Chapter 17.82


17.82.010    Purpose.

17.82.020    Design guidelines.

*    Prior legislation: Ords. 93-6 and 97-6.

17.82.010 Purpose.

The city of Dinuba is concerned with the appearance of the built environment. It is important that new development present an appearance of quality and architectural variation. The design standards set forth below reflect community values, ensure that high standards of design are evident in all development and that the development is consistent with the intended use and provide quality-of-life amenities where applicable. (Ord. 2008-05 § 1 (part), 2008)

17.82.020 Design guidelines.

A.    The site should be designed so as to create a development which is pleasant in character, human in scale and facilitates on-site circulation.

1.    The location and design of the project should not unnecessarily adversely impact surrounding properties or harm the public health, safety or general welfare.

2.    Existing natural features such as trees, other native vegetation, natural ground forms, water and view shall be retained to the maximum extent feasible.

3.    The visual impact and presence of vehicles shall be minimized by generally siting parking areas to the rear or side of the property rather than along street frontages, and screening parking areas from view, both interior and exterior to the site.

4.    All exterior lighting is to be directed onto the site and away from adjacent residential properties.

5.    Where appropriate due to the nature of the project, bicycle parking with access from adjacent streets, driveways or paths shall be provided.

6.    Traffic congestion or impairment of traffic visibility shall be avoided.

7.    Pedestrian safety and welfare shall be protected.

8.    Parking areas shall be provided in accordance with Section 17.64.070.

B.    There is no single architectural style and design theme for Dinuba. Good architectural style and design should reflect compatibility with the character of the area. Compatibility includes building style, size, setback, form, color and material considerations.

1.    The architectural style and design shall enhance the neighborhood and contribute beneficially to the overall design quality and visual character of the community, and maintain a stable, desirable character.

2.    A consistent color scheme should be used throughout a project and the scheme(s) should not contrast negatively with the character of the area.

3.    The design of projects containing many buildings should provide variety in building size and massing. A mixture of single and multistory buildings should be used.

4.    The architectural scheme (form, materials, color and detailing) of a building should be carried throughout all exterior elevations to achieve design, harmony and continuity.

5.    Coordinate roof shape, color and texture with the overall building design.

6.    Continue on all elevations the architectural character established for the street facing elevations to the extent possible.

7.    Mechanical equipment and utilities, with the exception of solar heating panels, shall be architecturally screened from view. Rooftop mechanical and electrical equipment and appurtenances to be used in the operation and maintenance of a building shall be installed so as not to be visible from any point at or below the roof level of the subject building. This requirement shall apply in construction of new buildings, and in any alteration of mechanical systems of existing buildings that results in significant changes in such rooftop equipment and appurtenances. The features so regulated shall, in all cases, be either enclosed by out building walls or parapets, or grouped and screened in a manner architecturally compatible with the building. Minor features not exceeding one foot in height shall be exempted from this requirement, except that such minor features shall be of a color that minimizes glare and blends with the building. Ground- or interior-mounted mechanical equipment is strongly recommended.

8.    Ensure that the physical proportions of the project and the manner in which the project is designed are appropriate in relation to the size, shape and topography of the site and adjacent developments.

9.    Buildings with box-like appearances, lacking architectural variation on all elevations, are discouraged. Architectural variation can be achieved through a variety of design techniques, including but not limited to:

a.    Off-setting or varying building setbacks;

b.    Providing covered porches, balconies and entries;

c.    Combining single-story and two-story construction in a single building, with single-story nearest property lines;

d.    Varying roof lines, height and type and building elevations;

e.    Providing meandering sidewalks.

10.    Each project shall contain a sufficient number of trash enclosures to adequately serve the use. Said enclosures shall be constructed to city standard specifications.

11.    Screen exterior trash and storage areas, service yards, loading docks and utility services from view of all nearby streets and adjacent structures in a manner that is compatible with building and site design.

12.    All sides of commercial buildings shall be architecturally treated to produce an aesthetically pleasing facade which is of a design compatible with surrounding commercial buildings and the character of the community.

13.    Signage should be compatible with the architectural style and design of the building and should contribute beneficially to the overall design quality and visual character of the community.

C.    Landscaping shall be consistent with the Dinuba Landscape Design Guidelines. (Ord. 2021-04 § 2 (Att. A § 17), 2021; Ord. 2017-03 § 2 (part), 2017: Ord. 2008-05 § 1 (part), 2008)