Chapter 18.84
18.84.010 Conditions for zoning provision changes.
18.84.020 Application and fees.
18.84.030 Public hearing—Notice.
18.84.040 Action by planning commission.
18.84.050 Action by the board of supervisors.
18.84.060 Updating of maps and text.
18.84.010 Conditions for zoning provision changes.
The ordinance codified in this title may be amended by changing the boundaries of districts or by changing any other provisions thereof whenever the public necessity and convenience and the general welfare require such amendment, in accordance with procedure set forth in state law and the provisions of this title. (Ord. 453 § 27.00, 1985)
18.84.020 Application and fees.
An amendment or zone change may be initiated by:
A. The petition of one or more land owners filed with the county planner together with fees set forth in the county Fee Ordinance. Such a petition may request:
I. A change of any zone regulation, designation or boundary,
2. A review or change of any development plan pursuant to PD zoning, or
3. A review or change of any General Plan element related to an amendment hereof; or
B. Resolution of intention of the board of supervisors; or by
C. Resolution of intention by the planning commission. (Ord. 453 § 27.01, 1985)
18.84.030 Public hearing—Notice.
A. The county planner shall accept the application or petition as complete and adequate for processing or return it to the applicant or petitioner(s) with a request for additional information within fifteen days.
B. The planning commission shall hold a public hearing to consider the proposed amendment or zone change within forty-five days of the date a petition or resolution is accepted by the county planner as complete. Notice of such public hearing shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 18.76.030 of this title. (Ord. 453 § 27.02, 1985)
18.84.040 Action by planning commission.
A. The planning commission shall make findings of fact whether the proposed amendment or zoning change is in conformance with the county General Plan and in harmony with this title and other county ordinances and whether it might otherwise be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, and general welfare of the county or its people.
B. The planning commission shall submit a report of its findings and a summary of its hearing, together with its recommendations with respect to the
proposed amendment or zone change to the board of supervisors within sixty days of the date the petition or resolution is accepted by the county planner. This time limit may be extended if an environmental impact report or General Plan amendment is required. Likewise the time limit may be extended by mutual agreement of the applicant and the commission. (Ord. 453 § 27.03, 1985)
18.84.050 Action by the board of supervisors.
Upon receipt of such report from the planning commission, the board of supervisors shall set the matter for public hearing and shall give notice thereof by one publication in a newspaper of general circulation within the county at least ten days prior to such hearing. Within forty-five days from the date of receipt of the planning commission’s report, the board of supervisors may adopt the proposed amendment or any part thereof. The time limit may be extended if an environmental impact report or General Plan amendment is required. Likewise, the time limit may be extended by mutual agreement of the applicant and the board. (Ord. 453 § 27.04, 1985)
18.84.060 Updating of maps and text.
Within thirty days of the effective date of a zone change or amendment to this title, the county planner shall cause said amendments or changes to be reflected on the official county zoning maps and the planning commission copies of the same maps and on all copies of any zoning maps to be subsequently given out or sold by the county. Within thirty days of the effective date of a zone change or amendment, the county clerk shall cause any amendments or additions to the text of this ordinance to be clearly reflected within the official county records, on the planning commission copies and on all copies of the ordinance codified in this title to be subsequently given out or sold by the county (see also Section 18.12.080 of this title). (Ord. 453 § 27.05, 1985)