
Division 1. Street Dedication and Improvement

§ 9161.1    Purpose, Definitions and Applicability.

§ 9161.2    Exceptions.

§ 9161.3    Dedications.

§ 9161.4    Improvement Requirements for Buildings and Structures.

§ 9161.5    Agreement to Improve.

§ 9161.6    Construction Standards.

§ 9161.7    Improvement Security and In-Lieu Fees.

§ 9161.8    Relief from Compliance.

§ 9161.9    Appeals.

§ 9161.10    Parkway Trees.

Division 2. Vehicular Parking, Loading and Maneuvering Areas

§ 9162    Development Policy.

§ 9162.0    Paving and Drainage of Vehicular Areas.

Off-Street Parking

§ 9162.1    General Requirements.

§ 9162.21    Parking Spaces Required.

§ 9162.22    Parking Spaces Required for Uses Not Specified.

§ 9162.23    Computation of Required Parking Spaces.

§ 9162.24    Automobile Parking Spaces Required for Mixed Uses.

§ 9162.25    Change in Intensity.

§ 9162.26    Change in Use.

§ 9162.27    Conversion of Parking Spaces Serving a Dwelling.

§ 9162.28    Reserved.

§ 9162.29    Reserved.

§ 9162.3    Location of Parking.

§ 9162.41    Automobile Parking Stall Size.

§ 9162.42    Parking for the Disabled and Associated Signing and Ramping.

§ 9162.43    Compact Automobile Parking Spaces.

§ 9162.44    Reserved.

§ 9162.45    Reserved.

§ 9162.46    Reserved.

§ 9162.47    Reserved.

§ 9162.48    Reserved.

§ 9162.49    Reserved.

§ 9162.50    Reserved.

§ 9162.51    Standards for Automobile Parking Lot Design.

§ 9162.52    Landscaping Requirements.

§ 9162.53    Lighting.

§ 9162.54    Reserved.

§ 9162.55    Perimeter Guards.

§ 9162.56    Marking of Automobile Parking Areas.

Truck Loading and Maneuvering

§ 9162.61    Truck Maneuvering and Loading Facility Standards.

§ 9162.62    Design Standards for Truck Loading Facilities, Maneuvering Areas, and Parking and Stacking Spaces.

§ 9162.63    Truck Loading Facilities and Maneuvering Areas Required.

§ 9162.64    Truck Vehicle Space Specifications.

§ 9162.65    Requirements Relating to Vehicular Parking and Truck Loading, Maneuvering, Parking and Stacking Space for Industrial Uses.

§ 9162.66    Marking of Truck Loading and Parking and Stacking Spaces.

Driveway Access and Traffic Sight Clearance

§ 9162.7    On-Site Automobile and Truck Maneuvering Standards.

§ 9162.8    Driveway Widths, Driveway Approaches and Traffic Sight Distance.

Division 3. Walls

§ 9163.1    Reserved.

§ 9163.2    Noise-Absorbing Walls on Residential Lot Lines.

Division 4. Trash and Recycling Areas

§ 9164.1    Purpose, Definitions and Applicability.

§ 9164.2    Residential Trash Areas.

§ 9164.3    Nonresidential Trash Areas.

§ 9164.4    Collection and Loading of Recyclable Materials.

§ 9164.5    Design Standards for Trash and Recycling Areas.

Division 5. Transportation Demand and Trip Reduction Measures

§ 9165.1    Transportation Demand and Trip Reduction Measures.

§ 9165.2    Transportation Information.

§ 9165.3    Bicycle Parking and Preferential Automobile Parking Spaces.

Division 6. Project Grading

§ 9166.1    Project Grading.

§ 9166.2    Conditions for Project Grading.

Division 7. Signs

§ 9167.1    Signs.

§ 9167.2    Exempt Signs.

§ 9167.3    Prohibited Signs.

§ 9167.6    Repealed.

§ 9167.7    Substitution Clause.

§ 9167.8    Removal of Unauthorized Signs from the Public Right-of-Way.

Division 8. Water Efficient Landscaping

§ 9168.1    Adoption of Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance.

§ 9168.2    Definitions.

§ 9168.3    Violations and Penalties.

§ 9168.4    Fees.

§ 9168.5    Amendments to Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance.