Chapter 8.10


8.10.010    Prohibited on public thoroughfares.

8.10.020    Violations.

8.10.010 Prohibited on public thoroughfares.

It shall be unlawful to drive, propel or operate any tractor, caterpillar, harvester or combine, other than such machinery equipped with pneumatic tires, upon or across any street, highway, road or public thoroughfare within the city of Biggs. Also, it shall be unlawful to drive or propel or operate any plows, disks, binders or kindred, or other farm machinery unless equipped with pneumatic tires upon or across any street, highway, road or public thoroughfare with the city of Biggs. [Ord. 95 § 1, 1950; Ord. 82 § 1, 1937]

8.10.020 Violations.

Violation of this chapter shall be deemed an infraction and shall be punishable as such. [Ord. 208 § 2, 1978; Ord. 95 § 2, 1950; Ord. 82 § 2, 1937]