Chapter 18.23
18.23.050 Scope of design review.
18.23.060 Design review criteria.
18.23.070 Appeals – Expiration, extensions, and revisions – Revocation.
18.23.010 Purpose.
This chapter establishes the design review procedure to ensure that new development supports the goals and objectives of the General Plan and other adopted plans and guidelines. The specific purposes of the design review process are to:
A. Provide reasonable controls over the design of structures and the layout of sites, while recognizing the individualized nature of architecture;
B. Promote excellence in site planning and design and the harmonious appearance of buildings and sites;
C. Ensure that new and altered uses and development will be compatible with the existing and potential development of the surrounding area; and
D. Supplement other City regulations and standards in order to ensure control of aspects of design that are not otherwise addressed. [Ord. 24-002 § 5 (Exh. A).]
18.23.020 Applicability.
A. Design Review Required. Unless exempted pursuant to State law, design review is required as specifically stated in any section of this code, and for projects that include the following:
1. New construction.
2. Additions and alterations to existing structures.
3. Model homes in residential subdivisions.
4. Subdivisions involving five (5) or more lots.
5. New fencing and walls visible from the freeway or North 1st Street.
6. Exterior alteration of existing structures with twelve (12) or more residential units. [Ord. 24-002 § 5 (Exh. A).]
18.23.030 Review authority.
A. City Council. The City Council shall have design review authority for any development consisting of more than seventy-five thousand (75,000) square feet of new nonresidential floor area.
B. Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall have design review authority for the following projects:
1. Nonresidential and Mixed-Use Development. New structures or the enlargement of existing structures which involve more than five thousand (5,000) gross square feet of new nonresidential floor area.
2. Multi-Unit and Mixed-Use Development. New structures or the enlargement of existing structures which results in three (3) or more new residential units.
3. Model Home Design. Model homes for residential subdivisions.
4. Subdivisions. Subdivisions involving five (5) or more lots.
5. Other Projects. All projects otherwise requiring Planning Commission approval.
C. Community Development Director.
1. The Community Development Director shall have design review authority for projects that are subject to design review but do not meet the criteria listed in subsection A or B of this section for a decision by the Planning Commission or City Council.
2. The Community Development Director may refer items directly to the Planning Commission when, in the Director’s opinion, the public interest would be better served by having the Planning Commission conduct design review. [Ord. 24-002 § 5 (Exh. A).]
18.23.040 Procedures.
A. Application. Applications and fees for design review shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions set forth in DMC 18.21.020, Application forms and fees.
B. Concurrent Processing. When a development project requires a use permit, variance, or any other discretionary approval, the design review application shall be submitted as a part of the application for the underlying permit, use permit, or variance.
C. Public Notice.
1. Design Review by the Planning Commission or City Council. For all projects for which the Planning Commission or City Council is the design review authority, public notice shall be provided pursuant to DMC 18.21.050, Public notice.
2. Design Review by the Community Development Director. No public notice is required for design review for projects for which the Community Development Director is the design review authority.
D. Public Hearing.
1. Design Review by the Planning Commission or City Council. All projects for which the Planning Commission or City Council is the design review authority shall require a public hearing pursuant to DMC 18.21.060, Conduct of public hearings.
2. Design Review by the Community Development Director. No public hearing is required for design review where the Community Development Director is the design review authority. [Ord. 24-002 § 5 (Exh. A).]
18.23.050 Scope of design review.
A. Design Review Considerations. Design review shall be based on consideration of the requirements of this chapter as they apply to the design of the site plan, structures, landscaping, and other physical features of a proposed project, including:
1. Building proportions, massing, and architectural details;
2. Site design, orientation, location, and architectural design of buildings relative to existing structures on or adjacent to the property, topography, and other physical features of the natural and built environment;
3. Incorporation of sustainable design features;
4. Size, location, design, development, and arrangement of on-site parking and other paved areas;
5. Exterior materials and, except in the case of design review of a single-family residence, color as they relate to each other, to the overall appearance of the project, and to surrounding development;
6. Height, materials, design, fences, walls, and screen plantings;
7. Location and type of landscaping including selection and size of plant materials, and design of hardscape; and
8. Size, location, design, color, lighting, and materials of all signs.
B. Reduction in Density. Design review shall not result in a reduction in the residential density. [Ord. 24-002 § 5 (Exh. A).]
18.23.060 Design review criteria.
When conducting design review, the review authority shall evaluate applications to ensure that they satisfy the following criteria, conform to the policies of the General Plan, any applicable specific plan, any applicable design guidelines, and are consistent with any other policies or guidelines the City Council may adopt for this purpose. To obtain design review approval, projects must satisfy the following criteria to the extent they apply:
A. The overall design of the project including its scale, massing, site plan, exterior design, and landscaping will enhance the appearance and features of the project site and surrounding natural and built environment.
B. The project design is appropriate to the function of the project and will provide an attractive and comfortable environment for occupants, visitors, and the general community.
C. Project details, materials, signage and landscaping, are internally consistent, fully integrated with one another, and used in a manner that is visually consistent with the proposed architectural design.
D. The design of streetscapes, including street trees, lighting, and pedestrian furniture, is consistent with the intended character of the area.
E. Parking areas and other hardscape areas are designed and developed to buffer surrounding land uses; complement pedestrian-oriented development; minimize stormwater run-off; and achieve a safe, efficient, and harmonious development.
F. Lighting and lighting fixtures are designed to complement buildings, be of appropriate scale, provide adequate light over walkways and parking areas to create a sense of pedestrian safety and avoid creating glare.
G. Landscaping is designed to be compatible with and enhance the architectural character and features of the buildings on site, and help relate the building to the landscape that is appropriate to the Dixon context. [Ord. 24-002 § 5 (Exh. A).]
18.23.070 Appeals – Expiration, extensions, and revisions – Revocation.
A. Appeals. Design review decisions are subject to the appeal provisions of DMC 18.21.120, Appeals.
B. Expiration, Extensions and Revisions. Design review approval is effective and may only be extended or revised as provided for in Chapter 18.21 DMC, Common Procedures.
C. Revocation. Design review approval may be revoked pursuant to DMC 18.21.110, Revocation of permits, if any of the conditions or terms of the approval are violated or if any law or ordinance is violated. [Ord. 24-002 § 5 (Exh. A).]