Chapter 2.58
2.58.010 Applications and interviews.
2.58.020 City Council appointments.
2.58.070 Annual election of chairpersons – Limitations on terms.
2.58.080 Influencing City decisions.
2.58.090 Limitation on terms of office.
2.58.110 Additional policies regarding City boards, commissions and committees.
2.58.010 Applications and interviews.
The City Council may, by resolution or minute order, establish and modify procedures for the submittal of applications to serve on City boards, commissions and committees and the interviewing of applicants. Consistent with State law, all interviews shall be conducted at a duly noticed public meeting. A copy of this chapter shall be made available to all applicants. Except as the City Council may otherwise establish, interviews are not required for incumbents who are reapplying for an additional term to the same board, commission or committee. Incumbents may request to be interviewed; however, the Council reserves its discretion to grant or deny such request for an interview. [Ord. 1155 § 1, 2001; Ord. 1133 § 1, 1998.]
2.58.020 City Council appointments.
After the conclusion of interviews, the mayor shall have the opportunity to announce the name of his or her preference for appointment. If more than one vacancy exists on a particular board, commission or committee, the Mayor may announce one name for each vacancy. Every person whose name has been announced by either the Mayor or by a City Council member shall be deemed nominated and eligible for appointment. Upon the conclusion of the nomination process, the City Clerk or recording secretary shall take a roll call vote of the members of the City Council as to the appointment. Each Council member may vote for one nominee for each vacancy. To be appointed, a nominee must receive at least three votes. If no nominee receives three votes for a particular vacancy, the City Clerk shall repeat the roll call vote until the vacancy is filled. Of the nominees who receive at least three votes, the ones who receive the greatest number of votes shall be appointed. Appointees shall file all legally required financial disclosure forms with and take the oath of office from the City Clerk prior to assuming office. The City Council shall not appoint any person to serve simultaneously on more than one City board, commission or committee except for the Planning Commission member who sits on the undergrounding committee. [Ord. 1151 § 1, 2000; Ord. 1133 § 1, 1998.]
2.58.030 Boards, commissions and committees subject to uniform provisions – Task forces and working groups not subject to uniform provisions.
City Council appointments to the Recreation Commission, Art Commission, Disaster Committee, Waste Management Advisory Committee, Housing Dangerous Buildings Appeal Board, and to any other City boards, commissions and committees shall be governed by the provisions set forth in this chapter. City Council appointments to any task forces or working groups shall not be subject to the provisions of this chapter except as the City Council may otherwise specify in their creation of such task forces or working groups. [Ord. 1155 § 2, 2001; Ord. 1133 § 1, 1998.]
2.58.040 Residency.
A. Except for up to five members of the Economic Development Advisory Committee, residency in the City of Sausalito at the time of appointment and at all times during one’s tenure on any City board, commission or committee is required for continued membership on such board, commission or committee. In addition, the City Council may, by resolution, create up to one position for residents of the 94965 area who are not residents of Sausalito to serve as nonvoting liaisons or in a nonvoting advisory capacity, on any City board, commission, or committee, except for the Planning Commission and the Historic Preservation Commission.
B. In the event a board, commission or committee member moves his or her residency out of Sausalito and residency is required for membership on such body, such member may, by action of the City Council at a regular or special meeting of the Council, be authorized to remain a member of such board, commission or committee for up to six months while a replacement member is being selected. [Ord. 04-2024 § 1, 2024; Ord. 1133 § 1, 1998.]
2.58.050 Regular meetings.
Each board, commission or committee shall meet regularly not less frequently than once per quarter. [Ord. 1133 § 1, 1998.]
2.58.060 Attendance.
In the event a member of any board, commission or committee fails to attend either three consecutive meetings or any four regularly scheduled meetings in a year, such member shall be deemed to have resigned from that board, commission or committee, unless such absences have been excused by action of the City Council upon written application from that member. [Ord. 1133 § 1, 1998.]
2.58.070 Annual election of chairpersons – Limitations on terms.
A. Each City board, commission or committee shall annually elect one of its members as chairperson for a one-year term.
B. No person may be elected as chairperson for more than two consecutive years.
C. No person may be re-elected as chairperson after having served two consecutive terms without the passage of at least one year since the time of his or her last service as chairperson. [Ord. 1133 § 1, 1998.]
2.58.080 Influencing City decisions.
A. No member of a City board, commission or committee, on behalf of a business, client or customer, shall attempt to influence a decision before such board, commission or committee by any means including, but not limited to, contacts with or appearances before such body or before the City staff assigned to such board, commission or committee.
B. No member of the Planning Commission or Historic Preservation Commission, on behalf of a business, client or customer, shall attempt to influence a decision before any City board, commission or committee by any means including, but not limited to, contacts with or appearances before such body or before the City staff assigned to such body.
C. Members of City boards, commissions or committees are encouraged to be represented before any City board, commission or committee, or the City staff assigned thereto, for any application or proposal in which the member is the property owner. [Ord. 1133 § 1, 1998.]
2.58.090 Limitation on terms of office.
A. No person appointed to membership on a City board, commission or committee shall serve more than six consecutive years on such board, commission or committee.
B. No person shall be re-appointed to a board, commission or committee without the passage of at least two years’ time since his or her last service on the same board, commission or committee.
C. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections A and B of this section, a person may be re-appointed to membership on a board, commission or committee for service in excess of six consecutive years or after passage of less than two years since his or her last service thereon if there are no other applicants for the position. [Ord. 1133 § 1, 1998.]
2.58.100 Removal from office.
All appointees to City boards, commissions or committees shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council and may be removed at any time with or without cause by the affirmative vote of three members of the City Council. Failure to comply with any of the provisions set forth in this chapter may be considered by the City Council when deciding whether to remove an appointee from office. [Ord. 1133 § 1, 1998.]
2.58.110 Additional policies regarding City boards, commissions and committees.
The City Council may, by resolution or minute order, establish additional policies, procedures and standards governing City boards, commissions and committees as deemed appropriate by the City Council. [Ord. 1133 § 1, 1998.]