Chapter 1.50


1.50.010    Reporting of improper activities – Protection of whistle blowers.

1.50.010 Reporting of improper activities – Protection of whistle blowers.

A. The board has a duty to ensure that the general manager is operating the district according to law and the policies approved by the board. Board members are encouraged to fulfill their obligation to the public and the district by disclosing to the general manager, to the extent not expressly prohibited by law, improper activities within their knowledge. Board members will not interfere with the general manager’s responsibilities in identifying, investigating and correcting improper activities unless the board determines that the general manager is not properly carrying out these responsibilities. Nothing in this section affects the responsibility of the board to oversee the performance of the general manager.

B. A board member will not directly or indirectly use or attempt to use the authority or influence of his or her position for the purpose of intimidating, threatening, coercing, commanding or influencing any other person for the purpose of preventing such person from acting in good faith to report or otherwise bring to the attention of the general manager or the board any information that, if true, would constitute: a work-related violation by a board member or district employee of any law or regulation, gross waste of district funds, gross abuse of authority, a specified and substantial danger to public health or safety due to an act or omission of a district official or employee, use of a district office or position or of district resources for personal gain, or a conflict of interest of a district board member or district employee.

C. A board member will not use or threaten to use any official authority or influence to effect any action as a reprisal against a district board member or district employee who reports or otherwise brings to the attention of the general manager any information regarding the subjects described in this section. [Res. 08-18 § 1C 2045].