Title 18
ZONING Amended Ord. 1878


18.02    Gardena Zoning Law

18.04    Definitions

18.06    New and Existing Uses/Specific Plan Prohibitions

18.08    Establishment of Zones and Boundaries Amended Ord. 1878

18.10    Annexed Areas

18.12    Single-Family Residential Zone (R-1)

18.13    Accessory Dwelling Units and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units

18.14    Low-Density Multifamily Residential Zone (R-2)

18.16    Medium Density Multifamily Residential Zone (R-3)

18.18    High Density Multifamily Residential Zone (R-4)

18.18A    Very High Density Multifamily Residential Zone (R-6)

18.19    Mixed Use Overlay Zone (MUO)

18.19A    Artesia Mixed Use (AMU)

18.20    Commercial-Residential Zone (C-R)

18.21    Housing Overlays (HO-3, HO-4, HO-5, and HO-6)

18.22    Parking Zone (P)

18.24    Official Zone (O)

18.26    Business and Professional Office Zone (C-P)

18.28    Home Business Zone (H-B)

18.30    Commercial Zone (C-2)

18.32    General Commercial Zone (C-3)

18.34    Heavy Commercial Zone (C-4)

18.36    Industrial Zone (M-1)

18.38    General Industrial Zone (M-2)

18.39    Specific Plans

18.40    Off-Street Parking and Loading

18.42    General Provisions

18.43    Density Bonus and Other Incentives

18.44    Site Plan Review

18.45    Design Review

18.46    Conditional Use Permits

18.48    Variances

18.50    Administrative Adjustments

18.52    Amendments

18.54    Administration and Enforcement

18.56    Home Occupation Permits

18.57    Low Barrier Navigation Centers

18.58    Signs

18.60    Temporary Use and Temporary Event Permits for Private Property

18.62    Adult-Oriented Businesses

18.64    Amusement Devices and Arcades

18.66    Cannabis Prohibition and Personal Cultivation Regulations/Permitting

18.68    Transportation Demand Management

18.70    Wireless Facilities

18.72    Appeals

18.74    Reasonable Accommodations Policy and Procedures

18.76    Supportive Housing for Homeless as a Use by Right