Chapter 8.20
8.20.010 Intent--Definitions.
It is the intent of this chapter to provide regulations for the storage of flammable liquids within the city. "Flammable liquids," as used in this chapter, means any liquid substance having a flash point at or below one hundred degrees Fahrenheit. (Prior code §8-401).
8.20.020 Exceptions.
A. This chapter shall not apply to the storage of flammable liquids within the city in containers of one gallon or less; provided, that not more than five such containers shall be stored upon any premises at the same time.
B. This chapter shall not apply to the storage of flammable liquids within the city in properly constructed tanks appurtenant to the operation of a stove or heating device when the same have been approved by the building inspector. (Prior code §§8-402, 8-403).
8.20.030 Containers.
It is lawful to keep and maintain upon any premises within the city, for the storage of flammable liquids, a single metal container not to exceed five gallons incapacity, meeting the specifications of the National Fire Protection Association. No permit shall be required therefor. (Prior code §8-404).
8.20.040 Storage tanks.
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the storage of flammable liquids within the city shall only be allowed in a commercial or industrial zone in an underground tank meeting the specifications of the National Fire-Protection Association and otherwise conforming all city and state laws and regulations. No underground tank shall be built or maintained therefor unless a permit has been first obtained from the building inspector. In granting a permit, the building inspector shall be governed by the standards established in this chapter. (Prior code §8-405).
8.20.050 Violation--Nuisance.
The storage of flammable liquids in violation of the provisions of this chapter or of any permit issued hereunder is declared to be unlawful and a public nuisance. (Prior code §8-406).