Chapter 8.32


8.32.010    Design and construction requirements.

8.32.050    Separate connections required.

8.32.060    Artificial sewage lift system required when.

8.32.070    Backwater protection.

8.32.080    Building sewer—Connection to public sewer.

8.32.090    Installation excavation—Protection and restoration.

8.32.100    Building sewer, side sewer, and sewer lateral—Maintenance.

8.32.120    District nonliability.

8.32.010 Design and construction requirements.

Design and construction of public sewers, building sewers and sewer laterals shall be in accordance with the standards established by the director of public works. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.32.050 Separate connections required.

Every building or industrial facility must be separately connected with a public sewer if such public sewer exists in the street upon which the property abuts or in an easement which will serve the property; however, one or more buildings located on a lot or parcel of land belonging to the same owner may be served with the same side sewer during the period of said ownership. Upon the subsequent subdivision of the lot and/or sale of the portion thereof, the portion not directly connected with such public sewer shall be separately connected with a public sewer, and it is unlawful for the owner thereof to continue to use or maintain such indirect connection. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.32.060 Artificial sewage lift system required when.

In all buildings in which the plumbing system is too low to permit gravity flow to the public sewer, sanitary sewage carried by the building sewer shall be lifted by artificial means and discharged to the public sewer at the expense of the owner. Privately owned equipment used to lift sewage shall be maintained by owners, at their expense, and in good working order at all times. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.32.070 Backwater protection.

A.    A building sewer serving fixture(s) which have flood level rim(s) less than twelve inches above the elevation of the next upstream manhole and/or flushing inlet cover at the public sewer system serving such drainage piping shall be protected from backflow of sewage.

B.    Protection from backflow shall be by means of a backwater valve approved by the public works department supplemented by an approved sewer relief valve installed with its outlet at least six inches below the flood level rim of the lowest installed drainage unit fixture. Fixtures above that elevation shall not discharge through the backwater valve without prior written approval of the public works department.

C.    The owner shall ensure that backwater protection is installed and fully operable in the building sewer or sewers serving the property owner’s real property whenever an inadequate height differential situation exists on the property.

D.    As applicable, a property owner may be required to file a certification from a licensed professional demonstrating that backwater protection as approved by the public works department has been installed and/or maintained on the property’s sewer lateral and is fully operable. This certification is subject to inspection confirmation by the district.

E.    The property owner is responsible for ensuring that backwater protection is properly maintained and functioning at all times. Backwater protection is subject to inspection by the district at any reasonable time, and failure to properly install and maintain this backwater protection may result in suspension of sewer service.

F.    The owner shall keep a record of the backwater protection maintenance history. In case of property damage due to wastewater flooding, the district will be held harmless if it is determined that backwater protection was not adequately maintained. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.32.080 Building sewer—Connection to public sewer.

The construction of the building sewer and the connection thereof into the public sewer shall be made by a licensed plumber or contractor. It shall be connected at the lateral or wye branch, if such lateral or wye branch is available. If such a wye is not available, connection method shall be as prescribed by the water and sewer utility service division. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.32.090 Installation excavation—Protection and restoration.

All excavations for a sewer installation shall be adequately guarded with barricades or lights so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets, sidewalks, parkways and other property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored to their original condition in a manner satisfactory to the district and the county or any other political subdivision having jurisdiction thereover. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.32.100 Building sewer, side sewer, and sewer lateral—Maintenance.

Except as herein provided, building sewers, side sewers, and sewer lateral(s) which serve private property shall be maintained by the owner of the property served. Each owner shall maintain their building sewer, side sewer, or lateral(s) free of displaced joints, open joints, root intrusions, grease or sediment deposits, or any similar conditions, defects, or obstructions which are likely to cause or increase the chance of a blockage at their own expense. Owners shall maintain their building sewer, side sewers, or lateral(s) to prevent the entry of groundwater or infiltration. In case of sewer laterals which join at or near the public right or way, maintenance and repair shall be performed by private property owners who utilize the lateral or their designated contractor.

Where the owner or their contractor finds grease, rags, or other nondissolvable debris in their sewer lateral, the owner or contractor shall remove the said grease, rags, or other nondissolvable debris and must not allow it to enter the public sewer. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.32.120 District nonliability.

The owner of the property, contractor and the person making the connection to the public sewer shall be obligated to hold the district, its officers, agents and employees harmless of, and from, all loss or liability which occurs or arises by reason of the installation or repair of the sewer lateral, and the opening of the easement and the backfill and restoration of the pavement, as well as damage to facilities, residences or negative environmental impact by a sanitary sewer overflow caused by construction debris or a contractor’s efforts to relieve a stoppage in a sewer lateral. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)