Chapter 13.01


13.01.010    Purpose.

13.01.020    Definitions.

13.01.030    Decrease of prima facie speed limits.

13.01.040    Speed limits in business activity districts.

13.01.050    Prima facie speed limits established by engineering and traffic survey.

13.01.060    Installation of signs giving notice of declared speed limits.

13.01.010 Purpose.

(a)    The state of California has asserted broad authority over, and a statewide interest in, the entire field of regulating vehicles and traffic, as set forth in the California Vehicle Code, Section 21.

(b)    The state has established a set of prima facie speed limits applicable to various classes of roadway types, districts and locations (see California Vehicle Code Sections 22348 through 22366). In California Vehicle Code Sections 22357 and 22358, the state has expressly authorized the city to establish declared speed limits that differ from the prima facie speed limits set under state law, if, based on engineering and traffic surveys, the declared speed limit would facilitate the orderly movement of vehicles and traffic, and would be reasonable and safe.

(c)    The intent of this chapter is to implement the city’s authority to establish declared speed limits when supported by engineering and traffic surveys and to respond to safety and use of the road by people driving, walking, and bicycling. (Ord. 1114 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024).

13.01.020 Definitions.

(a)    "Declared speed limit" means the speed limits for individual streets and roadway segments determined and declared by the city council in accordance with this chapter, as authorized by the California Vehicle Code. The term "declared speed limit" (as used in this chapter) shall include the "declared prima facie speed limit" or "maximum speed limit" (as used in California Vehicle Code Section 22357), or the "prima facie speed limit" (as used in California Vehicle Code Sections 22358, 22358.3 and 22358.4).

(b)    "Director" means the public works director, or a designee of the public works director or the city manager.

(c)    "Prima facie speed limits" means the default speed limits for streets and highways established under California state law, as generally set forth in the California Vehicle Code, particularly Section 22348 et seq., unless amended under this chapter.

(d)    "Safety corridors" means streets as defined in California Vehicle Code Section 22358.7.

(e)    "Business activity districts" means downtown and neighborhood commercial areas as defined in California Vehicle Code Section 22358.9. (Ord. 1114 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024).

13.01.030 Decrease of prima facie speed limits.

(a)    The city council may determine and declare speed limits lower than the prima facie speed limits for any particular street or roadway segment if the city council determines, upon the basis of an engineering and traffic survey, that the prima facie speed limit is more than is reasonable or safe, and that the declared speed limit is most appropriate to facilitate the orderly movement of traffic, and is reasonable and safe.

(b)    The city council may determine and declare speed limits lower than the speed limit identified by an engineering and traffic survey by reducing speeds by an additional five (5) miles per hour in areas defined as a "safety corridor" or near land uses that generate a high concentration of pedestrians and bicyclists (California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 22358.7). Accordingly, no person shall drive a vehicle at a speed greater than the declared speed limit for the street segment:

Street or Roadway Segment

CVC Section

Declared Speed Limit

Alpine Road—Santa Cruz Ave to City Limits (County)

22358.6, 22358.7

30 mph

Bay Road—Marsh Rd to Ringwood Ave


25 mph

Bay Road—Ringwood Ave to Van Buren Rd


25 mph

Chilco Street—Constitution Dr to Terminal Ave


30 mph

Constitution Drive—Independence Dr to Chilco St


30 mph

Middle Avenue—Olive St to University Dr


25 mph

Middle Avenue—University Dr to El Camino Real


25 mph

Middlefield Road—City Limits (Atherton) to City Limits (Palo Alto)

22358.6, 22358.7

30 mph

O’Brien Drive—Willow Rd to Kavanaugh Dr

22358.6, 22358.7

25 mph

O’Brien Drive—Kavanaugh Dr to University Ave

22358.6, 22358.7

25 mph

Olive Street—Santa Cruz Ave to Middle Ave

22358.6, 22358.7

25 mph

Ravenswood Ave—Laurel St to Middlefield Rd


25 mph

Sand Hill Road—Hwy 280 to Monte Rosa Dr

22358.6, 22358.7

35 mph

Sand Hill Road—Monte Rosa Dr to Sharon Park Dr

22358.6, 22358.7

35 mph

Sand Hill Road—Sharon Park Dr to City Limits (Palo Alto)


30 mph

Santa Cruz Avenue—City Limits (County) to Avy Ave/Orange Ave


25 mph

Santa Cruz Avenue—Avy Ave/ Orange Ave to Olive St


25 mph

Santa Cruz Avenue—Olive St to Johnson St


25 mph

Valparaiso Avenue—City Limits (County) to Cotton St


30 mph

Valparaiso Avenue—Cotton St to El Camino Real


25 mph

(Ord. 1114 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024).

13.01.040 Speed limits in business activity districts.

The city council may determine and declare speed limits of 20 or 25 miles per hour in "business activity districts," as defined by California Vehicle Code (CVC) 22358.9.

Accordingly, no person shall drive a vehicle at a speed greater than the declared speed limit for the street segment:

Street or Roadway Segment

CVC Section

Declared Speed Limit

Menlo Avenue—University Dr to El Camino Real


20 mph

Santa Cruz Avenue—Johnson St to El Camino Real


20 mph

Santa Cruz Avenue—El Camino Real to Merrill St


20 mph

Oak Grove Avenue—University Dr to Alma St


20 mph

(Ord. 1114 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024).

13.01.050 Prima facie speed limits established by engineering and traffic survey.

The city council hereby determines and declares, in accordance with this chapter, that the declared speed limits for the following streets or roadway segments shall be as set forth in this section. No person shall drive a vehicle at a speed greater than the declared speed limit for the street segment:

Street or Roadway Segment

CVC Section

Declared Speed Limit

Alma Street—Oak Grove Ave to Ravenswood Ave


25 mph

Alma Street—Ravenswood Ave to East Creek Dr


25 mph

Avy Avenue—Cloud Ave to Santa Cruz Ave


25 mph

Avy Avenue—Altschul Ave to Monte Rosa Dr


25 mph

Coleman Avenue—Willow Rd to City Limits


25 mph

Encinal Avenue—El Camino Real to City Limits


25 mph

Hamilton Avenue—Chilco St to Willow Rd


25 mph

Haven Avenue—City Limit to Bayfront Expressway


30 mph

Ivy Drive—Chilco St to Willow Rd


25 mph

Laurel Street—Ravenswood Ave to Burgess Dr


25 mph

Marsh Road—City Limit to US-101


35 mph

Oak Grove Avenue—Alma St to Middlefield Rd


25 mph

Ravenswood Avenue—El Camino Real to Laurel St


25 mph

Sharon Park Drive—Monte Rosa Dr to Sand Hill Rd


25 mph

University Drive—Valparaiso Ave to Santa Cruz Ave


25 mph

University Drive—Santa Cruz Ave to Middle Ave


25 mph

Willow Road—Alma St to Middlefield Rd


25 mph

Willow Road—Middlefield Rd to Coleman Ave


25 mph

Willow Road—Coleman Ave to US-101


25 mph

(Ord. 1114 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024).

13.01.060 Installation of signs giving notice of declared speed limits.

The public works director, or their designee, is hereby authorized and directed to erect signs giving notice of the declared speed limits established under this chapter. (Ord. 1114 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024).