Chapter 19.30
Cross references: Traffic and vehicles, Title 10.
19.30.010 Purpose.
The Transportation and Circulation Element of the 2030 General Plan and the 2013 Citywide Traffic Impact Fee Study identified transportation improvements to accommodate future growth. A study associated with a proposed development may also identify additional transportation improvements, which need to be implemented in conjunction with that development. This chapter provides a method for determining a reasonable relationship between land developments and transportation improvements in order to determine the appropriate and reasonable levels of service and to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the City’s transportation system.
(Code 1965, § 7270; Code 2002, § 78-181. Ord. No. 86-5; Ord. No. 88-32; Ord. No. 05-5; Ord. No. 13-3, § 3)
19.30.020 Administration.
The administration of this article shall be as set forth in Policy & Procedure No. 144, which serves as the policy statement for the off-site street improvement program.
(Code 1965, § 7271; Code 2002, § 78-182. Ord. No. 86-5; Ord. No. 88-32; Ord. No. 05-5)
Cross references: Administration, Ch. 2.