Chapter 15.60


15.60.010    Purpose.

15.60.020    Definitions.

15.60.030    Electric vehicle charging station requirements.

15.60.040    Expedited permitting process.

15.60.050    Permit application process.

15.60.060    Permit review.

15.60.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to promote and encourage the use of electric vehicles by creating an expedited, streamlined permitting process for electric vehicle charging stations while promoting public health and safety in a manner consistent with California Government Code Section 65850.7. (Ord. 24-11 § 2)

15.60.020 Definitions.

A.    “A feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific, adverse impact” includes, but is not limited to, any cost-effective method, condition, or mitigation imposed by the city on another similarly situated application in a prior successful application for a permit.

B.    “Director” means the planning and community development director or his or her designee.

C.    “Electric vehicle charging station” or “charging station” means any level of electric vehicle supply equipment station that is designed and built in compliance with Article 625 of the California Electrical Code, and any subsequent amendments thereto, and delivers electricity from a source outside an electric vehicle into a plug-in electric vehicle.

D.    “Specific, adverse impact” means a significant, quantifiable, direct, and unavoidable impact, based on objective, identified, and written public health or safety standards, policies, or conditions as they existed on the date the application was deemed complete.

E.    “Electronic submittal” means the utilization of the city’s online permit portal.

F.    “Online permit portal” means San Jacinto Connect Online, or subsequent electronic plan and permit portals as designated by the city.

G.    “Submission of the application” shall refer to the date on which the permit application and accompanying documentation are officially transmitted via the city’s online permit portal, along with the payment of any applicable permit fees, whichever is later.

H.    “Business days” shall be Monday through Thursday, excluding city holidays. Submittals received after five p.m. shall be considered submitted on the following business day. (Ord. 24-11 § 2)

15.60.030 Electric vehicle charging station requirements.

A.    The electric vehicle charging station shall meet the applicable safety and performance standards established by the California Electrical Code, the Society of Automotive Engineers, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, and accredited testing laboratories such as Underwriters Laboratories, and rules of the Public Utilities Commission and the local electric utility company regarding safety and reliability.

B.    Installation of electric vehicle charging stations and associated wiring, bonding, disconnecting means and overcurrent protective devices shall meet the requirements of Article 625 and all applicable provisions of the California Electrical Code.

C.    Installation of electric vehicle charging stations shall be incorporated into the load calculations of all new or existing electrical services and shall meet the requirements of the California Electrical Code. Electric vehicle charging equipment shall be considered a continuous load.

D.    Anchorage of either floor-mounted or wall-mounted electric vehicle charging stations shall meet the requirements of the California Building or Residential Code as applicable per occupancy, and the provisions of the manufacturer’s installation instructions. Mounting of charging stations shall not adversely affect building elements. (Ord. 24-11 § 2)

15.60.040 Expedited permitting process.

The director shall implement an expedited, streamlined permitting process for electric vehicle charging stations and adopt a checklist of all requirements with which electric vehicle charging stations shall comply in order to be eligible for expedited review. The expedited, streamlined permitting process and checklist may refer to the recommendations contained in the most current version of the “Plug-In Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Permitting Checklist” of the “Zero-Emission Vehicles in California: Community Readiness Guidebook” as published by the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research. The city’s adopted checklist shall be published on the city’s website. (Ord. 24-11 § 2)

15.60.050 Permit application process.

A.    Prior to submitting an application for processing, the applicant shall verify that the installation of an electric vehicle charging station will not have specific, adverse impact to public health and safety and building occupants. Verification by the applicant includes, but is not limited to: electrical system capacity and loads; electrical system wiring, bonding and overcurrent protection; building infrastructure affected by charging station equipment and associated conduits; and areas of charging station equipment and vehicle parking.

B.    A permit application that satisfies the information requirements in the city’s adopted checklist shall be deemed complete and be promptly processed. A completed application does not authorize an applicant to energize or utilize the electric vehicle charging station until approval and all necessary permits are granted by the city.

C.    If the director determines that the permit application is incomplete, he or she shall issue a written correction notice to the applicant, detailing all deficiencies in the application and any additional information required to be eligible for expedited permit issuance.

D.    Permit applications covered by this chapter and associated supporting documentation shall be electronically submitted utilizing the San Jacinto Connect Online portal, or applicable alternative as approved by the director. In accepting such permit applications, all forms, applications, and other documentation shall be electronically signed by the applicant. (Ord. 24-11 § 2)

15.60.060 Permit review.

A.    The director shall review all electric vehicle charging station applications. Notwithstanding the expedited permit processing set forth in this chapter, the director retains authority at all times to identify and address higher priority life-safety situations.

B.    If the director makes a finding based on substantial evidence that the electric vehicle charging station could have a specific, adverse impact upon the public health or safety, the city may require the applicant to apply for a minor use permit pursuant to Chapter 17.605. The director’s decision may be appealed by the applicant to the planning commission pursuant to Chapter 17.715.

C.    An application for a minor use permit to install an electric vehicle charging station shall not be denied unless the director makes written findings based upon substantial evidence in the record that the proposed installation would have a specific, adverse impact upon the public health or safety, and there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific, adverse impact. The findings shall include the basis for the rejection of potential feasible alternatives. If denied, the director’s decision may be appealed by the applicant to the planning commission. If denied by the planning commission, the applicant may appeal to the city council. Appeals shall be filed consistent with Chapter 17.715.

D.    In the technical review of a charging station application, the director shall not condition the approval of any electric vehicle charging station permit on the approval of such a system by an association, as that term is defined by Civil Code Section 4080.

E.    Upon confirmation by the director that the permit application and supporting documents meet the requirements of the city-adopted checklist, and is consistent with all applicable laws and health and safety standards, the director shall, consistent with Government Code Section 65850.7, as may be amended, approve the application and issue all necessary permits.

F.    An application to install an electric vehicle charging station submitted to the director shall be deemed complete if, after the applicable time period has elapsed, both of the following are true:

1.    The director has not deemed the application complete, consistent with the checklist created by the city pursuant to Government Code Section 65850.7(g).

2.    The director has not issued a written correction notice detailing all deficiencies in the application and identifying any additional information explicitly necessary for the director to complete a review limited to whether the electric vehicle charging station meets all health and safety requirements of local, state, and federal law, consistent with Government Code Sections 65850.7(b) and (g).

G.    For purposes of subsection F of this section, “applicable time period” means either of the following:

1.    Five business days after submission of the application to the city if the application is for at least one, but not more than twenty-five (25) electric vehicle charging stations at a single site.

2.    Ten (10) business days after submission of the application to the city if the application is for more than twenty-five (25) electric vehicle charging stations at a single site.

H.    An application to install an electric vehicle charging station shall be deemed approved if the applicable time period described in subsection G of this section has elapsed and all of the following are true:

1.    The director has not administratively approved the application pursuant to Government Code Section 65850.7(b).

2.    The director has not made a finding, based on substantial evidence, that the electric vehicle charging station could have a specific, adverse impact upon the public health or safety or required the applicant to apply for a use permit pursuant to Government Code Section 65850.7(b).

3.    The director has not denied the minor use permit pursuant to Government Code Section 65850.7(c).

4.    An appeal has not been made pursuant to Chapter 17.715.

I.    For purposes of subsection H of this section, “applicable time period” means either of the following:

1.    Twenty (20) business days after the application was deemed complete, if the application is for at least one, but not more than twenty-five (25) electric vehicle charging stations at a single site.

2.    Forty (40) business days after the application was deemed complete, if the application is for more than twenty-five (25) electric vehicle charging stations at a single site.

J.    If an electric vehicle charging station and any associated equipment interfere with, reduce, eliminate, or in any way impact the required parking spaces for existing uses, the city shall reduce the number of required parking spaces for existing uses by the amount necessary to accommodate the electric vehicle charging station and any associated equipment. (Ord. 24-11 § 2)