The statutory references listed below refer the code user to state statutes applicable to California cities. They are current through June 2023. (NOTE: The list of references includes references applicable to cities, generally; certain references may be applicable solely to chartered cities and others may not be applicable to chartered cities.)

General Provisions

Accessory dwelling units.

Gov’t Code § 65852.150 et seq.

Administrative fines and penalties.

Gov’t Code § 53069.4

Alternative forms of government.

Gov’t Code § 34851 et seq.

Authority to adopt, amend, revise or repeal city charters.

Cal. Const. Art. XI, § 3 et seq.

Citations for infractions and misdemeanors.

Penal Code §§ 853.5853.85

Classifications of cities.

Gov’t Code §§ 3410034102

Code adoption.

Gov’t Code §§ 50022.150022.10

Conflict of interest code.

Gov’t Code § 87100 et seq.


Gov’t Code §§ 34050 and 36503 and Elec. Code §§ 1301, 9200 et seq., and 10100 et seq.

Expedited judicial review of First Amendment cases.

Civ. Proc. Code § 1094.8

False petitions.

Gov’t Code § 34093

General powers.

Gov’t Code § 37100 et seq. and Cal. Const. Art. XI, § 7


Gov’t Code §§ 36901, 3690336904

Initiative and referendum.

Cal. Const. Art. XI, § 7.5 and Elec. Code §§ 9200 et seq., and 9235 et seq.

Judicial review of city decisions.

Civ. Proc. Code § 1094.6


Gov’t Code § 36900 et seq.

Penalties for ordinance violations.

Gov’t Code § 36900 et seq.

Police power.

Cal. Const. Art. XI, § 7

Procedure for enactment or revision of city charters.

Gov’t Code § 34450 et seq.

Administration and Personnel

Chief of police.

Gov’t Code § 41601 et seq.

City assessor.

Gov’t Code § 41201 et seq.

City attorney.

Gov’t Code § 41801 et seq.

City clerk.

Gov’t Code § 40801 et seq.

City manager.

Gov’t Code §§ 3485134859

City officers generally.

Gov’t Code § 36501

City records.

Gov’t Code §§ 3409034090.7

City treasurer.

Gov’t Code § 41001 et seq.

Election of legislative body by districts.

Gov’t Code § 34870 et seq.

Elective mayor.

Gov’t Code §§ 3490034906

Fire department.

Gov’t Code § 38611

Legislative body.

Gov’t Code § 36801 et seq.

Local emergencies.

Gov’t Code §§ 86308634

Local planning agencies.

Gov’t Code § 65100 et seq.


Gov’t Code §§ 3680136803 and 40601 et seq.

Meetings (“Ralph M. Brown Act”).

Gov’t Code § 54950 et seq.

Peace officer standards and training.

Penal Code § 13500 et seq.

Personnel system.

Gov’t Code § 45000 et seq.

Retirement systems.

Gov’t Code § 45300 et seq., and 53060.1

The California Emergency Services Act.

Gov’t Code § 8550 et seq.

Revenue and Finance

Bradley-Burns Bill of Rights.

Rev. & Tax. Code §§ 72217226

Bradley-Burns Uniform Local Sales and Use Tax Law.

Rev. & Tax. Code § 7200 et seq., and Gov’t Code § 37101

Chartered city special assessment procedure.

Gov’t Code § 43240

Claims against public entities.

Gov’t Code § 900 et seq.

Contracting by local agencies (“Local Agency Public Construction Act”).

Pub. Cont. Code § 20100 et seq.

Development fees.

Gov’t Code § 66000 et seq.

Financial powers.

Gov’t Code § 37200 et seq.

Fiscal year in chartered cities.

Gov’t Code §§ 43120 and 43122

Graffiti prevention tax.

Rev. & Tax. Code §§ 72877287.10

Local agency service fees and charges.

Gov’t Code § 66012 et seq.

Property tax assessment, levy and collection.

Gov’t Code § 43000 et seq.

Public works and public purchases.

Gov’t Code § 4000 et seq.

Special gas tax street improvement fund.

Sts. & High. Code § 2113

The Documentary Transfer Tax Act.

Rev. & Tax. Code § 11901 et seq.

Transfer of tax function to county.

Gov’t Code § 51500 et seq.

Transient occupancy tax.

Rev. & Tax. Code §§ 72807283.51

Unclaimed property.

Civ. Code § 2080 et seq.

Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act.

Pub. Cont. Code § 22000 et seq.

Business Licenses, Taxes and Regulations

Alcoholic beverages—Local authority.

Bus. & Prof. Code §§ 2379023791

Authority to license businesses.

Gov’t Code § 37101 and Bus. & Prof. Code § 16000 et seq.

Automatic checkout systems.

Civ. Code § 7100 et seq.


Penal Code §§ 326.4 and 326.5

Charitable solicitations.

Bus. & Prof. Code § 17510 et seq.

Commercial filming.

Gov’t Code § 65850.1

Community antenna television systems.

Gov’t Code § 53066 et seq.

Gambling Control Act.

Bus. & Prof. Code § 19800 et seq.

Massage parlors.

Gov’t Code § 51030 et seq.

Pet Boarding facilities.

Health & Safety Code § 122380 et seq.

Private Investigator Act.

Bus. & Prof. Code § 7512 et seq.

Taxicabs and vehicles for hire.

Veh. Code §§ 16500 et seq., 21100(b) and 21112 and Gov’t Code § 53075 et seq.


Animals generally.

Food & Agric. Code § 16301 et seq.

Cruelty to animals.

Penal Code § 596 et seq.

Dangerous and vicious dogs.

Food & Agric. Code § 31601 et seq.

Dogs and dog licenses.

Gov’t Code § 38792 and Food & Agric. Code § 30501 et seq.

Rabies control.

Health & Safety Code § 121575 et seq.

Health and Safety

Delinquent garbage fees.

Gov’t Code §§ 38790.1 and 25831

Fire prevention.

Health & Safety Code § 13000 et seq.

Fireworks (permits).

Health & Safety Code § 12640 et seq.

Fireworks (State Fireworks Law).

Health & Safety Code §§ 12500 et seq.

Garbage and refuse collection and disposal.

Pub. Res. Code § 49000 et seq., and Gov’t Code § 38790

Graffiti abatement.

Gov’t Code §§ 38772 and 53069.3


Gov’t Code § 37600 et seq.


Penal Code § 374 et seq.

Local control of cannabis.

Bus. & Prof. Code § 26200 et seq.

Medical cannabis ordinances.

Health & Safety Code § 11362.83

Military equipment.

Gov’t Code § 7070 et seq.

Noise control.

Health & Safety Code § 46000 et seq. and Gov’t Code § 65302(f)

Nuisance abatement.

Gov’t Code § 38771 et seq., and Penal Code §§ 370, 372 and 373a

Single-user restrooms.

Health & Safety Code § 118600

Weed and rubbish abatement.

Gov’t Code § 39501 et seq.

Public Peace, Morals and Welfare

Crimes against property.

Penal Code § 450 et seq.

Crimes against public health and safety.

Penal Code § 369a et seq.

Crimes against public justice.

Penal Code § 92 et seq.

Crimes against the person.

Penal Code § 187 et seq.

Crimes against the public peace.

Penal Code § 403 et seq.

Crimes involving sexual assault and against public decency.

Penal Code § 261 et seq.

Criminal storage of firearms.

Penal Code 25100 et seq.


Penal Code §§ 853.6a, 858(b); Welf. & Inst. Code §§ 100 et seq., 742.10 et seq. (graffiti)


Penal Code §§ 12001 et seq., 16000 et seq., 17500 et seq., and 19910 et seq.

Vehicles and Traffic

Autonomous vehicles.

Veh. Code §§ 3875038755

Bicycles, electric bicycles, pedicabs (definitions).

Veh. Code § 231 et seq., 21100(h), 21206 and 39000 et seq.


Veh. Code §§ 21100 et seq., 21200 et seq., and 39000 et seq.

Curb markings.

Veh. Code § 21458

Establishments of crosswalks.

Veh. Code § 21106

Local traffic rules and regulations.

Veh. Code § 21100 et seq.

One-way street designations.

Veh. Code § 21657

Pedestrian rights and duties.

Veh. Code § 21949 et seq.


Veh. Code § 40000.1 et seq.

Speed limits.

Veh. Code § 22348 et seq.

Stopping, standing, and parking.

Veh. Code § 22500 et seq.

Through highways.

Veh. Code §§ 21101(b), 21353 and 21354

Traffic control devices.

Veh. Code § 21350 et seq.

Traffic signs, signals and markings.

Veh. Code § 21350 et seq.

Turning movements.

Veh. Code § 22100 et seq.

Vehicle weight limits.

Veh. Code § 35700 et seq.


Veh. Code § 40000.1 et seq.

Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places

Advertising displays; signs.

Gov’t Code §§ 38774 and 65850(b); Bus. & Prof. Code § 5200 et seq.

Constructions of sidewalks and curbs.

Sts. & High. Code § 5870 et seq.

Improvement Act of 1911.

Sts. & High. Code § 5000 et seq.

Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972.

Sts. & High. Code § 22500 et seq.

Municipal parks.

Pub. Res. Code § 5181 et seq.

Obstructions and encroachments of public ways.

Gov’t Code § 38775

Tree Planting Act of 1931.

Sts. & High. Code § 22000 et seq.

Underground utility districts.

Sts. & High. Code § 5896.1 et seq. and Gov’t Code § 38793

Public Services

Connection fees.

Gov’t Code § 66013

Inventory of known lead user service line.

Health & Safety Code § 116885

Municipal sewers.

Gov’t Code § 38900 et seq., and Health & Safety Code § 5470 et seq.

Municipal water systems.

Gov’t Code § 38730 et seq.

Water wells.

Water Code § 13700 et seq.

Buildings and Construction

Adoption of construction codes.

Health & Safety Code §§ 17922, 17958 and 17958.5

Authority to regulate buildings and construction.

Gov’t Code §§ 38601(b) and 38660

Inspection warrants.

Civ. Proc. Code § 1822.50 et seq.

Manufactured housing and mobilehomes.

Health & Safety Code §§ 18000 et seq., 18200 et seq.


Gov’t Code §§ 38774 and 65850(b); and Bus. & Prof. Code § 5200 et seq.

State Housing Law.

Health & Safety Code § 17910 et seq.


Subdivision Map Act.

Gov’t Code § 66410 et seq.


Family day care homes.

Health & Safety Code § 1597.30 et seq.

Local authority to regulate land use.

Gov’t Code § 65850

Local planning generally (“Planning and Zoning Law”).

Gov’t Code § 65000 et seq.

Local zoning administration.

Gov’t Code § 65900 et seq.

Open-space zoning.

Gov’t Code § 65910 et seq.

Zoning fees and charges.

Gov’t Code § 66014


Drought tolerant landscaping.

Gov’t Code § 53087.7

Online resource center – Municipal stormwater permit compliance.

Water Code § 13383.9

Short-lived climate pollutants.

Health & Safety Code § 39730.5 et seq., and Pub. Res. Code § 42652 et seq.

The California Environmental Quality Act.

Pub. Res. Code § 21000 et seq.

The California Noise Control Act of 1973.

Health & Safety Code § 46000 et seq., and Gov’t Code § 65302(f)

Wildfire mitigation (electric utilities and electrical cooperatives).

Pub. Util. Code § 8387