Chapter 10.08
10.08.010 Designation of intersections.
* For statutory provisions on the designation of stop intersections, see Vehicle Code §§21101(b), 21354 and 21355.
10.08.010 Designation of intersections.
The city council may from time to time designate intersections of streets within the city and streets along which stop signs shall be placed. Upon such designation by the city council by resolution, the sign shall be placed along the street upon which traffic is to be controlled, and at or near the entrance into the intersection and upon the right-hand side of the street upon which traffic is to be controlled, a sign bearing the word "STOP" in plain letters. (Ord. 90-11 §2, 1990: Ord. 15(part), 1946).
10.08.020 Stop required.
From and after the passage of such resolutions and the placing of the signs, it shall be unlawful for any operator of any motor vehicle operating a motor vehicle upon the streets upon which the signs have been placed, to enter into the intersection immediately next to the sign after passing the sign without coming to a full stop before entering into the intersection. (Ord. 15 (part), 1946).
10.08.030 Violation--Penalty.
Any person violating the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for not more than ninety days, or both. (Ord. 15 (part), 1946).