Chapter 17.44
17.44.020 Manufactured housing.
17.44.040 Agricultural land use.
17.44.050 Acoustical analysis.
17.44.070 Projections into required yards.
17.44.100 Distances between structures.
17.44.120 Trash storage areas.
17.44.130 Design – Detached single-family dwelling.
17.44.140 Design – Attached single-family and multiple-family dwellings.
17.44.150 Circulation patterns.
17.44.010 Intent.
The following general provisions are intended to apply to all projects within the City of Lake Elsinore regardless of zoning district. However, these standards shall take precedence only when a specific zoning district regulation does not specify greater or more restrictive criteria. Where a provision is expressed as a design guideline, said provision shall be a principal factor in the consideration of any project and subsequent approval(s). [Ord. 772 § 17.14.010, 1986. Code 1987 § 17.14.010].
17.44.020 Manufactured housing.
A. Definition. “Manufactured home” or “manufactured housing” shall include mobilehomes and refer to all housing units built in a factory in one or more sections to the specifications of the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, transported over the highways to a permanent occupancy site, and installed on the site with a permanent foundation.
B. Locations. Manufactured housing shall be a permitted use in those areas of the City which meet the following requirements.
1. Single-family dwellings are permitted by the underlying zone.
2. Contain vacant lots compatible with manufactured housing use by reason of size and existing residential development.
C. Design Approval Required. Each manufactured home installed on an existing lot in a designated area shall be reviewed for compliance with the development standards for the zoning district in which it is located and with applicable design guidelines.
D. Standards. Each manufactured home shall comply with all of the development standards of the applicable zoning district in which it is proposed to be located and meet the following additional minimum standards:
1. Each manufactured home shall be certified under the National Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974.
2. Each manufactured home shall be placed on a permanent foundation system approved by the Director of Community Development or Chief Building Official.
3. The exterior shall be of a material similar to that utilized in conventionally built single-family dwellings.
4. The roof shall be of a material similar to that utilized in conventionally built single-family dwellings, have an eave and gable overhang of not less than 12 inches measured from the vertical side of the manufactured home and have a pitch not less than that required for conventionally built single-family homes.
5. An enclosed garage shall be provided which is similar to that provided for single-family dwellings and the exterior siding and roof materials shall be the same as the manufactured home. [Ord. 1415 § 3 (Exh. D § 1), 2019; Ord. 772 § 17.14.020, 1986. Code 1987 § 17.14.020].
17.44.030 Temporary uses.
The following temporary uses may be permitted upon review and conditional approval by the Director of Community Development.
A. On-site model homes and temporary real estate offices.
B. Temporary on-site construction offices/facilities.
C. Temporary living quarters during construction of residential dwelling units provided all required building permits are maintained in effect and work is diligently pursued.
D. Continued use of an existing building during site preparation or construction of a new building.
E. On-site real estate signs, future development signs and subdivision directory signs in conformance with Chapter 17.196 LEMC, Signs – Advertising Structures.
The above uses shall be approved for a specified period of time, not to exceed one year, and a performance bond may be required to remove any structures at the end of the approved period of use. [Ord. 772 § 17.14.030, 1986. Code 1987 § 17.14.030].
17.44.040 Agricultural land use.
In any district, the use of the land for horticultural uses may be permitted to continue subject to a use permit pursuant to the provisions of LEMC 17.415.070 until such time as the property is developed in accordance with the provisions of the district. [Ord. 1415 § 3 (Exh. D § 2), 2019; Ord. 772 § 17.14.040, 1986. Code 1987 § 17.14.040].
17.44.050 Acoustical analysis.
Within all residential structures, noise levels from exterior sources shall be mitigated so as not to exceed an interior CNEL level of 45 dBA with windows closed. To ensure that this standard is complied with, the following requirements shall apply:
A. For projects consisting of four or more single-family dwellings or any number of multiple-family dwellings, proposed to be located in an area where the noise level from any source has the potential to exceed a CNEL of 65 dBA, an acoustical analysis, including on-site monitoring prior to building final, shall be performed by an engineer specializing in acoustics.
B. For projects consisting of four or more single-family dwellings or any number of multiple-family dwellings, proposed to be located in an area where the noise level from any source has the potential to exceed a CNEL of between 55 and 65 dBA, the developer shall provide verification on the structural drawings for building permit, by an engineer specializing in acoustics, that the buildings will comply with the City’s 45 dBA CNEL interior noise level requirement.
C. For any project where residents may be subjected to an intermittent single event noise source which, through irregular in occurrence, may cause an interior noise level of greater than 45 dBA and therefore prove to be a nuisance, the Planning Commission, pursuant to design review approval, may require the mitigation measures contained in either subsection (A) or (B) of this section. [Ord. 772 § 17.14.050, 1986. Code 1987 § 17.14.050].
17.44.060 Landscaping.
All landscaping shall be maintained in good condition and adequately irrigated for as long as the use of the property continues. [Ord. 853 § 1, 1989; Ord. 772 § 17.14.060, 1986. Code 1987 § 17.14.060].
17.44.070 Projections into required yards.
Subject to the applicable design review approval, roof overhangs and decorative architectural features such as fireplaces, bay windows, and similar elements may project a maximum of two feet into any required yard setbacks. Structural features such as exposed staircases and balconies may encroach a maximum of four feet into any required side and rear yard setbacks. However, in no case shall any projection encroach closer than three feet to a property line. [Ord. 772 § 17.14.070, 1986. Code 1987 § 17.14.070].
17.44.080 Fences and walls.
A. Height. The required height of all side and rear property line fences or walls shall be a minimum of six feet. However, along a major arterial the Planning Commission, pursuant to design review approval, may require a minimum fence or wall height of eight feet. In required front yards, the maximum height of a fence or wall shall be 36 inches; with the exception that wrought-iron fences may be five feet in height. The height of fences and walls shall be determined as measured from the highest grade elevation on either side of the fence or wall.
B. Materials. All tract perimeter walls and/or any wall adjacent to any principal street identified in the General Plan Circulation Element shall be constructed of decorative masonry block unless otherwise approved by the Design Review Board. However, nothing contained within this section is intended to preclude the Planning Commission from requiring similar walls under other circumstances.
C. All walls in excess of eight feet in total height shall require specific approval of the Planning Commission. [Ord. 853 § 1, 1989; Ord. 772 § 17.14.080, 1986. Code 1987 § 17.14.080].
17.44.090 Rear treatment.
In order to improve the appearance of a project from adjacent rights-of-way, the rear elevation of any unit facing a right-of-way shall receive special architectural enhancement. [Ord. 772 § 17.14.090, 1986. Code 1987 § 17.14.090].
17.44.100 Distances between structures.
Where there is more than one structure on a site, the minimum distance between a structure used for human habitation and another structure shall be 10 feet; provided, however, that an unenclosed, trellis-type cover may be used to connect the structures. [Ord. 772 § 17.14.100, 1986. Code 1987 § 17.14.100].
17.44.110 Mailboxes.
Curbside mailboxes for single-family dwellings and communal mailboxes for multiple-family or condominium projects shall be installed pursuant to the design standard on file with the Department of Building and Safety. The location of all mailboxes shall be reviewed with the Planning Department prior to installation. Common-collection mailboxes should be located in decorative housings which incorporate similar materials, colors, and texture utilized on the main buildings. The area for the mailboxes should be of sufficient size to enable residents to pick up or deposit mail without having to encroach upon landscaping, walks, or parking. [Ord. 772 § 17.14.110, 1986. Code 1987 § 17.14.110].
17.44.120 Trash storage areas.
Trash enclosures shall be constructed pursuant to the City’s standard design on file with the Department of Building and Safety. In addition, the following shall apply:
A. Multifamily Projects. Enclosures shall be provided based on a ratio of one three-cubic-yard contained enclosure for each eight dwelling units. Enclosures shall be placed in a location convenient to the dwelling unit(s) it is intended to serve; in no case, however, shall the enclosure be located further than 100 feet from the associated unit(s). A decorative trellis work or other approved screening shall be incorporated into the design of any enclosure located within 25 feet of a two-story building having windows overlooking the enclosure.
B. Attached Single-Family Projects. Where there is not direct access to a yard area and trash containers may have to be carried through the dwelling unit, then a space shall be provided in the garage with a minimum area of eight square feet, and said area shall not encroach upon the required parking space. [Ord. 772 § 17.14.120, 1986. Code 1987 § 17.14.120].
17.44.130 Design – Detached single-family dwelling.
A. Siting. Detached single-family dwellings should be designed and sited to conform to the natural terrain as much as possible and to take advantage of views. In tracts, houses should be located on their lots so as to create interest and varying vistas as a person moves along the street. In order to prevent a tract from exhibiting a row-house effect, no more than two adjacent residences should have the same setback; and the minimum setback variation should be three feet. Care should be exercised that no house is located in such a manner to create an objectionable overview which invades the privacy of an adjoining unit.
B. Architecture. The City encourages variations of architectural theme. However, it shall be the responsibility of the designer to coordinate the design with adjacent developments so that the design does not conflict with the character of the neighborhood as a whole. Within a tract, architectural styles should remain uniform.
Material changes within a building shall be offset in plane or an entirely different design element. Detailing of construction elements is another important consideration. For example, exterior metal portions of the structure (i.e., vent pipes and fleshings) should be painted to blend with the adjacent roof or wall material. In addition, the vent pipes should be consolidated where possible by design. Also, thought should be given to locating mechanical units in some area other than the roof. Where units are located on the roof, then the units shall be screened in manner that is architecturally integrated with the design of the house.
C. Colors and Materials. No project should use the same color from house to house, however, no one structure should be at such variance with its neighbors that it detracts from the character of the street as a whole.
D. Fencing.
1. In new subdivisions or developments of four or more units a solid block wall a minimum of six feet in height shall be provided along side and rear lot lines of less than 12,000 square feet to provide privacy and screening.
2. On infill development of less than four units a solid wooden fence, a minimum of six feet in height, shall be provided along side and rear lot lines to provide privacy and screening, unless adjacent to a street right-of-way where a block wall is required as specified in subsection (D)(3) of this section. When there is an existing well-maintained fence, new fencing requirements may be waived.
3. Adjacent to a street right-of-way required fences shall be constructed of decorative block, brick, or stucco, or similar decorative masonry material.
4. Wrought iron fencing or combination block and wrought iron fencing may be utilized in place of the fences required above to preserve views or provide greater openness.
5. The Planning Commission at design review may approve alternative fencing materials along interior lot lines where a block wall is required (per subsection (D)(1) of this section) provided the proposed wood fence is a minimum of six feet in height and incorporates the following construction design style and siting characteristics:
a. A galvanized steel post at least at every eight feet on center with appropriate foundation;
b. A box-framed wood fence style with overlapping vertical (or horizontal) members (plants) to avoid gaps in the fencing;
c. Wood fence shall be painted (a neutral color) or treated on both sides to protect from weatherization;
d. Wood fence shall not be significantly visible or adjacent to the public right-of-way;
(1) Except fencing between dwellings visible from the front yard which may be permitted;
(2) Wood fencing on rear and side lot lines in a hillside development (terraced or layered lots) shall not be permitted when the lot lines are located atop slopes in excess of six feet high and would be significantly visible from a right-of-way;
(3) Any fencing that would normally be out of view on interior side and rear property lines but due to development phasing will be in plain view from a public right-of-way for a period longer than 90 days shall be either masonry or wrought iron style construction or a combination thereof.
6. The Planning Commission may waive fencing requirements in hillside areas where side and/or rear lot line slope is extremely severe and it can be shown that fencing will serve no purpose.
E. Roofing. All new dwelling units, and dwelling units which are completely reroofed, shall utilize roofing materials with a minimum Class “A” fire rating.
F. Design Approval Required. Each detached single-family home installed on an existing lot in a designated area shall be reviewed for compliance with the development standards for the zoning district in which it is located and with applicable design guidelines. [Ord. 1415 § 3 (Exh. D §§ 3 – 5), 2019; Ord. 1000 § 1, 1995; Ord. 962, 1993; Ord. 853 § 1, 1989; Ord. 772 § 17.14.130, 1986. Code 1987 § 17.14.130].
17.44.140 Design – Attached single-family and multiple-family dwellings.
The City of Lake Elsinore subscribes to the belief that attached housing can be interesting and attractive and represent an alternative housing form which offers its own distinctive amenities. The following development concepts shall be complied with by all attached single-family and multiple-family developments in order to ensure attainment of these goals.
A. Siting. Units that are clumped in square monotonous buildings offer neither privacy nor attractive styling. Therefore, building orientations and setbacks should be varied to create changing vistas and to break up the impact of long building lengths. Whenever possible, end units should be single story to lower the overall scale of the building.
B. Architecture. Exterior treatments should be innovative and varied and employ much the same materials, elements, and features to be found in single-family detached units. Roof and wall planes should vary not only on the unit but also between units. Pitched roofs should be used in lieu of flat roofs as they are more interesting and can lend detached character to a project. To prevent a “tunnel” effect from being created around entries, the second story portion of any unit adjacent to the entry should be set back from the edge of the one-story roof.
C. Privacy. Front and back walls should be staggered to block views from unit to unit. Front doors should be prominent yet separate to give units individual entry identity and yet provide privacy. Landscaped walkways and thoughtful uses of fencing and trellises should also be used to make doorways and courtyards more private. Consideration for privacy should also extend to upper floors where juxtaposition of walls, wing walls, railings and similar architectural treatments can provide the necessary separation and buffering.
D. Noise Intrusion. Care should be exercised that elements such as parking areas (whether covered or open) and recreation areas are adequately separated or buffered through design or architectural treatment to prevent impact on living areas of adjacent units.
E. Fencing. Where the yard area of a unit adjoins common open space, fences and walls should be designed to use materials which are open (wrought-iron, etc.) and permit the occupant to view and enjoy the common area.
F. Roofing. All new dwelling units, and dwelling units which are completely reroofed, shall utilize roofing materials with a minimum Class “A” fire rating.
G. Parking Structures. Parking structures should receive the same architectural consideration as the main living units and exhibit the use of similar materials, colors, and textures. The design threshold for freestanding carports should be rough-sawn wood framing with crushed-tile roofing. All required parking should be located within 100 feet of the unit it is intended to serve.
H. Recreation Areas. Recreation areas should be of sufficient size and shape to be practical and generally acceptable for the intended facilities. The area should be centrally located and be a predominant visual feature within the project. Good visibility is especially important with regards to the location of children’s play areas. All recreational areas, however, should be located so as to provide adequate separation between the facilities and conflicting uses such as parking, drive aisles, or impacting uses on adjacent properties, so as to be conveniently accessible from any portion of the project. In addition, the location should provide adequate separation for the facility from conflicting uses such as parking, drive aisles, or impacting uses on adjacent properties. [Ord. 772 § 17.14.140, 1986. Code 1987 § 17.14.140].
17.44.150 Circulation patterns.
Local residential street patterns should be encouraged to be indirect and to create identifiable access to minimize through traffic on residential neighborhood streets, thus promoting safety and high levels of psychological security. Even the smallest of subdivisions should use cul-de-sacs, loop streets, motor courts, common or private courts to increase the richness of inlying neighborhoods.
Streets should not directly connect through a subdivision but provide indirect access. Residential streets which connect higher order streets often become shortcuts, thereby increasing the traffic load on purely residential streets and impairing residential identity and security. An indirect local street system also can have a real effect on crime reduction as strange vehicles or persons are noticed and police have the advantage in pursuit and apprehension.
Intersections should be avoided at curves, being better placed on tangents. The total number of intersections should be minimized. [Ord. 772 § 17.14.150, 1986. Code 1987 § 17.14.150].