Chapter 3.50


3.50.010    Employee performance evaluations.

3.50.010 Employee performance evaluations.

Performance evaluations are an important tool to be used toward meeting the district’s goal of delivering services safely, effectively and efficiently. The general manager will prescribe and implement a system of assessing the work performance of employees as follows:

All employees will have his/her work evaluated in writing annually, no later than June 30th of each year. The written performance evaluation will be accompanied by a private discussion between the employee and their supervisor. The employee will be made aware, in writing, of satisfactory performance areas and what corrective actions can be taken to improve less than satisfactory performance areas. At this time, the employee will be given an opportunity to make written comments as to the evaluation. The performance evaluation will be signed by the employee, supervisor, and appropriate manager (if applicable). A signed copy shall be given to the employee and the original placed in the employee’s personnel file. [Res. 12-18 Att. A; Res. 10-13 Art. 9].