Chapter 12.08
12.08.030 Certificate of insurance.
* For statutory provisions authorizing cities to prevent encroachments and obstructions on public ways, see Gov. Code §38775.
12.08.010 Generally.
It is unlawful for any persons to make any excavation or dig any trench or remove or destroy in any way any curb, gutter, sidewalk or street pavement; or alter or tear up the surface; or install any sidewalk, curb, gutter, driveway approach, drainage well, street or alley pavement, sewer, pipeline, conduit, pole, tank or anything else in or upon any public street, highway, thoroughfare, alley, sidewalk, or other public place in the city without first receiving a permit from the director of public works and filing the bond and certificate or certificates of insurance specified in this chapter. At the discretion of the director of public works, the director may issue a written waiver of the provisions of this chapter for work done pursuant to a contract let therefor by the city or for work done with respect to a public utility service installation or maintenance when such work is done on streets prior to the installation of street surfacing. (Ord. 11-06 §2 (Exh. A(part)), 2011: Prior code §10-601).
12.08.020 Bond.
No permit shall be issued for the performance of any such work until the applicant shall have filed with the city a corporate faithful performance or license bond and/or any other security acceptable by the city in a sum as determined by the city engineer. The bond shall be conditioned on the faithful performance of the work for which the permit is to be issued in accordance with the laws of the city and the state of California pertaining thereto. Public utilities shall be exempt from the requirements of this section. (Ord. 11-06 §2 (Exh. A(part)), 2011: Prior code §10-602).
12.08.030 Certificate of insurance.
A. No permit shall be issued for the performance of any such work until the applicant shall have filed with the city satisfactory evidence of an insurance policy written upon a form and by a company which meets with the approval of the city insuring city and its officers, agents and employees against loss or liability which may arise during the work or which may result from any of the work herein required to be done, including all costs of defending any claim arising as a result thereof. The minimum limits of such policy shall be in the amount of one million dollars for the death of or injury to any person in any one accident, two million dollars for the death of or injury to more than one person in any one accident and three hundred thousand dollars for property damage in any one accident. Said policy as required by the encroachment permit shall include coverage for underground explosion and collapse. Said policy shall be in favor of the applicant and shall name city and its officers, agents and employees as additional insureds and shall be maintained in full force and effect during the life of the permit. Said policy shall state by its terms and by an endorsement that said policy shall not be canceled until city shall have had at least thirty days’ notice in writing of such cancellation.
B. Public utilities shall be exempt from the requirements of this section. (Ord. 11-06 §2 (Exh. A(part)), 2011: Prior code §10-603).