Chapter 10.08


10.08.010    Special speed zones.

*    For statutory provisions authorizing cities to reduce speed limits on city streets, see Vehicle Code §22358.

10.08.010 Special speed zones.

A.    The council of the city, having determined upon the basis of an engineering and traffic survey that the vehicle speed limit of sixty-five (65) miles per hour is more than is reasonable or safe upon those streets or portions of streets hereinafter described, determines and declares the prima facie vehicle speed limits hereinafter designated for each of said described streets or portions of streets, which speed limits it finds most appropriate to facilitate the orderly movement of traffic and to be reasonable and safe, and the city engineer is directed to erect and maintain appropriate speed restriction signs, as specified by the California Vehicle Code, at the outside entrances of the restricted speed zones described in this chapter.

B.    The city council of the city, having determined upon the basis of an engineering and traffic survey that a vehicle speed limit greater than twenty-five (25) miles per hour would facilitate the orderly movement of vehicular traffic and would be reasonable and safe upon those streets, or portions of streets, hereinafter described in this subsection, determines and declares the prima facie vehicle speed limits hereinafter designated for each of said described streets, or portions of streets, and the city engineer is directed to cause to be erected and maintained appropriate speed restriction signs, as specified by the California Vehicle Code, at the outside entrances of the restricted speed zones described in this chapter.


Cherry Avenue

Western City Limits to El Camino Real

25 MPH

El Camino Real to U.S. 101

25 MPH


Walnut Avenue

12th Street to Franscioni Avenue

25 MPH

Franscioni Avenue to El Camino Real

30 MPH

El Camino Real to 3rd Street

35 MPH

3rd Street to 2nd Street

40 MPH


Apple Avenue

13th Street to El Camino Real

25 MPH

El Camino Real to Calaveras Way

25 MPH

4th Street to Thorp Avenue

30 MPH

Thorp Avenue to 2nd Street

25 MPH


Oak Avenue

13th Street to 12th Street

25 MPH

12th Street to El Camino Real

25 MPH

El Camino Real to 3rd Street

30 MPH

3rd Street to 2nd Street

35 MPH


Elm Avenue

Western City Limits to 12th Street

40 MPH

12th Street to El Camino Real

30 MPH

El Camino Real to 3rd Street

30 MPH


13th Street

Elm Avenue to Apple Avenue

35 MPH


12th Street

0.12 Miles South of Oak Avenue to Walnut Avenue

25 MPH


10th Street

Elm Avenue to Apple Avenue

25 MPH

Apple Avenue to Cherry Avenue

25 MPH


El Camino Real

Susan Lane to Elm Avenue

30 MPH

Elm Avenue to Apple Avenue

20 MPH

Apple Avenue to Cherry Avenue

30 MPH

Cherry Avenue to Thorne Avenue

40 MPH


3rd Street

Elm Avenue to Apple Avenue

30 MPH

Apple Avenue to North of Walnut Avenue

35 MPH


Tyler Avenue

El Camino Real to West End

25 MPH


Heidi Street

Elm Avenue to Tyler Avenue

25 MPH

C.    Any person who violates any speed limit established by this section is guilty of an infraction, in accordance with the California Vehicle Code. (Ord. 547 §1(Exh. A), 2020; Ord. 495 §1, 2011: Ord. 400 §1, 1997: Ord. 303 §§1, 2, 1985: Ord. 77 §1, 1961).