Division 7. Zoning Code Administration
Chapter 17.110
17.110.030 Planning commission.
17.110.040 Community development director.
17.110.050 Development review committee (DRC).
17.110.060 Administrative responsibility overview.
17.110.010 Purpose.
The persons and entities designated in this chapter shall be responsible for the administration and implementation of this zoning code. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.110.020 City council.
The powers and responsibilities of the city council as the legislative body under this zoning code include but are not limited to the following:
A. Adopt and amend the zoning map and the text of this zoning code following a public hearing and recommended action by the commission.
B. Initiate new community and specific plans and updates to the general plan.
C. Initiate the rezoning of property.
D. Consider and make decisions on land use entitlements.
E. Hear and decide appeals from decisions of the director or commission on conditional use permits, variances, and any other permits that can be appealed pursuant to this zoning code.
F. When decisions or interpretations of the commission are appealed, the city council is the final decision-making body. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.110.030 Planning commission.
A. The commission shall be the hearing body vested with the authority to approve, approve with conditions, modify, revoke, or deny a development application for a planning division permit, including variance permits, development plan, conditional use permits, land divisions, and environmental studies and reports.
B. The commission shall serve as an appellate body for all permit decisions made by the director and for all interpretations of this zoning code made by the director.
C. The commission shall be the original hearing body to recommend approval or denial of the zoning code text amendments and zone map amendments (rezones) to the council. The commission shall also regularly review development agreements and report their findings and recommendations to the council. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.110.040 Community development director.
The director shall be the administrative head of the planning division. The director is vested with the authority to approve or deny ministerial permits including: administrative use permits, temporary use permits, home occupation permits, site plan review permits, minor deviation permits, and sign permits; interpret the zoning code; enforce the provisions of the zoning code and other codes and statutes regarding the use of land and structures; prepare the application forms for planning permits and carry out other duties as directed by this zoning code or council. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.110.050 Development review committee (DRC).
A. Development Review Committee (DRC) Established. The city shall establish and maintain a development review committee (DRC), an advisory body, to review and recommend actions and conditions on development applications when deemed necessary by the director, for either discretionary or ministerial permits.
B. Composition and Number of Members. The DRC shall consist of any three or more members, as follows:
1. Chief building official;
2. City engineer;
3. Fire marshal;
4. Public works director;
5. Parks, recreation, and community services director;
6. A representative from the police department; and
7. A representative from any other state agency, school district, or utility service district.
C. Actions and Responsibilities.
1. The DRC shall review development applications for either discretionary or ministerial permits and provide the director with a recommendation to modify or modify with conditions, of such applications for a permit.
2. The DRC shall be an advisory body with no decision making authority.
D. Rules and Procedures. The director may adopt rules of procedure for the DRC. A quorum shall not be required for a DRC. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.110.060 Administrative responsibility overview.
Type of Action |
Role of Authority |
Director |
Commission |
Council |
Minor Deviation |
Approves/Denies |
Appellate Body |
Appellate Body (Second Appeal) |
Director Interpretation and Classification of Use (see Chapter 17.04--Interpretation of the Zoning Code) |
Approves/Denies |
Appellate Body |
Appellate Body (Second Appeal) |
Home Occupation Permit |
Approves/Denies |
Appellate Body |
Appellate Body (Second Appeal) |
Site Plan Review Permit |
Approves/Denies |
Appellate Body |
Appellate Body (Second Appeal) |
Conditional Use Permit |
Reviews and Makes Recommendations |
Approves/Denies |
Appellate Body |
Administrative Use Permit |
Approves/Denies |
Appellate Body |
Appellate Body (Second Appeal) |
Variance Permit |
Reviews and Makes Recommendations |
Approves/Denies |
Appellate Body |
Development Plan Permit |
Reviews and Makes Recommendations |
Approves/Denies |
Appellate Body |
Zoning Code Text Amendment |
Reviews and Makes Recommendations |
Reviews and Makes Recommendations |
Approves/Denies |
Rezone (Zoning Map Amendment) |
Reviews and Makes Recommendations |
Reviews and Makes Recommendations |
Approves/Denies |
Sign Permit |
Approves/Denies |
Appellate Body |
Appellate Body (Second Appeal) |
General Plan Amendment |
Reviews and Makes Recommendations |
Reviews and Makes Recommendations |
Approves/Denies |
(Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).