Chapter 13.100
13.100.010 Record of survey maps.
13.100.020 Survey and monuments.
13.100.010 Record of survey maps.
Record of survey maps shall not be used as a substitute for a final map unless the same shall comply with all requirements herein as the final maps, including all provisions herein as to completion of improvements provided as to final maps. [Ord. 410 § 3, 2017]
13.100.020 Survey and monuments.
(1) The procedure and practice of all survey work done upon any such subdivision shall conform to the accepted standards of the engineering profession.
(2) In making the survey for the subdivision, the engineer or surveyor shall set permanent monuments at all angle and curve points on the exterior boundaries of the subdivisions, in all street intersections, at all angle points of street lines, and at all curved points, both simple and compound, of street lines. Monuments at street intersections and at angle and curved points of street lines shall set on street centerlines unless otherwise directed by the city engineer; provided, however, that said permanent monuments need not be set at angle and curved points on the exterior boundaries of the subdivision when such points are distant 400 feet or less from another such permanent monument, said distance of 400 feet or less to be measured along the exterior boundary.
(3) A permanent monument shall not be less substantial and enduring than a rich Portland cement concrete post at least six inches in diameter by 30 inches along with a noncorroding metal marker embedded in the top thereof bearing the exact marked point thereon and otherwise conforming to law. Said permanent monument shall be set in ground upright with said metal marker two feet below the finished street grade, by excavating a hole and pouring the same full of concrete. When streets are required to be paved the location of such monument and access thereto shall be given a suitable concrete or cast iron sliding sleeve surmounted by a circular cast iron frame and lid at the street surface. In case the monument is not on a street said metal marker may be set flush with the existing ground surface.
(4) The engineer and surveyor shall set at all lot corners and at all curve points on lot boundary lines, ensuring than a three-quarter-inch diameter capped iron pipe 24 inches long driven flush with the existing ground surface and marked with a cross in the top at the exact location point.
(5) Whenever lot corners are adjacent to existing concrete sidewalks or sidewalks to be constructed as part of the improvements, the lines of said lots shall be clearly and durably marked in the sidewalks.
(6) There shall be one or more permanent bench marks for each subdivision of a type approved by the city engineer and referred to by city datum set at a street intersection in the curb return or other location approved by the city engineer.
(7) All monuments shall be subject to inspection and approval of the city engineer. Before street improvements are accepted, all monuments disturbed by said improvements shall be reset. [Ord. 410 § 3, 2017]