Chapter 19A
Editor’s note: For the purpose of this database, this Chapter has been renumbered from 19.1 to 19A. This in no way affects the actual Colusa County Code.
19A-1 Purpose.
This chapter is adopted to provide a county-wide comprehensive address numbering to enable emergency vehicles from fire, sheriff and ambulance services to respond quickly to calls and to facilitate utility services and postal and other delivery service. A positive identification system that eliminates error and confusion and aids prompt response is deemed to be in the public interest and necessary to protect the public health, general welfare and safety of the citizens of Colusa County. (Ord. No. 524 (part).)
19A-2 System description.
The Colusa County master address numbering system shall consist of index line’s corresponding to the Township Section Line System within Colusa County. The southwest corner of Section 31, T13N, R4W shall be designated as the point of origin of the Colusa County Master Address Numbering System and is hereby assigned the east-west grid reference number 4000 and the north-south grid reference number of 0. One thousand numbers shall be allocated sequentially for each six sectional increment to the east and north from the point of origin. (Ord. No. 524 (part).)
19A-3 System maps.
The Colusa County master address numbering system shall be delineated on a series of assessor parcel maps at scales varying to provide adequate numeration. The maps show the grid index system and the address numbers assigned. Copies of said maps shall be kept at the offices of the Colusa County department of community development. (Ord. No. 524 (part): Ord. No. 790, § 14.)
19A-4 Administration.
The system shall be implemented within the unincorporated areas of Colusa County by the director of community development, hereinafter designated “director,” and supersedes any system used prior to its implementation. Technical assistance and information shall be mutually exchanged among all county departments as may be required in carrying out the provisions of this chapter. Funds, if any, collected from fees in accord with this chapter shall be maintained by the department of community development. (Ord. No. 524 (part): Ord. No. 790, § 15.)
19A-5 Assignment of numbers.
The director shall determine and assign all address numbers to single-family dwellings, duplex residences, properties and business establishments and issue the same to property owners and occupants without charge in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. A record of all numbers assigned pursuant to this chapter shall be maintained by the director and open for inspection by the public during business hours.
Multiple units within a residential, industrial or commercial building or complex shall be identified with a sequential numerical suffix and shall be classified: Apartment, suite, unit or other classification as determined to be appropriate by the director. There shall be no duplications of identifiers within any building or complex.
An address number for a particular location shall be assigned to the principal access based on the incremental distance between index grid lines as determined by the director. (Ord. No. 524 (part).)
19A-6 Display of numbers.
Within six months from receipt of the address number from the director, the owner of the property or building shall cause the number to be displayed upon the building, or land. This display of said number shall be in such a manner as to be visible from the road upon which the land or building fronts, and owner shall remove or obscure from public view any old or obsolete number not in accordance with the system.
In areas where buildings and/or property front roads where mail delivery is provided, the number and street name shall be displayed upon mailboxes or receptacles designed for receipt of mail.
Where residences and/or properties front upon roads not receiving mail delivery, the number and road name upon which the building and/or property fronts shall be displayed as stated below.
Where residences and/or property are not clearly visible from the road, access identification other than mailboxes shall be on four-inch by four-inch wood post, metal stakes or equivalent markers elevated at least three feet for clear visibility and rapid directional identification.
Residence and/or building address numbers shall be conspicuous to ensure positive identification and placed at front doors, on lamp posts, near garage doors, at driveway entrances or other areas of similar proximity and visibility.
All address numbers shall be a minimum of three-inch size with reflective finish and/or a color contrasting with the surface where placed.
Before final inspection can be completed on new construction (including additions and remodelings), the building address and any unit addresses assigned by the director shall be posted in accordance to minimum standards. (Ord. No. 524 (part).)
19A-7 Penalties.
Any person, firm or corporation, whether as principal, agent, employee or otherwise, failing to comply with the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of an infraction, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars. (Ord. No. 524 (part).)
19A-8 Appeals.
Any individual whose property is affected by the implementation of this chapter and who is dissatisfied with implementation as it applies to his/her property may submit a written request for hearing by the planning commission to the director. Such request must be received by the director or post-marked no later than fifteen days after the director sent the individual notice of the director’s action. (Ord No. 524 (part).)
19A-9 Validity.
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this chapter is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this chapter. The board of supervisors hereby declares that it would have passed the ordinance codified in this chapter and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. (Ord. No. 524 (part).)