Chapter 2-85


2-85-010    Purpose.

2-85-020    Uses permitted.

2-85-030    Uses permitted with conditional use permit approval.

2-85-040    Minimum lot specifications.

2-85-050    Site development regulations.

2-85-060    Site plan and design review.

2-85-010 Purpose.

The purpose of the South Livermore Valley – Agricultural zoning district, hereinafter designated as SLV-AG, is to implement the Agriculture Viticulture General Plan designation. The district will provide for uses and development standards that enhance and support agriculture, viticulture, and related wine country commercial uses. This designation protects existing viticultural and cultured agricultural uses, and provides space for and encourages such uses in places where more intensive development is not desirable or necessary for the general welfare. This district should be used in areas where the urban designation of the South Livermore Valley Specific Plan is not applicable.

Land shall be zoned to the SLV-AG district to reflect:

A. The actual use of the land at the time of adoption of this chapter;

B. The best use of the land based on soil type, location, and surrounding land uses;

C. Land intended by the city not to be converted to urban use in the foreseeable future;

D. Land found not suitable for urban use due to environmental constraints and natural or other hazards associated with the land;

E. Land having resources found to be in the public interest to preserve; and

F. Land found inappropriate for the density bonus provisions of Chapter 2-79 LPZC, PD-AG – Planned Development – Agriculture District. (Ord. 1580 § 1, 2000; Ord. 442 § 19.55.010)

2-85-020 Uses permitted.

The following principle uses are permitted in an SLV-AG district subject to approval of a zoning use permit and other prerequisite permits, and conformance to all applicable regulations set forth in this chapter, and elsewhere in this code.

A. One single-family dwelling per lot, parcel, or site;

B. Buildings and structures normally related to permitted agricultural uses as listed in this section and LPZC 2-85-030;

C. Grazing of horses or cattle, noncommercial breeding, or training of horses;

D. The raising of field crops, fruit and nut trees, vines, vegetables, horticulture specialties, livestock, and poultry;

E. Boutique winery (100 to 5,000 cases) or boutique olive mill (100 to 5,000 gallons), including indoor retail sales of processed products produced on-site and related products provided the retail sales portion shall not exceed 20 percent of the winery or olive mill building area;

F. Small winery (5,000 to 10,000 cases) on parcels greater than 10 acres;

G. Incidental and accessory structures and uses located on the same site as a permitted use; and

H. Signs, subject to the general provisions of Chapter 3-45 LPZC and Section 12.3.5 of the Specific Plan. (Ord. 1580 § 1, 2000; Ord. 442 § 19.55.020)

2-85-030 Uses permitted with conditional use permit approval.

The following are conditional uses and shall be permitted in an SLV-AG district subject to the approval of a conditional use permit.

A. Retail sales of products grown on the premises, from a retail facility not exceeding 400 square feet in floor area;

B. Agricultural processing (not associated with on-site winery or olive mill) and warehousing and storage of farm products;

C. Killing and dressing of poultry, rabbits, and other small livestock raised on the premises, but not including an abattoir for sheep, cattle, or hogs;

D. One caretaker’s residence not to exceed 1,200 square feet;

E. Cemeteries, kennels, golf courses, camping and picnicking areas, riding stables;

F. Veterinarians, animal hospitals, and the commercial boarding and training of horses, dogs, and related animals;

G. Bed and breakfast establishment;

H. Public or quasi-public uses;

I. One secondary dwelling unit per LPZC 3-10-020 except size may be increased up to 1,200 square feet and LPZC 3-10-020(B)(2)(a) shall not apply;

J. Wineries larger than a boutique and small winery per LPZC 2-85-020(E) and (F), including indoor retail sales of processed products produced on-site and related products, provided the retail sales do not exceed a maximum of 20 percent of the building area; or larger olive mills (greater than 5,000 gallons), including indoor retail sales of processed products produced on-site and related products, provided the retail sales do not exceed a maximum of 20 percent of the building area;

K. Winery or olive mill related uses, including on-site food preparation and sales, restaurant or delicatessen, non-wine-related retail sales, outdoor facilities for commercial food service or entertainment;

L. Restaurant, with seated service only, and a maximum of 49 permanent indoor seats, that features agricultural products of the South Livermore Valley Area; and

M. Bicycle rental not to exceed 50 bicycles. (Ord. 1580 § 1, 2000; Ord. 442 § 19.55.021)

2-85-040 Minimum lot specifications.

Any existing lot, parcel, or site zoned SLV-AG shall be considered a lot of record and may be developed or utilized in accordance with applicable regulations. No lot, parcel, or site shall be subdivided nor shall property lines be otherwise revised except in conformance with the following regulations:

A. Minimum Lot Size. One hundred acres.

B. Minimum Street Frontage. One hundred feet. (Ord. 1580 § 1, 2000; Ord. 442 § 19.55.030)

2-85-050 Site development regulations.

A. Yard Requirements. The following minimum requirements shall be observed for all structures, except where noted otherwise:

1. Front Yard. Thirty feet.

2. Side Yard. Twenty feet.

3. Rear Yard. Fifty feet.

4. The construction of buildings for the conduct of agricultural activities or the exterior conduct of any agricultural use which involves the keeping of animals, other than grazing in open pasture, shall have a minimum setback of 50 feet adjacent to any R, E, or C zoning district or areas designated for residential, commercial, or educational/institutional uses.

5. Incidental and accessory structures should be constructed in conformance with the standards set forth in LPZC 3-05-150.

B. Maximum Site Coverage. Twenty percent.

C. Height Regulations. No principal building shall exceed 40 feet in height. The maximum building height for agricultural-related and public structures may be increased up to 100 feet upon approval of a conditional use permit.

D. Private Street and Driveway Standards. Per LPZC 2-79-110. (Ord. 1580 § 1, 2000; Ord. 442 § 19.55.040 – 19.55.043)

2-85-060 Site plan and design review.

Before a building permit is issued for any new structure, or a grading permit for grading, the property owner shall obtain site plan approval under Chapter 4-10 LPZC and design review under LPZC 5-05-110 through 5-05-190. In addition to any requirements under Chapter 4-10 LPZC, the site plan approval for property within this SLV-AG district may include development conditions not limited to building design and arrangement, circulation, access, lighting, fencing, landscaping and screening, and maintenance of common areas. (Ord. 1580 § 1, 2000; Ord. 442 § 19.55.044)