requirements.
18.40.050 Building site regulations.
18.40.070 Other required conditions.
18.40.010 Purpose.
The purpose of the NC neighborhood commercial this zone is to provide centers for convenient shopping in residential neighborhoods with controls to preserve the basic residential and scenic character of such neighborhoods. (Ord. 480 (part), 1988; Ord. 453 § 12.01, 1985)
18.40.020 Principal permitted uses.
Principal permitted uses in the NC zone are as follows:
A. Small local retail businesses such as convenience grocery stores, barber shops and hair salons (providing food, gasoline and other conveniences to a local resident population);
B. Bed and breakfast inns;
C. Accessory uses and buildings customarily appurtenant to a permitted use, such as incidental storage facilities;
D. Living quarters when accessory to the principal permitted use. (Ord. 649 § I (part), 2003; Ord. 480 (part), 1988; Ord. 453 § 12.02, 1985)
18.40.030 Conditional uses.
Conditional uses for which use permits are required in the NC zone are as follows:
A. Dwellings, except living quarters accessory to the principal permitted use;
B. Quasi-public uses;
C. Sale of motor vehicle fuels;
D. Any other commercial use or service which the commission finds to be consistent with the purpose of this chapter, and which is of the same general character as the above permitted uses. (Ord. 649 § 1 (part), 2003; Ord. 480 (part), 1988; Ord. 453 § 12.03, 1985)
18.40.040 Area, lot width, and yard requirements.
The following minimum requirements shall be observed, except where changed for conditional uses:
A. Lot area: ten thousand square feet;
B. Front yard: thirty feet;
C. Side yards: none, except where abutting a residential zone, then not less than twice that required for the abutting R zone. In all other cases, the minimum setback shall be thirty feet;
D. Rear yard: thirty feet. (Ord. 480 (part), 1988; Ord. 453 § 12.06, 1985)
18.40.050 Building site regulations.
No main building shall exceed two thousand five hundred square feet in floor space, excluding living quarters accessory to the principal permitted use. (Ord. 480 (part), 1988; Ord. 453 § 12.04, 1985)
18.40.060 Height regulations.
Height regulations shall be the same as those specified for dwellings in Section 18.68.050 of this title. (Ord. 480 (part), 1988; Ord. 453 § 12.05, 1985)
18.40.070 Other required conditions.
Other required conditions in the NC zone include the following:
A. All uses shall be conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building, except for vehicle fuel pumps, off-street parking and loading facilities;
B. Off-street parking regulations and other general provisions and exceptions specified in Chapter 18.68 of this title;
C. Hours of operation when adjacent to an R zone shall be restricted to the hours between seven a.m. and eight p.m. unless approved by the planning commission through the use permit process. (Ord. 480 (part), 1988; Ord. 453 § 12.07, 1985)