10-1-2401: PURPOSE:
This article creates the Rancho Master Plan Area which contains a series of zoning classifications for the East and West Rancho as defined by Resolution No. 23,893, which amended the General Plan and Land Use Element to reflect this area. All land use regulations and development standards for the Rancho Master Plan Area augment the land use regulation and development standards of the Burbank Municipal Code. The Rancho Master Plan regulates land zoned single family horsekeeping, commercial, commercial-recreational and existing industrial in the Rancho Master Plan Area for land use, density, height, setbacks, parking, landscaping, and design standards. When an issue, condition or situation is not covered or provided for in the Rancho Master Plans Zones Ordinance, the development regulations of the Burbank Municipal Code that are most applicable shall apply. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
10-1-2402: DEFINITIONS:
For the purposes of this article, the following definitions shall apply. Words or phrases not defined in this section shall be construed as defined in the Burbank Municipal Code.
CALIFORNIA NATIVE PLANTS: Means landscaping materials that are associated with the Southern California’s Mediterranean type climate. This category is not limited to drought-resistant varieties.
COMMERCIAL STABLE: Means any place that horses are kept, housed, boarded, lodged, fed, hired, rented, trained, or sold as a commercial activity.
HORSE: Means all members of the equine family including burros and donkeys and all hybrids of said family such as mules.
MISSION, RANCHO OR SPANISH COLONIAL STYLE: Means structures that are not boxlike and incorporate Spanish or western architectural elements of design such as arches, verandas, arbors, patios, plazas, tiled entry ways, simulated wood or tiled roofs, pitched roofs, and earth tone colors.
FIRST STORY: Means 15 feet to the ceiling measured from the grade except in the R-1-H Zone.
SECOND STORY: Means 25 feet to the ceiling measured from the grade except in the R-1-H Zone.
THIRD STORY: Means 35 feet to the ceiling measured from the grade except in the R-1-H Zone. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93; Amended by Ord. No. 3669, eff. 7/5/05; 3488.]
[Deleted by Ord. No. 3669, eff. 7/5/05; Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
10-1-2412: PURPOSE:
The Neighborhood Business (NB) Zone is intended to accommodate a mix of commercial and office uses requiring visibility and convenient access.[Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
10-1-2412.5: GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: Amended Ord. 24-4,022
In the NB Zone, all uses shall be consistent with the maximum FAR and maximum residential density, as prescribed in the General Plan, as follows:
General Plan Land Use Designation |
Maximum FAR |
Maximum Residential Density1 |
Corridor Commercial |
1.0 FAR |
27 units/acre |
Regional Commercial |
1.25 FAR |
58 units/acre |
Downtown Commercial |
2.5 FAR |
87 units/acre |
South San Fernando Commercial |
1.25 FAR |
43 units/acre |
North Victory Commercial/Industrial |
1.0 FAR |
27 units/acre |
Rancho Commercial |
0.6 FAR |
20 units/acre |
Media District Commercial |
1.1 FAR |
58 units/acre |
Golden State Commercial/Industrial |
1.25 FAR |
27 units/acre |
Institutional |
Max. floor area determined by Zoning |
-- |
Open Space |
Max. floor area determined by Zoning |
-- |
Airport |
Max. floor area determined by Zoning |
-- |
1 with discretionary approval |
[Added by Ord. No. 3839, eff. 5/24/13.]
10-1-2413: USES IN THE NB ZONE:
In the NB Zone, uses are allowed as set forth in Section 10-1-502. [Added by Ord. No. 3343; Amended by Ord. No. 3504, eff. 12/26/98; 3465, 3457, 3439.]
10-1-2414, 2415 AND 2416:
[Deleted by Ord. No. 3504, eff. 12/26/98.]
The following property development standards shall apply in an NB Zone:
1. The maximum height of a structure shall be a maximum of 25 feet as measured from grade as defined in this article. Roof and architectural features may exceed the maximum height up to 15 additional feet without the need of a Conditional Use Permit if a 45 degree angle is maintained as depicted in Diagram No. 1.
2. Maximum building height shall be measured to the ceiling height of the highest room permitted for human occupancy.
3. A Conditional Use Permit is required for a structure higher than 25 feet.
1. Distance Requirements.
Each lot which abuts or is adjacent to an R-1, R-1-H or R-2 lot shall provide open space not less than 20 feet wide along the area that abuts the residential property.
2. Determination of Open Space.
Open space shall be measured from the lot line of the residential property to the commercial structure. Public rights-of-way may be included within the calculation of such area, except as otherwise provided in this section.
3. Landscaping Requirement.
When the commercial property abuts or is adjacent to an R-1, R-1-H or R-2 lot, a five (5) foot strip of the open space which lies adjacent to the residential property shall be landscaped, unless a public right-of-way is utilized in the calculation of the open space. This landscaping is intended to provide screening between the different zones.
1. Front Yard - Definition.
For the purpose of this section, side yards on corner lots shall be considered as front yards.
2. Setbacks.
a. Front Yards.
All structures, including above-grade and semi-subterranean parking, shall be set back at least ten (10) feet from the front lot line.
b. Side Yards.
A side yard setback is not required. However, if the side yard is used for surface parking, a minimum three (3) feet setback from the side lot line to the surface parking area is required.
c. Rear Yards.
A rear yard building setback is not required; provided, however, that if the lot abuts or is adjacent to an R-1, R-1-H or R-2 lot, a minimum 20 foot setback is required. If the rear yard is used for surface parking, a minimum five (5) feet setback from the rear lot line to the surface parking area is required.
3. Landscaping.
a. At least five percent of the total site area shall be landscaped.
b. Californian native plants and California Sycamore trees are required to be integrated within this required landscaped area. Required street trees shall be California Sycamore trees.
c. The requirements for parking structures and surface parking lots in Article 14 of this Chapter shall apply in the NB Zone.
4. Retail Structures.
On retail structures, bay windows at least three (3) feet high may project over 75 percent of the required front yard not to exceed three (3) feet into the required front yard. The bay windows shall be spaced to allow adequate sunlight to reach required landscaping.
5. Parking.
a. Surface parking shall not be allowed between building frontage and Main Street.
b. For structures or projects applying for Development Review on of after the effective date of this ordinance on the lots south of Alameda Avenue, vehicular access to and from these lots shall only be available from Main Street, Alameda Avenue, or Riverside Drive.
c. For additional parking area requirements see Article 14 of this chapter.
For additional standards, see the remainder of this chapter.
E. Mixed-Use and Multifamily Residential-Only Development. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Section shall not apply to the following projects:
1. Mixed-use developments (multifamily residential with nonresidential use) allowed as set forth in Section 10-1-502. These projects shall be governed by the provisions of Article 9, Division 4 of this Code, commencing with Section 10-1-915.
2. Multifamily residential-only developments allowed as set forth in Section 10-1-502. These projects shall be governed by the provisions of Article 6, Division 3.5 of this Code, commencing with Section 10-1-621. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93; amended by Ord. No. 23-3,996, eff. 7/7/23; 23-3,994; 3810; 3548, 3491, 3488.]
Unless specifically exempted by Section 10-1-1914 of this Code, no structure shall be erected on any lot in the NB Zone, nor shall any permits related thereto be issued until an application for Development Review has been submitted to and approved by the Director, as provided for in Division 2, Article 19 of this chapter. These permits include but are not limited to site preparation permits such as demolition permits and grading permits. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
The following design criteria shall apply to proposed improvements in the NB Zone:
A. A full pitched roof is required. Mansard roofs are prohibited.
B. Building orientation shall be toward Main Street.
C. No single building or group of buildings with a common wall shall exceed a length of 100 feet.
D. Architectural design-Mission, Rancho or Spanish Colonial style shall be used incorporating a number of the following elements: verandas, arbors, patios, courtyards, plazas, arches, simulated wood roofs, tile roofs, open beam ceilings or walkways, archways, colonial columns and heavy posts.
E. Color-Whites, natural wood grain finishes, earth tones, pale tones, tans, rusts, adobe pink, and copper patina shall be used and incorporated. Bright colors are prohibited.
F. Materials and Finishes-A number of the following may be incorporated if otherwise allowed by the Burbank Municipal Code: wood, rough cut timbers, river rock, Spanish tile and textured stucco.
G. The design standards of Section 10-1-1113.1 shall apply in the NB Zone. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
10-1-2420: PURPOSE:
The Garden Office (GO) Zone is intended to provide a well landscaped, low profile office environment. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
10-1-2420.5: GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: Amended Ord. 24-4,022
In the GO Zone, all uses shall be consistent with the maximum FAR and maximum residential density, as prescribed in the General Plan, as follows:
General Plan Land Use Designation |
Maximum FAR |
Maximum Residential Density1 |
Corridor Commercial |
1.0 FAR |
27 units/acre |
Regional Commercial |
1.25 FAR |
58 units/acre |
Downtown Commercial |
2.5 FAR |
87 units/acre |
South San Fernando Commercial |
1.25 FAR |
43 units/acre |
North Victory Commercial/Industrial |
1.0 FAR |
27 units/acre |
Rancho Commercial |
0.6 FAR |
20 units/acre |
Media District Commercial |
1.1 FAR |
58 units/acre |
Golden State Commercial/Industrial |
1.25 FAR |
27 units/acre |
Institutional |
Max. floor area determined by Zoning |
-- |
Open Space |
Max. floor area determined by Zoning |
-- |
Airport |
Max. floor area determined by Zoning |
-- |
1 with discretionary approval |
[Added by Ord. No. 3839, eff. 5/24/13.]
10-1-2421: USES IN THE GO ZONE:
In the GO Zone, uses are allowed as set forth in Section 10-1-502. [Added by Ord. No. 3343; Amended by Ord. No. 3504, eff. 12/26/98; 3465, 3457, 3439, 3400; 3376.]
10-1-2422, 2423 AND 2424:
[Deleted by Ord. No. 3504, eff. 12/26/98.]
The following property development standards shall apply in a GO Zone:
1. The maximum height of a structure shall not exceed 35 feet as measured from grade as defined in this article. Roof and architectural features may exceed the maximum height up to 15 additional feet without the need of a Conditional Use Permit if a 45 degree angle is maintained as depicted in Diagram No. 1.
2. Maximum building height shall be measured to the ceiling height of the highest room permitted for human occupancy.
3. A Conditional Use Permit is required for structure higher than 35 feet.
1. Distance Requirements.
Each lot which abuts or is adjacent to an R-1, R-1-H or R-2 lot shall provide open space not less than 20 feet wide along the area that abuts the residential property. Lots abutting or adjacent to R-3 and R-4 lots shall provide a minimum of ten (10) foot open space between the properties.
2. Determination of Open Space.
This open space shall be measured from the lot line of the residential property to the commercial structure. Public rights-of-way may be included within the calculation of such area, except as otherwise provided in this section.
3. Landscaping Requirement.
When the commercial property abuts or is adjacent to R-1, R-1-H or R-2 property, a five (5) foot strip of the open space which lies adjacent to the residential property shall be landscaped, unless a public right-of-way is utilized in the calculation of the open space. This landscaping is intended to provide screening between the different zones.
4. Parking Allowed in Open Space.
When the commercial property abuts property other than R-1, R-1-H or R-2, the open space may be used for surface parking.
5. Interior Courtyards.
Interior courtyards shall be provided and shall be visible from the public right-of-way.
1. Front Yard - Definition.
For the purpose of this section, side yards on corner lots shall be considered as front yards.
2. Setbacks.
a. Front Yards.
All structures on Riverside Drive and Alameda Avenue shall be setback at least ten (10) feet from the front lot line. All structures on Main and Mariposa Streets shall be setback at least five (5) feet from the front lot line. A minimum of a ten (10) foot setback from the front lot line to any surface parking is required.
b. Side Yards.
A minimum ten (10) foot side yard building setback is required. A minimum of a five (5) foot setback from the side lot line to any surface parking is required.
c. Rear Yards.
A ten (10) foot rear yard building setback is required; provided, however, if the rear yard abuts or is adjacent to a residentially zoned property, a minimum 20 foot setback is required. A minimum of a five (5) foot setback from the rear lot line to any surface parking area is required.
d. When abutting or adjacent to R-1, R-1-H or R-2 zones, above-grade or semi-subterranean parking structures must be setback 20 feet from the residential property line. When abutting or adjacent to R-3 or R-4 zones, above-grade or semi-subterranean parking structures must be setback ten (10) feet from the residential property line. Public rights-of-way may be used in this calculation.
3. Landscaping.
a. Interior courtyards shall be 50 percent landscaped.
b. Interior lot spaces between buildings shall receive extensive landscape treatment incorporating California native plants and California Sycamore trees.
c. Pedestrian courtyards shall be 50 percent landscaped.
d. Californian native plants and California Sycamore trees are required within landscaped areas.
e. The requirements for parking structures and surface parking lots in Article 14 of this Chapter shall apply in the GO Zone.
4. Retail Structures.
On retail structures, bay windows at least three (3) feet high may project over 75 percent of the required front yard not to exceed three (3) feet into the required front yard. The bay windows shall be spaced to allow adequate sunlight to reach required landscaping.
5. Parking.
a. No surface parking area frontage shall comprise more than 50 percent of any street frontage.
b. Surface parking shall be organized into parking courts not to exceed 40 stalls surrounded on all sides with a minimum five (5) foot landscape buffer.
c. Above-grade and semi-subterranean parking structures shall be allowed along the rear 50 percent of the property.
d. For additional parking area requirements, see Article 14 of this chapter.
For additional standards see the remainder of this chapter.
E. Mixed-Use and Multifamily Residential-Only Development. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Section shall not apply to the following projects:
1. Mixed-use developments (multifamily residential with nonresidential use) allowed as set forth in Section 10-1-502. These projects shall be governed by the provisions of Article 9, Division 4 of this Code, commencing with Section 10-1-915.
2. Multifamily residential-only developments allowed as set forth in Section 10-1-502. These projects shall be governed by the provisions of Article 6, Division 3.5 of this Code, commencing with Section 10-1-621. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93; amended by Ord. No. 23-3,996, eff. 7/7/23; 23-3,994; 15-3,860; 3810, 3548, 3491, 3488.]
Unless specifically exempted by Section 10-1-1915 of this Code, no structure shall be erected in the GO Zone, nor shall any permits related thereto be issued until an application for Development Review has been submitted to and approved by the Director, as provided in Division 2, Article 19 of this chapter. These permits include but are not limited to site preparation permits such as demolition permits and grading permits. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
The following design criteria shall apply in the GO Zone:
A. All building elevations fronting public streets or residentially zoned lots shall contain elements designed for the purpose of providing visual variation including expressed floor or surface breaks, balconies, projections, recesses, awnings and horizontal setbacks.
B. Pedestrian entrances on exposed elevations shall be recessed and architecturally highlighted.
C. Pitched roofs are required. Mansard roofs are prohibited.
D. No more than 60 percent of the building facade shall be in the same plane.
E. Architectural design-Mission, Rancho, or Spanish Colonial style shall be used incorporating a number of the following elements: verandas, arbors, patios, courtyards, plazas, arches, simulated wood roofs, tile roofs, open beam ceilings, walkways, archways, colonial columns and heavy posts.
F. Color-Whites, natural wood grain finishes, earth tones, pale tones, tans, rusts, adobe pink, and copper patina shall be used and incorporated. Bright colors are prohibited.
G. Materials and Finishes-A number of the following may be incorporated if otherwise permitted by the Burbank Municipal Code: wood, rough cut timbers, river rock, Spanish tile and textured stucco.
H. The design standards of Section 10-1-1113.1 shall apply in the GO Zone. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
10-1-2428: PURPOSE:
The Rancho Commercial (RC) Zone is intended to encourage and support the development of community oriented retail and service commercial uses in conjunction with professional offices. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
10-1-2428.5: GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: Amended Ord. 24-4,022
In the RC Zone, all uses shall be consistent with the maximum FAR and maximum residential density, as prescribed in the General Plan, as follows:
General Plan Land Use Designation |
Maximum FAR |
Maximum Residential Density1 |
Corridor Commercial |
1.0 FAR |
27 units/acre |
Regional Commercial |
1.25 FAR |
58 units/acre |
Downtown Commercial |
2.5 FAR |
87 units/acre |
South San Fernando Commercial |
1.25 FAR |
43 units/acre |
North Victory Commercial/Industrial |
1.0 FAR |
27 units/acre |
Rancho Commercial |
0.6 FAR |
20 units/acre |
Media District Commercial |
1.1 FAR |
58 units/acre |
Golden State Commercial/Industrial |
1.25 FAR |
27 units/acre |
Institutional |
Max. floor area determined by Zoning |
-- |
Open Space |
Max. floor area determined by Zoning |
-- |
Airport |
Max. floor area determined by Zoning |
-- |
1 with discretionary approval |
[Added by Ord. No. 3839, eff. 5/24/13.]
10-1-2429: USES IN THE RC ZONE:
In the RC Zone, uses are allowed as set forth in Section 10-1-502. [Added by Ord. No. 3343; Amended by Ord. No. 3504, eff. 12/26/98; 3465, 3464, 3457, 3439, 3400, 3376.]
10-1-2430, 2431 AND 2432:
[Deleted by Ord. No. 3504, eff. 12/26/98.]
The following property development standards shall apply in an RC Zone:
1. The maximum height of a structure shall be 35 feet as measured from grade, as defined in this chapter. Roof and architectural features may exceed the maximum height up to 15 additional feet without the need of a Conditional Use Permit if a 45 degree angle is maintained as depicted in Diagram No. 1.
2. Maximum building height shall be measured to the ceiling height of the highest room permitted for human occupancy.
3. A Conditional Use Permit is required for a structure higher than 35 feet.
1. Distance Requirements.
Each lot which abuts or is adjacent to an R-1, R-1-H or R-2 lot shall provide open space not less than 20 feet wide along the area that abuts the residential property. Lots abutting or adjacent to R-3 and R-4 lots shall provide a minimum five (5) foot open space between the properties.
2. Determination of Open Space.
This open space shall be measured from the lot line of the residential property to the commercial structure. Public rights-of-way may be included within the calculation of such area, except as otherwise provided in this section.
3. Landscaping Requirement. When the commercial property abuts or is adjacent to R-1, R-1-H, or R-2 property, a five (5) foot strip of the open space which lies adjacent to the residential property shall be landscaped, unless a public right-of-way is utilized in the calculation of the open space. This landscaping is intended to provide screening between the different zones.
4. Parking Allowed in Open Space.
When the commercial property abuts property other than R-1, R-1-H, or R-2, open space may be used for surface parking.
1. Front Yard - Definition.
For the purpose of this section, side yards on corner lots shall be considered as front yards.
2. Setbacks.
a. Front Yards.
The first story shall be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the front lot line; the second story, excluding balconies, shall be set back a minimum of 30 feet from the front lot line; the third story, excluding balconies, shall be set back 35 feet from the front lot line. A minimum of a ten (10) foot setback from the front lot line to any surface parking area is required.
b. Side Yards.
A minimum of a ten (10) foot side yard building setback is required. A minimum of a five (5) foot setback from the side lot line to any surface parking is required.
c. Rear Yards.
A minimum of a five (5) foot rear yard building setback is required. A minimum of a five (5) foot setback from the rear lot line to any surface parking area is required.
3. Landscaping.
a. Californian native plants and California Sycamore trees shall be used as required landscaping materials. California Sycamore trees shall be used as the required street trees.
b. The landscaping requirements of Section 10-1-705(C)(3) shall apply in the RC Zone.
c. The requirements for parking structures and surface parking lots in Article 14 of this Chapter shall apply in the RC Zone.
4. Retail Structures.
On retail structures, bay windows at least three (3) feet high may project over 75 percent of the required front yard not to exceed three (3) feet into the front yard. The bay windows shall be spaced to allow adequate sunlight to reach required landscaping.
5. Parking.
a. No surface parking area frontage shall comprise more than 50 percent of any street frontage.
b. Surface parking shall be organized into parking courts not to exceed 40 stalls, surrounded on all sides with a minimum five (5) foot landscape buffer.
c. Parking structures shall not be allowed in the rear 50 percent of the property if the property abuts or is adjacent to a residential zone.
d. Commercial retail requires five (5) parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area and professional offices requires three (3) parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area.
e. For additional parking area requirements, see Article 14 of this chapter.
6. Walls, Fences, Satellite Dishes, Flagpoles, Antennae and Light Standards.
a. MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM LOT LINES. Walls, fences, satellite dishes, flagpoles, antennae and light standards shall be set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from any lot line which separates the lot from a street and from any lot line which separates two (2) properties within the Rancho Commercial Zone. The Community Development Director may reduce or waive the setback requirements for a segment of a wall or fence fronting on a street, as well as for a segment of a wall or fence (not to exceed ten (10) feet in length) along any lot line which separates two (2) properties within the Rancho Commercial Zone where necessary to connect such wall or fence to the edge of a building at the lot line, provided, in either instance, the Community Development Director determines that such reduction or waiver will not unreasonably impair the visibility of building frontages on adjacent property as viewed from an arterial street which is parallel to, or which intersects, or is perpendicular to, such lot line.
b. CORNER CUTOFF AREA. There shall be a corner cutoff for all walls, fences, satellite dishes, flagpoles, antennae and/or light standards at the intersection of a lot line separating two (2) properties and the right-of-way line for an arterial street. No structure shall be erected or maintained above the height of three (3) feet within the cutoff area. The cutoff shall consist of a triangular area, the corners of which are located on the subject property as follows: (i) the point of intersection of the interior property line and the right-of-way (ii) a point 30 feet from point one on the interior property line and (iii) a point 40 feet from point one on the property line abutting the right-of-way. Based on input from the Traffic Engineer, the Community Development Director may reduce or waive the requirements of this subsection if traffic visibility can otherwise be maintained consistent with traffic engineering standards.
(i) No wall or fence shall exceed six (6) feet in height.
(ii) Any wall or fence shall consist of one (1) or more of the following materials: wood, rough cut timbers, river rock, Spanish tile, textured stucco, brick or wrought iron.
(iii) Where a wall or fence in excess of four (4) feet in height is to be located on property frontage along an arterial street and said frontage is greater than 200 feet in length, any portion of such wall or fence over four (4) feet in height shall consist of a material which allows visibility into the property, such as wrought iron. In addition, where there is a wall or fence in excess of four (4) feet in height located on property frontage along an arterial street and said frontage is greater than 200 feet in length, such wall or fence shall have a projection or recess having no dimension less than five (5) feet for a minimum of 35 percent of the lineal frontage.
(iv) Where a wall or fence in excess of four (4) feet in height is to be located on or adjacent to a lot line which separates two (2) properties within the Rancho Commercial Zone and said lot line is greater than 60 feet in length, any portion of such wall or fence over four (4) feet in height shall consist of a material which allows visibility into the adjacent property, such as wrought iron. The Community Development Director may reduce or waive this requirement if the Community Development Director determines, with input from the Traffic Engineer, that such reduction or waiver will not unreasonably impair the visibility of building frontages on the adjacent property as viewed from an arterial street which intersects, or is perpendicular to, such lot line.
(v) Notwithstanding the regulations for walls and fences set forth in this section, a wall or fence of three (3) feet in height or less is permitted within the setback and corner cutoff areas if in conjunction with a landscaping plan approved by the Community Development Director.
d. SATELLITE DISHES. Satellite dishes which exceed eight (8) feet in height shall require an Administrative Use Permit.
For additional standards see the remainder of this chapter.
E. Mixed-Use and Multifamily Residential-Only Development.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Section shall not apply to the following projects:
1. Mixed-use developments (multifamily residential with nonresidential use) allowed as set forth in Section 10-1-502. These projects shall be governed by the provisions of Article 9, Division 4 of this Code, commencing with Section 10-1-915.
2. Multifamily residential-only developments allowed as set forth in Section 10-1-502. These projects shall be governed by the provisions of Article 6, Division 3.5 of this Code, commencing with Section 10-1-621. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93; amended by Ord. No. 23-3,996, eff. 7/7/23; 23-3,994; 15-3,860; 3810, 3548, 3491, 3488, 3382.]
Unless specifically exempted by Section 10-1-1914 of this Code, no structure shall be erected in the RC Zone, nor shall any permits related thereto be issued until an application for Development Review has been submitted to and approved by the Director, as provided in Division 2, Article 19 of this chapter. These permits include but are not limited to site preparation permits such as demolition permits and grading permits. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
The following design criteria shall apply in the RC Zone:
A. Pitched roofs with overhangs are required. Mansard roofs are prohibited.
B. Architectural design-Mission, Rancho or Spanish Colonial style shall be used incorporating a number of the following elements: verandas, arbors, patios, courtyards, plazas, arches, simulated wood roofs, tile roofs, open beam ceilings, walkways, archways, colonial columns and heavy posts.
C. Color-Whites, natural wood grain finishes, earth tones, pale tones, tans, rusts, adobe pink, and copper patina shall be used and incorporated. No bright colors may be used.
D. Materials and Finishes-A number of the following may be incorporated, if otherwise permitted by the Burbank Municipal Code: wood, rough cut timbers, river rock, Spanish tile and textured stucco.
E. The design standards of Section 10-1-1113.1 shall apply in the RC Zone. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
10-1-2436: PURPOSE:
The Commercial Recreation (CR) Zone is intended for recreational uses which are privately owned and operated for commercial purposes. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
10-1-2436.5: GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: Amended Ord. 24-4,022
In the CR Zone, all uses shall be consistent with the maximum FAR and maximum residential density, as prescribed in the General Plan, as follows:
General Plan Land Use Designation |
Maximum FAR |
Maximum Residential Density1 |
Corridor Commercial |
1.0 FAR |
27 units/acre |
Regional Commercial |
1.25 FAR |
58 units/acre |
Downtown Commercial |
2.5 FAR |
87 units/acre |
South San Fernando Commercial |
1.25 FAR |
43 units/acre |
North Victory Commercial/Industrial |
1.0 FAR |
27 units/acre |
Rancho Commercial |
0.6 FAR |
20 units/acre |
Media District Commercial |
1.1 FAR |
58 units/acre |
Golden State Commercial/Industrial |
1.25 FAR |
27 units/acre |
Institutional |
Max. floor area determined by Zoning |
-- |
Open Space |
Max. floor area determined by Zoning |
-- |
Airport |
Max. floor area determined by Zoning |
-- |
1 with discretionary approval |
[Added by Ord. No. 3839, eff. 5/24/13.]
10-1-2437: USES IN THE CR ZONE:
In the CR Zone, uses are allowed as set forth in Section 10-1-502. [Added by Ord. No. 3343; Amended by Ord. No. 3504, eff. 12/26/98; 3464, 3457, 3439, 3404, 3400, 3376.]
10-1-2438, 2439 AND 2440:
[Deleted by Ord. No. 3504, eff. 12/26/98.]
The following property development standards shall apply in a CR Zone:
1. The maximum height of a structure shall be a maximum of 35 feet as measured from grade as defined in this article. Roof and architectural features may exceed the maximum height up to 15 additional feet without the need of a Conditional Use Permit if a 45 degree angle is maintained as depicted in Diagram No. 1.
2. Maximum building height shall be measured to the ceiling height of the highest room permitted for human occupancy.
3. A Conditional Use Permit is required for a structure higher than 35 feet.
1. Distance Requirements.
Each lot which abuts or is adjacent to an R-1, R-1-H or R-2 lot shall provide open space not less than 20 feet wide along the area that abuts the residential property. Lots abutting or adjacent to R-3 and R-4 lots shall provide a minimum five (5) foot open space between the properties.
2. Determination of Open Space.
This open space shall be measured from the lot line of the residential property to the commercial structure. Public rights-of-way may be included within the calculation of such area, except as otherwise provided in this section.
3. Landscaping Requirement.
When the commercial property abuts or is adjacent to an R-1, R-1-H or R-2 property, a five (5) foot strip of the open space which lies adjacent to the residential property shall be landscaped, unless a public right-of-way is utilized in the calculation of the open space. This landscaping is intended to provide screening between the different zones.
4. Parking Allowed in Open Space.
When the commercial property abuts property other than R-1, R-1-H or R-2, the open space may be used for surface parking.
1. Front Yard - Definition.
For the purpose of this section, side yards on corner lots shall be considered as front yards.
2. Setbacks.
a. Front Yards. All structures shall be set back at least 25 feet from the front lot line. A minimum of a ten (10) foot setback from the front lot line to any surface parking area is required.
b. Side Yards. A five (5) foot side yard building setback is required; provided, however, if the side yard abuts or is adjacent to a residentially zoned property, a minimum ten (10) foot setback is required. A minimum of a five (5) foot setback from the side lot line to any surface parking is required.
c. Rear Yards. A five (5) foot rear yard building setback is required; provided, however, if the rear yard abuts or is adjacent to a residentially zoned property, a minimum ten (10) foot setback is required. A minimum five (5) foot setback from the rear lot line to any surface parking area is required.
3. Landscaping.
a. Californian native plants and California Sycamore trees shall be used as landscaping materials. California Sycamore trees shall be used as required street trees.
b. The landscaping requirements of Section 10-1-705(C)(3) shall apply in the CR Zone.
c. The requirements for parking structures and surface parking lots in Article 14 of this Chapter shall apply in the CR Zone.
4. Retail Structures.
On retail structures, bay windows at least three (3) feet high may project over 75 percent of the required front yard not to exceed three (3) feet into the front yard. The bay windows shall be spaced to allow adequate sunlight to reach required landscaping.
5. Parking.
a. No surface parking area frontage shall comprise more than 50 percent of any street frontage.
b. If surface parking is visible from the public right-of-way, parking shall be organized into parking courts not to exceed 40 stalls, surrounded on all sides with a minimum five (5) foot landscape buffer.
c. Parking structures shall not be allowed in the rear 50 percent of the property if the property abuts or is adjacent to a residential zone.
For additional standards, see the remainder of this chapter.
E. Mixed-Use and Multifamily Residential-Only Development.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Section shall not apply to the following projects:
1. Mixed-use developments (multifamily residential with nonresidential use) allowed as set forth in Section 10-1-502. These projects shall be governed by the provisions of Article 9, Division 4 of this Code, commencing with Section 10-1-915.
2. Multifamily residential-only developments allowed as set forth in Section 10-1-502. These projects shall be governed by the provisions of Article 6, Division 3.5 of this Code, commencing with Section 10-1-621. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93; amended by Ord. No. 23-3,996, eff. 7/7/23; 23-3,994; 15-3,860; 3810, 3548, 3491, 3488.]
Unless specifically exempted by Section 10-1-1914 of this Code, no structure shall be erected in the CR Zone, nor shall any permits related thereto be issued until an application for Development Review has been submitted to and approved by the Director, as provided in Division 2, Article 19 of this chapter. These permits include but are not limited to site preparation permits such as demolition permits and grading permits. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
The following design criteria shall apply to proposed improvements in the CR Zone:
A. Pitched roofs are required. Mansard roofs are prohibited.
B. Architectural design-Mission, Rancho or Spanish Colonial style shall be used incorporating a number of the following elements; verandas, arbors, patios, courtyards, plazas, arches, simulated wood roofs, tile roofs, open beam ceilings or walkways, archways, colonial columns and heavy posts.
C. Color-Whites, natural wood grain finishes, earth tones, pale tones, tans, rusts, adobe pink, and copper patina shall be used and incorporated. No bright colors may be used.
D. Materials and Finishes-A number of the following may be incorporated, if otherwise permitted by the Burbank Municipal Code: wood, rough cut timbers, river rock, Spanish tile and textured stucco.
E. The design standards of Section 10-1-1113.1 shall apply in the CR Zone. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
10-1-2444: PURPOSE:
The Rancho Business Park (RBP) Zone is intended for the development of offices, media-related uses and restricted light manufacturing activities. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
10-1-2444.5: GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: Amended Ord. 24-4,022
In the RBP Zone, all uses shall be consistent with the maximum FAR and maximum residential density, as prescribed in the General Plan, as follows:
General Plan Land Use Designation |
Maximum FAR |
Maximum Residential Density1 |
Corridor Commercial |
1.0 FAR |
27 units/acre |
Regional Commercial |
1.25 FAR |
58 units/acre |
Downtown Commercial |
2.5 FAR |
87 units/acre |
South San Fernando Commercial |
1.25 FAR |
43 units/acre |
North Victory Commercial/Industrial |
1.0 FAR |
27 units/acre |
Rancho Commercial |
0.6 FAR |
20 units/acre |
Media District Commercial |
1.1 FAR |
58 units/acre |
Golden State Commercial/Industrial |
1.25 FAR |
27 units/acre |
Institutional |
Max. floor area determined by Zoning |
-- |
Open Space |
Max. floor area determined by Zoning |
-- |
Airport |
Max. floor area determined by Zoning |
-- |
1 with discretionary approval |
[Added by Ord. No. 3839, eff. 5/24/13.]
10-1-2445: USES IN THE RBP ZONE:
In the RBP Zone, uses are allowed as set forth in Section 10-1-502. [Added by Ord. No. 3343; Amended by Ord. No. 3504, eff. 12/26/98; 3465, 3457, 3439.]
10-1-2446, 2447 AND 2448:
[Deleted by Ord. No. 3504, eff. 12/26/98.]
The following requirements shall apply to all uses in an RBP Zone:
A. All processing and assembly of goods shall be conducted completely within a building that is enclosed on all sides, unless otherwise specified.
B. Operations that create noise, smoke, ash, dust, odor, ground vibration, heat, glare, humidity, radio disturbance, or radiation shall be so located, and conducted in such a manner, that they do not exceed the standards prescribed in Article 17 of this chapter, measured at the property lines of the use in question. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
The following property development standards shall apply in an RBP Zone:
1. The maximum height of a structure shall not exceed 25 feet as measured from grade as defined in this article. Roof and architectural features may exceed the maximum height up to 15 additional feet without the need of a Conditional Use Permit if a 45 degree angle is maintained as depicted in Diagram No. 1.
2. Maximum building height shall be measured to the ceiling height of the highest room permitted for human occupancy.
3. A Conditional Use Permit is required for a structure higher than 25 feet.
1. Distance Requirements. Each lot which abuts or is adjacent to an R-1, R-1-H or R-2 lot shall provide open space not less than 20 feet wide along the area that abuts the residential property. Lots abutting or adjacent to R-3 and R-4 lots shall provide a minimum of 15 foot open space between the properties.
2. Determination of Open Space. This open space shall be measured from the lot line of the residential property to the RBP structure. Public rights-of-way may be included within the calculation of such area, except as otherwise provided in this section.
3. Landscaping Requirement. When the RBP property abuts any residential property, a five (5) foot strip of the open space which lies adjacent to the residential property shall be landscaped, unless a public right-of-way is utilized in the calculation of the open space. This landscaping is intended to provide screening between the different zones.
4. Parking Allowed in Open Space. Surface parking is allowed in the open space as long as the requirements of this section are satisfied.
1. Front Yard - Definition.
For the purpose of this section, side yards on corner lots shall be considered as front yards.
2. Setbacks.
a. All structures, except above-grade and semi-subterranean parking structures, shall be set back an average of at least five (5) feet from the front lot line or 20 percent of the building height, whichever is greater. Such setback shall be required for that portion of a building that is within 20 feet above-grade and shall be calculated for the length of the building frontage only. Any open space or surface parking lots not in front of a structure shall not be included in calculating average setbacks. Portions of buildings over 20 feet in height may extend over required front yard setbacks, except in areas where required trees are planted.
b. Above-grade and semi-subterranean parking structures shall be set back from the front lot line an average of at least five (5) feet or 20 percent of building height, whichever is greater provided, however, that the structure must be set back a minimum of three (3) feet. When abutting or adjacent R-1, R-1-H or R-2 zones, above-grade and semi-subterranean parking structures must be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the residential property line. When abutting or adjacent R-3 or R-4 zones, above-grade and semi-subterranean parking structures must be set back a minimum of 10 feet from the residential property line. Public rights-of-way may be used in this calculation.
3. Landscaping.
a. Californian native plants and California Sycamore trees shall be used as landscape materials.
b. The landscaping requirements of Section 10-1-705(C)(3) shall apply in the RBP Zone.
c. All required front yards shall be landscaped.
A six (6) foot high decorative masonry wall shall be erected along every property line forming a boundary with a residential zone, except that along the property line in any required front setback area the height of the wall shall be three (3) feet.
For additional standards, see the remainder of this chapter.
F. Mixed-Use and Multifamily Residential-Only Development. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Section shall not apply to the following projects:
1. Mixed-use developments (multifamily residential with nonresidential use) allowed as set forth in Section 10-1-502. These projects shall be governed by the provisions of Article 9, Division 4 of this Code, commencing with Section 10-1-915.
2. Multifamily residential-only developments allowed as set forth in Section 10-1-502. These projects shall be governed by the provisions of Article 6, Division 3.5 of this Code, commencing with Section 10-1-621. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93; amended by Ord. No. 23-3,996, eff. 7/7/23; 23-3,994; 15-3,860; 3810, 3491, 3488.]
Unless specifically exempted by Section 10-1-1915 of this Code, no structure shall be erected in the RBP Zone, nor shall any permits related thereto be issued until an application for Development Review has been submitted to and approved by the Director, as provided in Division 2, Article 19 of this chapter. These permits include but are not limited to site preparation permits such as demolition permits and grading permits. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
The following design criteria shall apply to proposed improvements in the RBP Zone:
A. Pitched roofs are required. Mansard roofs are prohibited.
B. Architectural design - Mission, Rancho or Spanish Colonial style shall be used incorporating a number of the following elements: verandas, arbors, patios, courtyards, plazas, arches, simulated wood roofs, tile roofs, open beam ceilings, walkways, archways, colonial columns and heavy posts.
C. Color - Whites, natural wood grain finishes, earth tones, pale tones, tans, rusts, adobe pink, and copper patina shall be used and incorporated. No bright colors may be used.
D. Materials and Finishes - A number of the following may be incorporated, if otherwise permitted by the Burbank Municipal Code: wood, rough cut timbers, river rock, Spanish tile and textured stucco.
E. The design standards of Section 10-1-1113.1 shall apply in the RBP Zone. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
A Rancho Review Board shall be formed to review all development projects in the Rancho Master Plan Area that are subject to Development Review for compliance with this article pursuant to procedures established by the Community Development Director. The composition of the Rancho Review Board shall be determined by the Community Development Director. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
A commercial stable is permitted in the Rancho Master Plan Area upon the granting of a Conditional Use Permit. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
Commercial stables shall be of Type I construction and shall be located no closer than 20 feet from a door, window or opening of a structure used or designed to be used for human habitation. If the stables are completely enclosed by walls and a roof and the walls or portion thereof facing the setback area are constructed of reinforced masonry at least eight (8) inches thick or reinforced concrete at least six (6) inches thick with a smooth, hard, non-absorbent interior finish, the 20 feet may be reduced to 15 feet. Other Type I materials may be used if approved by the Building Official as being equally strong, durable and resistant to sounds and odors arising from within the stables.
Commercial stables shall be of Type I Construction and shall be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from any side or rear property line, zero feet if abutting an alley.
Corrals shall be located no closer than 20 feet to the doors, windows or other openings of any building or structure on the same or adjacent lot used or designed to be used for human habitation. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
Commercial stables shall have a minimum lot area of 500 square feet for each horse.
Wherever completely enclosed individual box stalls are Provided with minimum dimensions eight (8) feet in width and 12 feet in length, an additional number of horses above the total allowed by this section may be allowed equal to the number of box stalls provided, but in no case shall the total number of horses exceed the ratio of one (1) horse per 400 square feet of lot area. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
All areas used in connection with the keeping of horses shall be so arranged as to prevent an accumulation of standing water. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
Every commercial stable, or portion thereof, where the public is served shall be provided with a minimum of one (1) public toilet located so as to be reasonably convenient to the stable clientele.
The floors and walls of toilet room(s) and all surfaces within two (2) feet of the front and sides of urinals shall be finished with a smooth, hard non-absorbent material of portland cement, ceramic tile, or other approved materials. Walls shall be finished to a height of four (4) feet above the floor. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
10-1-2459: FENCES AND GATES:
The perimeter of that portion of the commercial stable used for horses shall be completely enclosed with a fence and gates having a minimum height of five (5) feet. The perimeter structure shall be capable of supporting a force of 150 pounds per foot with the load applied three (3) feet from the ground surface.
Locks, latches and other gate fastening hardware capable of holding gates in a closed position shall be used on all gates referred to in this section. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
At commercial stables, each building or enclosure used in connection with the keeping of ten (10) or more horses shall have at least two (2) exits (unless in the R-1-H Zone) of a minimum width of eight (8) feet. If two (2) exits are required, they shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one-fifth (1/5) of the perimeter of the area served. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
All horses maintained on any lot or parcel used for commercial stable purposes shall be tethered or stabled within a building except when being ridden or when being exercised, groomed, trained by an attendant or attended to by a veterinarian. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
On property used for commercial stable purposes, smoking shall be prohibited in any structure housing horses and in any area or structure used for the storage of feed and grain. There shall be posted at all points of ingress to any such structures or area, a sign stating “Smoking Prohibited”. Such sign shall be easily readable upon approaching any such structures or area. It shall be the responsibility of the commercial stable operator to cause compliance with this section. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
Any operation or use of any property as a commercial stable, shall not make, cause, or permit to be made or caused, any unnecessary noises, sounds or vibrations either of a continuing or of an intermittent nature, or produce, cause or emit any dust, fumes, odors or vapors which are annoying to persons of ordinary sensitivity or which are so harsh or so prolonged or unnatural or unusual in their intensity, time or place of occurrence as to occasion discomfort to the inhabitants of the City or any number thereof. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]
10-1-2464: PARKING:
All commercial stables in non-residential zones shall provide a minimum of two (2) off-street parking spaces.
All commercial stables located in the R-1-H Zone shall provide a minimum of one (1) off-street parking space. [Added by Ord. No. 3343, eff. 6/26/93.]